These 20 small green plants look like you can't afford, but they are at a price you can afford

These 20 small green plants look like you can't afford, but they are at a price you can afford
09:02, March 20, 2022 Sina Fashion

Original title: These 20 niche green plants look like you can't afford, but they are at a price you can afford


Using green plants to decorate your home is a decoration move that will never go out of style. Turtle backed bamboos, piano leaf banyan trees, hanging bells and Ma Zuimu are all In recent years Just as the red soft decoration plant is put in a corner of the house, it will immediately add vitality and enhance the appearance.

 ▲ Image source/ INS@sumai_panasonic ▲ Image source/ INS@sumai_panasonic

   But, Zhai's colleagues are all new and old haters Scum man family Ladies and gentlemen, I was asked to recommend some rare plants in spring recently. No, I invited a handsome guy Xiaozhong Plant Store Manager @ Li Xiangjia We shared 20 kinds of green plants suitable for indoor cultivation.

   At home ZAIJIA Green Planter

   Li Xiangjia

Four years after graduation, I majored in flower gardening, Shandong boy settled in Chengdu Love green plants, love all living beings, love life aesthetics. In 2021, he quit his high paying job and joined the niche plant industry, becoming the co-founder of the Ideal Family Flower and Plant Club. Now, Chengdu has opened 4 niche plant stores. I believe that only love can resist the long years, and I look forward to meeting you where the flowers bloom~

   The change of online red plants is fast, and the minority plants are cute and interesting

From childhood to adulthood, I have been dealing with all kinds of plants, and have known many beautiful and interesting plants. Unfortunately, many of these plants are unknown, and I hope that more people will know them. This is also my original intention to open a small plant shop. Today, let's introduce 20 kinds of small plants that are easy to maintain indoors~



   Crown fern in Southeast Asia

   Light: shade resistant, not insolation resistant, diffuse light curing recommended

   Moisture: semi dry watering to keep the soil moist

   Temperature: prefer warmth, and keep 5 above

   Good maintenance index: easy to maintain ★★★

A single leaf can also be a domineering crown fern in Southeast Asia, Single leaf height can reach 2.5 meters The leaves are thick, tough, waxy and shiny. It is a very high-level niche plant.

The plant of crown fern is tall and straight. It was originally a large epiphyte, and can also be potted indoors, The decoration effect is very tropical and spectacular.

   Reference price: The size of the picture is about 100 yuan.



   Ricinus communis

   Illumination: prefer sunny or scattered light environment, not resistant to full shade

   Moisture: daily maintenance, dry and thoroughly poured, no ponding

   Temperature: resistant to 0 ℃ low temperature, healthy growth above 15 ℃

   Good maintenance index: easy to maintain ★★★

The dark purple leaves show Bronze light The maple leaf outline is full of lines. The red leaf castor oil plant is not fire, and nature is embarrassed. It is strongly recommended that you maintain beautiful foliage varieties.

Reference price: more than 100 yuan.



   White keel

   Illumination: I like the sunshine

   Water content: dry and thoroughly watered, stop watering below 5 ℃, drought and waterlogging resistant

   Temperature: prefer warmth, and keep 5 above

   Good maintenance index: easy to maintain ★★★★★

Representative of Qingleng sandy plants, with White skin with super beautiful marble texture When the light is sufficient, the newly grown branches can also present a tender pink color.

The decoration effect is excellent whether it is matched with cement basin, pottery basin or porcelain basin.

Reference price: the size of the picture is 80-200 yuan (mostly based on the shape and appearance).



   Persian red grass

   Light: relatively resistant to shade, not to exposure

   Water content: dry soil watering, with certain drought resistance

   Temperature: prefer warmth, and keep 5 above

   Good maintenance index: easy to maintain ★★★★★

Persian red grass has opposite leaves and shines all over violet Its metallic luster, bright and advanced colors are very attractive.

Reference price: 25 yuan to 35 yuan for picture size.



   Trout Begonia

   illumination; Scattered light curing, resistant to shade and insolation

   Moisture: water when the soil surface is dry during daily maintenance

   Temperature: warm, try to keep 5 above

   Good maintenance index: easy maintenance ★★★

   Representative of wave point begonia, Ins wind plant representative , just like the leaves of rainbow trout hanging all over the branches, it has a sense of atmosphere. Large bunch of white flowers bloom in autumn, which can be well displayed indoors Brighten environment color The effect of.

Reference price: 20 yuan to 50 yuan for small pots. The picture shows that the number of mother plants is scarce and there is no reference price.




   Light: like light, but not resistant to full shade

   Moisture: drought resistant but not waterlogging resistant. Daily maintenance is better to dry than wet

   Temperature: 15-25 Fast growth, 0 The above can survive the winter safely

   Good maintenance index: easy to maintain ★★★

At a glance, it looks like a cut Sauteed Pig's INtestines The lovely curly leaf bulrush was originally a variation of a certain variety of bulrush, which was obtained through artificial breeding.

In midsummer, there are beautiful clusters of flowers like "little stars" You can view both leaves and flowers Interesting niche plants.

Reference price: The picture size is 50-70 yuan, and the small pot is about 20 yuan.




   Lighting: bright scattered light curing, not resistant to exposure

   Water content: dry and thoroughly watered, it is not recommended to spray water on the blade

   Temperature: 15-25 Fast growth, must ensure 5 above

   Good maintenance index: average ★★ (Suitable for those with certain maintenance experience)

Aircraft grass has obvious veins and peculiar texture. Its stems are slender and tall, with delicate leaves Like a butterfly , also like childhood Paper Plane It is a very interesting foliage plant for small audience.

Reference price: 50-70 yuan for picture size.



   Wine bottle orchid

   Light: likes light, but has a certain ability to withstand shade

   Moisture: drought resistant but not waterlogging resistant. Daily maintenance is better to dry than wet

   Temperature: 0 The above can survive the winter safely, and the suitable temperature for growth is 16-18 ℃

   Good maintenance index: easy to maintain ★★

Strange and lovely wine bottle orchid, The stem is upright like a wine bottle The leathery leaves are slender and linear, delicate and interesting.

As a plant for observing stems and appreciating leaves, the wine bottle orchid can give people a novel feeling and full personality no matter in any environment.

Reference price: the picture size is 50-80 yuan, and the small pot is about 20 yuan.



   Campanula paniculata

   Light: like light, but can withstand half shade

   Water content: drought resistant and waterlogging resistant, daily maintenance can be dry and thoroughly watered

   Temperature: 8 The above can survive the winter safely, and the suitable temperature for growth is 16-30 ℃

   Good maintenance index: easy to maintain ★★

The shape of flowers and leaves is similar to that of Campanula Wind chime As beautiful and lovely, the bright red petals are spirally curled, hanging down like a bell. it Flowering all year round , but there are fewer flowers in winter.

Maple shaped leaves are light yellow/green, stable throughout the year.

Reference price: The size of the picture is about 30 yuan.



   Trojan tyre

   Lighting: prefer shady environment to direct sunlight

   Moisture: Daily curing is dry and thoroughly watered, and ponding is forbidden.

   Temperature: 5 The above can survive the winter, and the suitable temperature for growth is 15-25 ℃.

   Good maintenance index: easy to maintain ★★★

Zodiac fetus has many nicknames, such as mountain mouse, mountain pig medicine, etc., which are all its strange names. Its leaves are bright and beautiful Vintage Diablo The interior decoration effect is unique.

Reference price: the size of the picture is about 50 yuan.



   Liuchaohua Rock Music

   Light: like light, not resistant to exposure in summer

   Water content: avoid ponding, have certain drought resistance, completely dry and then water

   Temperature: 5 The above growth is good, and can bear - 10 in cold winter season Low temperature, summer should be put in a cool place

   Good maintenance index: easy to maintain ★★★☆

Liuchaohua, also known as Chilean lily, has beautiful flowers and lovely leaves, Not afraid of the cold winter It is a very advanced minority plant.

Reference price: The size of the picture is about 200 yuan.



   Vegetable thistle

   illumination; Prefer sunny or scattered light environment, not resistant to full shade.

   Moisture: Daily curing is dry and thoroughly watered, and ponding is forbidden.

   Temperature: low temperature below zero, 5-28 Healthy growth.

   Good maintenance index: easy to maintain ★★★☆

Silver grey small group of plants represent that from May to July, they can bloom as beautiful as imperial flowers Blue purple flowers It is of high viewing value.

Reference price: The size of the picture is about 100 yuan.



   Phyllanthus urinaria

   Light: cured by scattered light, avoid exposure in summer

   Water content: like to be wet, and can be watered after the surface soil of the basin is dried

   Temperature: not less than 10 ℃ in winter, otherwise leaves will fall

   Good maintenance index: ★★( Suitable for those with certain maintenance experience)

Phyllostachys scabra Flat round small fruit shaped like beads , arranged under the leaves.

The overall plant shape is just like a light Large umbrella It is also like super large induction grass, full of immortality.

Reference price: within 100 yuan.



   Heartleaf New Zealand shrub

   Lighting: bright scattered light curing, half shade resistant

   Moisture: dry and thoroughly poured

   Temperature: - 10 in winter , but 8-25 ℃ curing is better

   Good maintenance index: ★★ (Suitable for those with certain maintenance experience)

The popular online "fairy tale tree" in recent years is very familiar to everyone. Today, we introduce its other brother, the "heartleaf New Zealand shrub".

The same flexible and elegant branch lines, the same small and sparse micro leaves, Drought and shade resistant Almost no one knows that it is obviously a "relic".

Reference price: 200-300 yuan.



   Flower leaf octagonal gold plate

   Lighting: curing with scattered light and avoiding direct sunlight

   Moisture: water frequently in high temperature season, and spray water on the leaf surface and around to improve air humidity; Control watering after October, dry and thoroughly watered

   Temperature: no less than 5 in winter

   Good maintenance index: easy to maintain ★★★★★

The octagonal gold plate may be common, but this brocade leaf octagonal gold plate can definitely be called another rare plant with high appearance.

Because of its beautiful The palm leaf seems to have 8 corners, so it is named Both green leaf and flower leaf varieties have strong shade tolerance and are suitable for indoor planting with poor light.

Reference price: 150-250 yuan.



   Blue ice cypress

   Light: light loving, not resistant to full shade

   Moisture: resistant to drought and moisture

   Temperature: can still grow below zero

   Good maintenance index: easy to maintain ★★★★★

Blue ice cypress is columnar and vertical, with compact and neat branches, which are conical in shape as a whole. attractive Frost blue Elegant and refined, it can be used as a Christmas tree.

Reference price: about 50 yuan.



   Alocasia esculenta

   Lighting: It is recommended to maintain by scattering light and shade in summer

   Moisture: resistant to drought, not wet, dry and watery

   Temperature: 15 Normal growth above, otherwise it is easy to fall leaves

   Good maintenance index: easy maintenance ★★★☆

The back of the copper leaf taro leaf is purple, and the front is suffused with red Metallic luster , can shine in the light. Born under the forest, like fallen leaves and higher air humidity.

Reference price: 50 yuan - 80 yuan.



   Begonia tripterygii

   Illumination: like sunshine, but also can tolerate shade. During the growth period, it should be kept in a sunny environment, not in a shaded environment, otherwise the stem will grow thin and long

   Moisture: dry and thoroughly watered

   Temperature: 15 above

   Good maintenance index: easy maintenance ★★★ ★★

Begonia tripterygii Flowering all the year round Heat and drought tolerance , flowers are small and colorful, Red coral , very beautiful.

Reference price: within 50 yuan.



   Tortoiseshell dragon

   Lighting: suitable for half shade environment

   Moisture: dry and thoroughly watered

   Temperature: 10 Above 5 ℃ can grow, and below 5 ℃ can cause frostbite

   Good maintenance index: easy maintenance ★★★☆

The tortoise shell dragon tuber cracked like Tortoiseshell There are many polygonal wrinkles and alternate leaves on the tumor, Blade heart-shaped , very cute.

Reference price: 150-300 yuan.




   Lighting: suitable for half shade environment, not resistant to exposure

   Moisture: keep the chart wet and avoid water accumulation

   Temperature: 15-25 ℃, not cold resistant

   Good maintenance index: easy maintenance ★★★☆

Safflower is produced in southeast Tibet and western Yunnan, and often grows on trees in mountain forests at an altitude of 1000-1900 meters.

The curly mouth safflower leaves are peculiar, the corolla is tubular, bright and beautiful, suitable for Potted plant suspension

Reference price: 50-70 yuan for picture size.

How many of these 20 niche plants have you seen? When the cold weather in the north is over, Zhai Mei must go to the flower market to see if she can find these cute figures! Chengdu planting friends can go to the Ideal Home Flower Planting Club Go to play with the store manager~

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