Want to flatten the abdomen and exercise the deep muscles related to posture

Want to flatten the abdomen and exercise the deep muscles related to posture
11:26, May 9, 2024 Sina Fashion

Source: Health and Beauty

Author: HB

Although we understand that everyone "wants to keep the lower abdomen flat", Ms. Kyoko Miyashita, a yoga instructor, said that "sudden high-intensity muscle training may not be efficient and may lead to injuries".

She said, "The lack of exercise or sedentary lifestyle will make the muscles that should be exercising unable to be used, leading to gradually stiff contractions. This state can not maintain correct posture after abdominal training, but also lead to the muscles can not freely contract, difficult to tighten. First, you need to send the signal of" going to exercise "to the muscles to relax. After that, the surface muscles on the abdomen surface should be firmly contracted to quickly tighten the abdomen

Due to incorrect posture and insufficient movement, the deep muscles are stiff. It is recommended to train these stiff muscles first. The effect of fully training and supporting the lower abdominal muscles can be achieved by practicing rapid stimulation such as posture, stretching and turning with less load. In particular, the pelvic and transverse abdominal muscles, as well as the multifidus muscles that maintain posture, are the main targets.

   Relaxing body muscles is the basis of adjusting the abdomen

Exercise the stiff and untrained medial muscles hidden deep in the lower abdomen, and adjust the muscle base. If you stretch and rotate at will, you may be injured, so do not force. Don't worry, don't breathe, and experience the effect of yoga pose in a comfortable situation.

   Crescent Relax your armpits and keep your back straight

   Poor posture is one of the reasons for the bulge of the abdomen. Stretch the side abdomen squeezed by fat. Stretch the part that shrinks to the shape of the snake's belly to stimulate the sarcolemma and internal oblique muscle.

Legs open waist width apart. Put your palms together in front of your chest.

Inhale and raise your arms above your head, and exhale to lean your upper body to the right to maintain the posture. Keep your chest forward and lean your body to the right side. The reverse action is the same.

   Cattle and Cattle Posture Adjust the muscles that can stabilize the pelvis

Move the pelvis forward and backward to correct the distortion of the pelvis. When lifting the abdomen, the key is to press the palms and knees firmly on the floor. Overcome gravity and tighten your abdomen.

Keep lying on the ground with both hands and knees. Place your hands directly below your shoulders and adjust your thighs to be perpendicular to the floor.

   As you exhale, extend your neck upward, feeling your ears and shoulders away from your shoulders, and lean back. After exhaling, inhale and return to the original position, and adjust to the position of landing on all fours.

As you exhale, feel that you need to straighten your belly to the ceiling and curl your back. The neck is relaxed and the head droops naturally.

   Single leg bending Relax the sides of the waist and shape the base of the waist line

Stretch the waist muscles and reduce the thickness of the side abdomen. Swivel action can stimulate internal organs and eliminate abdominal edema. When the upper body leans forward, pay attention to the hip on the opposite side not leaving the ground.

Sit straight with your legs open, your right knee and toes up. Bend your left knee and keep your heel close to your crotch. Put your right hand on your right leg.

Put your left hand behind your head. Exhale and lean over so that the upper body is close to the right leg. Hold your face toward the ceiling. The reverse action is the same.

Keep your hips off the ground.

   One legged cat pose Relax iliopsoas muscle and correct pelvic inclination

Squeeze the iliopsoas muscles by pressing against the knee. When doing this action, the effect will be reduced if the waist is backward or the abdomen is downward! Keeping the right posture can have an effect on the whole abdomen.

Place your hands below your shoulders and knees on the ground in a prone position. Inhale and extend your left leg back to hip height.

Exhale, curl up your back, bend your left knee, and approach your chest. Keep your face close to your knees. The reverse action is the same.

   Stretch groin position Relax the contracted iliopsoas muscles

The use of computers and other sedentary people will make the iliopsoas muscles stiff. Stretch your abdomen for quick and effective relaxation. It can return the internal organs to the correct position, and can also alleviate the protrusion of the lower abdomen.

Lie on your back with towel rolls under your hips, and separate your legs the same width as your pelvis. Extend your arms along your body and keep your hands on the ground.

   Torsion of dorsal bone Lift your knees and relax your underarms to your back

Stretch the sarcolemma covering the waist and side abdomen to reduce the thickness from the lower abdomen to the side abdomen. Fully bend the hip joint against the knee to strongly stimulate the iliopsoas muscles. Feeling the stretch from the hip proves that the action is correct.

Lie on your back, knees together and stand up.

Reach your arms to shoulder height from left to right, and land your palms on the ground.

   The body is too hard to do! You can try this pose first

People who don't exercise at ordinary times can't stretch when doing yoga training suddenly. The following three positions can move the back bone in all directions to fully move the trunk, and then train again.

   Basic sitting posture

   1. Stretch side pose

The palm of the left hand is inward, reaching above the head, and the right hand is placed on the side of the body on the floor. Keep your chest forward and exhale and lean your upper body to the right. The reverse action is the same.

   2. Swivel position

Turn your upper body to the right as far as possible while exhaling. At this time, be careful not to collapse back. Turn the upper body back to the front, with the same movement on the left side.

   3. Forward bending posture

Exhale and lean forward. At this time, be careful not to bend the waist, and lean forward from the pelvis to the upper body. Keep your arms straight up above your head and your palms on the ground.

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