Koeniss cactus public welfare l start again, join hands with cloud public welfare and Dream 18 to light the "starry sky" for autistic children

Koeniss cactus public welfare l start again, join hands with cloud public welfare and Dream 18 to light the "starry sky" for autistic children
16:56, May 22, 2024 Sina Fashion micro-blog

Around us, there are a group of special children. Their eyes are bright, but they are difficult to look at us; Although they can speak, it is difficult for them to communicate with us; They express emotions, but it is difficult for us to fully understand them. These children are called "children of stars", that is, autistic children.

According to the census report of the disabled in China released by the China Disabled Persons' Federation in 2023, there are more than 13 million people with autism in China, and the number is growing at the rate of nearly 200000 every year. About one child in every 38 children in China has autism. Behind this huge number are the difficulties and challenges faced by countless families.

In view of the survival status of autistic children in China, in order to appeal to the whole society to improve the attention and understanding of the society on autistic children, the effective skin care brand of Baiyang Tiaomiao, Koenis Cactus, actively fulfills its social responsibility and cares for this group of "children coming from the stars" through various ways. Previously, Koenigs cactus, together with Golden Feather Public Welfare Foundation, and President Leng (Yi Xin) carried out public welfare activities to care for mothers of autistic children, sent care and support to mothers of autistic children, and demonstrated the brand's public welfare responsibility with practical actions, which won many praises.

On May 18, 2024, the Cactus Knowles joined hands with Zhejiang Cloud Public Welfare Organization and the 18 People's Dream of Shake Tone to enter Hangzhou Xiaoshan District Youduo Children's Rehabilitation Center to jointly carry out the "Stars in Dream" public welfare visit activity for autistic children.

In the activity, Dream 18 and the fan volunteers, under the guidance of the decorator, played with the autistic children to decorate the cake with imagination and share the sweet time. Later, the head of the cloud public welfare organization sent the painting of autistic children to Dream 18, and thanked her for her participation and contribution. At the same time, Dream 18 also shared her joy and expectation of becoming a mother, and affectionately expressed her concern and love for autistic children. She said: "Autistic children may not be able to express their feelings as freely as other children, but their hearts are also full of desire for love. This activity is not only to bring joy and companionship to children, but also to hope that the society can pay more attention to this special group and jointly create a more friendly and inclusive social environment for these children."

As a high-end skincare brand bearing a deep sense of social responsibility, Koeniss cactus firmly believes that the strength of the brand is not only the excellent performance of the product, but also the ability to carry forward the brand influence to warm and help the vulnerable groups in society. On the way to the future, Koeniss cactus will not only continue to adhere to its excellence in functional skin care products, but also continue to devote its enthusiasm to social welfare undertakings, hoping to practice the brand's social responsibility with practical actions, highlight the brand's responsibility, and let the beautiful power continue to pass on in the world.

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