Your perfume exposes your MBTI personality!

Your perfume exposes your MBTI personality!
16:39, August 10, 2022 Sina Fashion

Source: WeChat official account of Open Box Evaluation Bureau

Original title: Your perfume exposes your MBTI personality!

Author: Wu Dong

Today is Wudong, the elder sister who has graduated for many years~

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Do we have a director who has just graduated? Let me have a look! It's not the graduation season recently. I saw many netizens showing their graduation photos, which made me miss my college days~

When it comes to graduation, the first thing we think of is to find a job. When it comes to finding a job, of course, our first hurdle is an interview! I don't know whether you can remember the MBTI16 personality test that was popular all over the network recently. It really fits the theme of "looking for a job" today~

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But Wu Dong is not here to do career analysis for you. I'm here to help you with your interview today! How can I help you? Of course, it is to help you show your unique charm, distribute your own aura, conquer the interviewer, and win the desired offer (admission notice)~

Ha ha, OK, don't worry. Udon will recommend an exclusive perfume for 16 different personalities today. I hope this fragrance can bring you good luck, pass the interview successfully, and make a good start!

Because of its long length, Wudong is divided into two parts. If you don't see the exclusive perfume of your personality in this part, don't forget to squat down for another issue. Then we will get to the point!

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Wu Dong will introduce you in turn according to the four categories of MBTI test results. First, analysts representing rationalism, who usually have strong strategic ability, can easily grasp the causal relationship between things, and achieve their goals through systems and knowledge.


INTJ personality belongs to the world's sober strategists and perfectionist planners. They are imaginative but decisive. They have strong logic and profound insight, and always exude self-confidence and mystery.

I think it will be very suitable for some cool and sensible tastes. Armani's Yulong tea fragrance is very suitable for them. It is a tea fragrance decorated with citrus, lemon, ambergris and a touch of jasmine~

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In its front tone, there is a calm and elegant woody tone, light but not thick, and at the same time, there is a sweet and sour feeling of citrus. Later, it slowly permeates the leisurely fragrance of tea, accompanied by the sweet and sour smell of citrus in front. It is calm and kind, while in the back tone, the tea fragrance is overflowing, fresh and refreshing, and the overall feeling will be particularly sober and independent.


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ENTJ is more like an aggressive president who focuses on becoming stronger and ambitious. They are natural leaders with charm and confidence, always authoritative and always showing their sharp edges.

Tom Ford's ebony agarwood, which is overbearing and leaking, is very suitable for them. Its sense of hierarchy is extremely rich. The mysterious ebony, the crisp flower fragrance, the spicy pepper, the warm amber, the uninhibited tobacco, and countless contradictions are combined to achieve outstanding charm.

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It starts with the spice of ebony and the tranquility of rosewood. It is deep and bright, and then comes out with a slight fragrance of cardamom and amber, like the aloe from the forest after a heavy rain. When the perfume is settled, the sense of hierarchy begins to increase gradually, and the whole fragrance will become extremely gentle because of the emergence of vanilla, It seems that the overbearing president has a gentle heart.

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Then there are idealists - diplomats. They are good at interpersonal communication, treat people sincerely, and are typical representatives of peace and love.


INFJ is a master of overthinking and a philosopher in life. They are full of faith and spirituality. They are quiet and mysterious, and have an inherent idealism and moral sense.

I think this personality is very suitable for Buddhism, and the taste is a bit cooler. You can try Beredo's no man's land rose. It tastes like cold from the deep sea, and also like our mysterious sixth sense~


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It starts with the pungency of pink pepper, and then turns into the collision of roses and papyrus, which is pure but not lose the atmosphere. The rose fragrance is full but not sweet and greasy, which shows the elegant taste, elegant and low-key at the same time. It gives people the feeling that it is like the alpine roses blooming in the no man's land, cold and crisp.


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ENFJ is a tree hole and the king of everyone's warmup. They are very empathetic and always considerate of others. They are born with the ability to inspire and fascinate the audience.

So they will be very suitable for the warm taste. Baodiejia's Fantasy is a good choice. It is an advanced fragrance that combines internal and external cultivation. It is very interesting to decorate warm olive wood with fresh orange flowers and sprinkle a little Lingling fragrant beans~

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The front note is dominated by citrus fragrance mixed with woody fragrance, and then slightly sweet orange flowers faint from woody fragrance. The middle note is accompanied by the addition of fig leaves, and the smell gradually adds a bit of milk sweetness. At the end, there is an orange flower with a feeling of powder fat, and the smell of two moist woods is also placed beside it. The overall feeling will be very gentle and intellectual, It's also very healing.

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Then there are the traditionalists with strong logistics ability - guardians, who are cautious and diligent and are the backbone of society.


ISTJ personalities are usually rational, independent and responsible doers. They are practical and stable, persistent and reliable. They are not stingy with time and energy, can patiently and accurately complete each goal, and are very willing to take responsibility for their own actions.

I think they are very suitable for the peaceful woody tone. For example, the path of Hades of Attixian, the loneliness and coldness of incense burning mixed with the warmth and serenity of musk. It is warm and intellectual, but cold and independent, giving people a sense of solemnity and reliability~

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The rose in the front tone makes people feel warm and transparent, but there is no sense of powder. The middle tone combines lily, frankincense and aloe wood, making the refreshing soap feel steady and mild. The back tone is sandalwood, benzoin and musk, which combine to form a solemn and simple texture. The overall level is clear, and it is quiet to have some religious flavor, The smell of incense mixed with wood has the power to calm people down instantly.


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ESTJ is a fearsome inner monster who attaches great importance to efficiency and is a born manager. They are honest, dedicated and dignified. Their clear suggestions and guidance are valued by others, and they are willing to cut through the thorns and lead everyone to move forward.

Therefore, it is very suitable for the powerful fragrance type. Wall Cracker recommends my beloved portrait of Lady Fumar. It is a bright, grand and domineering fragrance type, which is very suitable for sisters at the top of the food chain~

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The front note of this fragrance is very spicy, and then the sandalwood powder in the middle gives a unique frankincense. Patchouli faintly brings some coolness to the fragrance. The back note is the domineering musk, amber, and tranquil balm, and the light rose with woody smell, as well as the faint pink feeling, It feels like a mature lady with calm atmosphere.

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Finally, there are explorers. Their strength is their super adaptability. They can act quickly according to the situation and seize the opportunity to gain advantages. They are elegant and quick.


ISTP is a bold and practical operator who likes to explore things with his eyes and hands. They are like lonely wolves who mingle with the crowd and enjoy the social laziness of solitude.

I think they are more suitable for the taste of distance. Temptek's Tandao is highly recommended to them. It is mainly cedar and sandalwood, with a little cold and fresh. Although it smells distant, it is not very lonely or strange~

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The front tune of cypress poplar opens with a dry and powdery woody fragrance. The middle tune of sandalwood wood with cedar creates a high cold and inaccessible taste, which is pure woody fragrance. The back tune will give off the smell of old wood and old furniture, which will gradually calm people down with bitter and fragrant. In general, this perfume is not publicity, but it is impressive and unforgettable.


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ESTP is an adventurer who can do whatever he or she wants. He or she is exquisite and happy. He or she can always have fun in a world of good and bad. And they are smart, energetic, and good at perception. They do not look ahead and backward, but enjoy the passion and pleasure of the moment.

So I think it is very suitable for the lively and publicity taste. For example, the jazz lounge in Mason Magilla, where rum is blended with sage, and then dotted with light milk fragrance and tobacco, is an intoxicating entrepreneur~

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The lemon in the front note is very short, and the fresh smell is fleeting, while the rum in the middle note is mixed with the smell of leather. Gradually, sage and vetiver begin to occupy the whole flavor, which is warm and sweet. When it comes to the back note, the warm and sweet fat smell is covered by tobacco with smoke smell, and the flavor becomes more warm and comfortable, although it adds a little stability, But the rest balm became more and more popular, and people became lazy and relaxed.

Well, the above is the recommendation of exclusive perfume for different personalities. I hope this special flavor can bring you a good start! Directors who have not seen their own personality should not forget to write an article. See you next time~88~

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