Dior True Self Gold Series | Fragrant Care and Comfort Experience

Dior True Self Gold Series | Fragrant Care and Comfort Experience
16:41, May 22, 2024 Sina Fashion micro-blog

Continues the true self and flowers, presenting extraordinary sensory experience. Dior genuine gold fragrance body care series, fragrant care, luxury pet skin.

Top row from left to right

Dior Body Wash 200mL/RMB 540

Dior Real Body Lotion 200mL/RMB 620

Lower row from left to right

Dior True Self Moisturizing Cream 150mL/RMB 950

Dior True Self Flowing Gold Body Gel 100mL/RMB 750

Dior True Self Gold Body Scrub 150mL/RMB 950

Three new products of Dior's true self gold series will transform the symbolic true self scent into a variety of comfortable textures, and open a new body care ceremony of true self fragrance.

Dior True Self Body Shower Gel, with the essence of Sunflower. With condensed texture and dense foam, authentic fragrance traces linger leisurely, presenting a comfortable bath experience.

Dior True Self Shower Gel

  200mL/RMB 540

Dior Body Nourishing Cream is light and soft, moist and delicate, and diffuses elegant fragrance. Gently press and take as much as you like, making your skin feel comfortable and soft.

Dior Body Nourishing Lotion

  200mL/RMB 620

Dior Real Self uses cream to create a flexible shape with elegant curves, creating a high-quality product for travel, and caring for hands, nails, shoulders and neck.

Diogenes uses more cream (fingernails, shoulders and neck)

  50mL/RMB 550

Explore more pieces of Dior True Self Flowing Gold Body Care Series. The round outer box interprets the classic aesthetics of the true self perfume bottle, with luxurious style and originality. Create an exclusive skin moment and present extraordinary products.

Dior Real Self Gold Body Scrub, with a comfortable texture, gently exfoliates, and makes your skin look smooth and shiny.

Dior Real Self Gold Body Scrub

  150mL/RMB 950

Dior True Self Moisturizing Cream is delicate and gentle. In the light wiping, the graceful flower fragrance of the True Self series is gentle and diffused, and the fragrance remains lingering.

Dior True Self Moisturizing Cream

  150mL/RMB 950

Dior Real Self Flowing Gold Body Gel has a fresh and comfortable texture. It can touch the skin instantly, melt and accumulate flowing gold particles, and make the skin shine.

Dior True Self Flowing Gold Body Gel

  100mL/RMB 750

Dior Real Self Flowing Gold Body Care Series, the round outer box interprets the classic aesthetics of the real self perfume bottle, with luxurious style and originality. The fresh texture bless the recipe, and the fragrance of flowers is beautiful.

Follow Dior to open a new body care ceremony in an elegant manner, bring luxury and pleasure to the skin, and enjoy the charming fragrance of authentic fragrance.

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