What should I do if I have difficulty breathing? Breathing exercises 5 minutes before bed help you improve your metabolism

What should I do if I have difficulty breathing? Breathing exercises 5 minutes before bed help you improve your metabolism
11:44, May 23, 2024 Sina Fashion

Source: Health and Beauty

Author: HB

If you feel tired and have difficulty breathing, recommend breathing before bed for such people. Learn to breathe deeply, which can not only relax the mood, but also improve the basic metabolism, eliminate the cold hands and feet and edema, and build a thin constitution.

Ms. Keiko Tsui, the head of the Uttal Yoga&Healing school who teaches breathing in Shibuya, Tokyo, said that "many women come here because they do not master good breathing methods". These people are mainly prone to tension, leading to chest muscle soreness related to breathing.

It's like breathing hard in a tight shirt. Once the ribs used to exercise the lungs to form the thorax become rigid, it is difficult for the lungs and diaphragms to fully exercise, breathing will become shallow, sleep will become shallow, and fatigue will be difficult to eliminate. People with impeded chest movement also have poor posture, and are prone to change into a lower abdomen bulge The figure of.

What is recommended to these people is the "complete breathing" in yoga postures. Extensive chest and breathing activities can completely relax the chest muscles that are prone to soreness.

It is recommended that before going to bed, deep breathing can relax the whole body and improve blood circulation. Ms. Zhiming said, "Many students have improved their sleep quality after training and feel less tired. Simple preparations to stimulate stiff muscles can make training more effective." Chest relaxation can improve posture and shape of protruding abdomen.

   The reason for not sleeping well is "chest pain This is also the abdomen bulge One of the reasons

   Chest pain, shallow breathing

   The back curls up, making it difficult for the chest to expand: Lack of exercise and pressure lead to rigidity of chest muscles and difficulty in chest expansion, and unable to breathe deeply. Because oxygen can not be fully inhaled, the basic metabolism will decline, which will easily lead to obesity, and may also be the cause of the bulge of the abdomen.

Use the breathing method of 5 minutes before going to bed, and after relaxing the chest...

   Improved posture and deeper breathing

Thoracic movement is free and metabolism is smooth: Relaxation of chest and scapula muscles improves posture and enables deep breathing. The muscles in the diaphragm and other places are fully exercised, and the metabolism and blood circulation are improved. It also helps to relieve cold hands and feet and edema.

   The recommended method of scraping, rubbing and stretching before breathing training

Using computers and mobile phones for a long time, keeping a forward bending position will shrink the armpit, and stretching moderately can soften the chest.

   Stretch your armpit while exhaling, breathe 3 times

Sit cross legged gently. Put your left hand on the floor. Extend your right arm upward and lean to the left while exhaling. Breathe in while keeping the armpit stretched, and exhale after a moment. Breathe 3 times.

   Stretch your armpit further and breathe slowly 3 times

From the state of ①, do not bend forward and continue to stretch the armpit, to the position that can bear, slowly breathe 3 times and repeat the action, the opposite action is the same.

   If one leg can also be extended, it is more conducive to eliminating edema!

Ms. Shiming said that if you can stretch the leg sticking to the ground, "it can improve blood and lymph flow, and eliminate cold hands and feet and edema

First, relax the collarbone and underarm muscles, and the chest is easier to move.

   Scratch and knead under clavicle syncline

Place the left hand under the right clavicle (try to contact the skin directly). Scrape and knead diagonally for 20 times, and scrape and knead substantially within the movable range of the skin. The reverse action is the same.

   Horizontal scraping and kneading up and down

The rib muscles scrape and rub the armpit up and down below the chest for 20 times. After that, hold the armpit against the rib and scrape it obliquely for 20 times. The reverse action is the same.

Ms. Zhiming said, "Modern women are under great pressure. Sympathetic nerves continue to be in a dominant position. The upper body is prone to overexertion. At the beginning, they may not be able to breathe freely. By sensing the activities of the chest and abdomen, they can make changes in the body.

Before going to bed, by practicing the yoga posture of "full breathing", which can carry out chest breathing and abdominal breathing at the same time, and breathing slowly, the parasympathetic nerve can be in an advantageous position. Since the use of diaphragm can improve the basic metabolic rate, we should be able to feel the tightening effect of abdominal muscles.

Interactive abdominal and chest breathing can fully exercise chest muscles. It may not work well at first. Think about the balloon. Breathe in to expand your chest. It also has the effect of tightening the abdominal muscles.

   Put a hand on your chest and abdomen in turn

Stand on your knees and lie flat. Put one hand on the chest and the other on the abdomen for the purpose of perceiving the inspiratory part. Relax and inhale to prepare.

   Keep your abdomen, inhale into your chest with your nose

Keep the gas stored in the abdomen, inhale slowly with the nose for 4 seconds, and store it in the chest (chest breathing). Feel all the stored air below the neck.

   Inhale through the nose and keep it in the abdomen

Inhale slowly through the nose for 4 seconds, and keep it in the abdomen (abdominal breathing). Feel the hands placed on your abdomen lift up.

   Keep the air for 4 seconds and hold your breath

Hold the air from the abdomen to the chest for 4 seconds and hold your breath. If you feel tired, you can breathe out a little and breathe in a little.

   Slowly exhale chest air from the mouth

Breathe out the air stored in the chest slowly within 4 seconds. Imagine the feeling that the hand on the chest is close to the center of the back.

   Breathe out abdominal air slowly

Breathe out the air stored in the abdomen slowly within 4 seconds. After complete exhalation, return to ② and breathe 6 times.

In addition, "lion breathing" is recommended for relieving stress. This is a breathing method that can exhale the daily accumulated pressure and gas together. She said: "If you practice with the complete breathing method, the effect of relieving pressure will be better.

When the pressure reaches its peak, another breathing method is recommended. Save the gas you want to exhale when you exhale. It's amazing that your mood will become relaxed.

   Sit cross legged with your hands on your knees

Place your hands below your shoulders and knees on the ground in a prone position. Inhale and extend your left leg back to hip height.

   Exhale while bending forward

Exhale slowly and pour forward gently to relax. At the same time, the hands touch the ground. Don't put your palms on the ground completely, and put your fingers gently on the floor.

   Inhale and bend back

Exhale slowly with your nose, bending back and chin up. Fully inhale to make the chest and abdomen full of air, and stop after inhalation.

   Imitate the lion and exhale forcefully

Eyes up, back straight and chin down, Lingual direction Next, exhale the stored gas at once. It can make sound and feel the sense of relieving pressure.

   After exhaling, restore the breathing rhythm and posture to the original state

After exhaling, sit up straight. Breathe slowly and repeatedly to relax. Restore ① posture and repeat 3 times.

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