SK-II, together with the CCTV Online Beauty Selection Guide, released a blockbuster blind test for the first time, and revealed the secret: the older you are, the younger your skin can be?

SK-II, together with the CCTV Online Beauty Selection Guide, released a blockbuster blind test for the first time, and revealed the secret: the older you are, the younger your skin can be?
18:49, May 21, 2024 Sina Fashion micro-blog

Can skin become younger with age? Recently, SK-II launched a blind skin test together with CCTV's "Introduction to Beauty Selection", inviting 8 observers from different professions to guess the real age of the three participants only through other people's descriptions, personal labels, and the way of blindfolded skin feeling. The test results found that 'age' is not a standard to measure 'youth', but a measure of life. It should not and cannot be a standard to define a person. Seeing is believing is really young.

   For the first blind test of human skin, 8 industry observers exclaimed, "It's too difficult to see!

In the special planning short film "Young, seeing is believing" launched by SK-II and CCTV's "Introduction to Beauty Selection" program, three of them have been using PITERA for a long time Consumers of the series of products were invited to be observed. On the day of the test, they completed the blind test with their naked faces. It was found that the real age of the three consumers was much older than the age predicted by the observation group.

The user of SK-II has a picture. Her appearance and lifestyle make it impossible to judge her age. She is considered to be only 37 years old, but the real age is 61 years old

Zheng Xiaolu, a 33 year old SK-II user for 12 years, her skin condition is so good that people can't believe that her eldest son is 9 years old

Observers believe that the 43 year old deer and her daughter are like girlfriends

At the same time, their puzzling "age" puzzle also inspired a segment of Tencent's popular variety show "Start Reasoning 2", in which detectives need to find mysterious "witnesses" who can turn the situation around. However, the identity of "witnesses" has become the biggest doubt in the game due to the huge contrast between age and appearance

   An 11 year skin aging tracking experiment 2: can the average skin age be reduced by 9 years in just one year?

In the eyes of Wang Xiangxi, a doctor of medicine from Peking University, if you want to fight against aging scientifically, you must look at it comprehensively and comprehensively, not just solve superficial problems. The efficacy of the product should be judged based on scientific results such as research results, literature basis and human clinical trials.

"In terms of research, I saw two documents recording an 11 year skin aging tracking study 2, which tracked 86 female subjects, observed their skin's natural aging status in the first 10 years of the study, and used PITERA in the 11th year One year later, the average skin age of these people has decreased by 9.23 years, "said Wang Xiangxi, a medical doctor from Peking University.

From 1998 to now, SK-II has published many international journal papers, among which the most important literature has proved its efficacy in skin repair, anti-oxidation and anti-aging. These discoveries of skin secrets will light up the way for more women to become beautiful, and may also be their "hidden age" secret.

   The older you get, the younger your skin becomes 5

Why did the subjects in the study use PITERA for one year After the series of products, their average skin age decreased by 9.23 years? This phenomenon benefits from the SK-II's signature skin beautifying ingredient PITERA It can nourish and repair the skin deeply. As a natural ingredient that cannot be synthesized artificially, PITERA ™ can nourish and care the skin with more than 50 kinds of micronutrients. Its structure is similar to the skin's natural moisturizing factor, and it is easy to be absorbed by the skin. It can improve many skin problems from the root. At PITERA Accompanied by the natural power, every subject witnessed that the beauty of skin is no longer limited by age.

SK-II has always believed that PITERA ™ can help break the shackles of age and make skin changes happen at any stage of life. As Sue Kyung Lee, SK-II's global CEO, said, "Age is just an indicator to measure life, not a defining factor."

  PITERA ™: The filtrate of fermentation product of galactose yeast like bacteria obtained by special fermentation of a special yeast with a unique process.

  2 Yan X, Tsuji G, Hashimoto-Hachiya A, Furue M。 Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate Potentiates an Anti-Inflammaging System in Keratinocytes。 J Clin Med。 2022;11(21):6338。 Published 2022 Oct 27。 doi:10.3390/jcm11216338

3 Anti aging: refers to the effect of anti wrinkle and firming.

4 Deep layer: refers to the superficial cortex

5 refers to SK-II ® Skin care essence improves skin smoothness/gloss/tightness/wrinkle resistance in multiple dimensions

6 Root: superficial cortex

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