New Idea of Sun Protection and Skin Care How to Select Sun Protection Products Scientifically

New Idea of Sun Protection and Skin Care How to Select Sun Protection Products Scientifically
11:26, May 9, 2024 Sina Fashion

Source: Fashion COSMO

Author: Fashion COSMO Beauty Group

   Real anti-aging,

   It is your awareness of scientific maintenance more than others.

   Summer outing, sunny Mei is a good time to enjoy nature. However, the strong sunlight will also bring us some problems. Go online Langshi found that this year, people pay more attention to the multiple effects and texture of sunscreen products, and the track of sunscreen products is really more and more rolling.

   In recent years, more and more people have begun to pursue sunscreen and add more additional functions, such as adding attribute gemstones to game equipment, which can greatly improve other functions of equipment. For example, if anti-aging ingredients, whitening ingredients and moisturizing ingredients are added, the reason of scientists is that summer The sweating caused by daily outdoor sports and the changes in the environment and climate make sunscreen not necessarily impervious, so combining various skin beautifying ingredients is equivalent to giving your skin a layer of double insurance, which has a certain effect.

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   If we divide the process of ultraviolet radiation on the skin into three stages, before the skin is illuminated, after the skin is illuminated, and after the skin is illuminated. It can be found that all the brands on the market are doing the innovation direction of new technology in these three stages. For example, before lighting, Japanese enterprises are currently doing research on transforming the UV light before lighting into skin beneficial beauty light, such as the combination of "Sun DUAL CARE", a "dual effect care technology of light and energy" in Anresa many Re nourish skin ingredients, and transform harmful ultraviolet rays into "skin beautifying light"; CPB's exclusive red light skin care formula uses "smart light filtering technology" to filter out the beneficial red light in the sun to promote collagen regeneration, while effectively isolating the blue light that oxidizes the skin.

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In the middle stage of light skin, brands focus on the innovation of sunscreen products in sunscreen film formation, waterproof and sweatproof, and full spectrum coverage, which can have better skin feel and sunscreen power. For example, 3D sunscreen clothing technology can intelligently identify skin undulating lines, and sunscreen film formation has no dead spots.

In the post light stage, the combination of anti oxygen whitening, moisturizing and repairing ingredients can make sunscreen not only a prevention, but also an aggressive work of whitening. Sunscreen is also a maintenance. More and more brands have joined this kind of technology.

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   TIPS: repair light damage at night

The post sun repair should be carried out within 24 hours as far as possible, and the repair products with moisturizing and moisturizing effects should be selected, because excessive exposure will damage the skin's epidermal layer, resulting in water shortage of the skin. For example, the newly launched after sun repair essence milk of Anresa includes the repair stage at night after outdoor exposure into the maintenance after sun protection. Only by repairing light damage at night can we create more "sun resistant" skin.

For sunscreen products, general businesses will claim that their products are suitable for all skin types. However, people with oily skin and mixed skin may feel the most. Some sunscreen products are smeared on the face as if they were smeared with oil. From the perspective of formula, oil-free formula is the first choice for oily skin. In addition, the water type with strong permeability is also one of the factors to be investigated. Because the moisture content of dry skin's cuticle is low, it needs to be watered in an all-round way, so when choosing sunscreen, choose sunscreen products with added moisturizing value, which can help lock up moisture while replenishing water. It is better to choose more moist and easy to push evenly.

In addition, most of the current classification of sunscreen products has broken away from the physical and chemical boundaries. As a result, sensitive skin is more likely to suffer from sensitivity when using sunscreen products. In fact, the most foolish way to choose is to directly see whether it can be used by children and pregnant women.

   Experts say——

   Dimple Ethan dermatologist

Many netizens are concerned about whether they can avoid the scorching sun by choosing high-tech sunscreen products. For example, this year's most popular "skin care with light" products can convert light waves in terms of materials, and the research results have also been internationally recognized. However, this does not mean that such sunscreen products are invincible. You should also do a good job in physical sunscreen, and pay attention to the timely application of sunscreen products.

   Yuki Fashion COSMO Media beauty director

Everyone knows that physical sunscreen is very important, but there are still many people who are lazy and feel that they have applied sunscreen anyway; Anyway, I can catch a taxi soon after I go out. This kind of fluke psychology will let the sun break through the hole, even if it won't tan, it is also likely to lead to faster light aging of the skin. In the past, we used to use an umbrella to shade the sun, but now we use a sunscreen hat+sunscreen mask+sunscreen clothes, which not only frees the hand holding the umbrella, but also can achieve a good physical sunscreen effect.

Since 2013, the first L R. Since the C ™ coated black umbrella,

Through category innovation and technological progress,

Explore the journey of physical sunscreen.

Over the years, Jiaoxia has continued to explore a variety of innovative lightweight materials,

Make the sunscreen clothes more thin, breathable, comfortable and portable,

And with insight into user needs,

Be the first to propose lightweight outdoor concept

And system solutions.

   Is Yola Xiaoyu Xiaoyu Fashion beauty blogger

   Dior Flower Secret Rose Extract Light Mineral Concealer Protection Cream It can be said that it is a base makeup that integrates many advantages of front milk protection and concealment, with its own SPF50, PA+++ High protection can save the steps of applying sunscreen. Glanville rose and whitening rose contained in it can also resist oxidation and brighten skin color. The emulsion like texture is particularly easy to push away, which is very friendly to my dry sensitive skin.

   CPB Yuling Sunscreen Cream This sunscreen is really amazing. The sunscreen effect and skin feel are both good. The SPF50+, PA+++sunscreen values are directly filled, and even if you go outdoors to sun for a whole day, you will not get red and tan. It also contains semi tube skin nourishing essence, which can promote collagen generation, reduce facial fine lines, and make the texture fresh and not greasy. If you are not ready for sun protection, you can close your eyes and enter it.

   Lin Guoran Skin care blogger

   Lancaster Yueyang Double Care Relaxing&Charming Sunscreen Lotion: Sensitivity sense muscle It can also be used safely External sun protection, full band protection and mild formula, plus red myrrhol and upland cotton to soothe and repair skin Silky emulsion skin Sense, light and thin, fast film forming. Waterproof and sweat proof, sunscreen formula is ocean friendly. Camping and tracing the stream , Hai While swimming and surfing, enjoy the summer of nature.

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