World Smile Day: Tips for honing your smile and improving your perception

World Smile Day: Tips for honing your smile and improving your perception
12:56, May 15, 2024 Sina Fashion

Source: Health and Beauty

Author: HB

Many people used to love to laugh, but as they grow older, "smiles become less confident..." However, recently a new trend has been set off, and people believe that people with dynamic smiles are beautiful. Therefore, this issue will comprehensively analyze the real reason why you can't smile!

As long as you pay more attention, or through makeup and do not grin, you can quickly "honed smile" to start a new day!

   More and more mature women are unable to smile naturally

"You have buckteeth, and wrinkles are very obvious when you smile." Because I have been hurt like this, I have become less inclined to smile—— Miss Model (55 years old)

I feel inferior because of my teeth, so even if I go to the theme park, I will only open my mouth and not smile. He was also laughed at by his friends—— Orthopaedic diagnostician (47 years old)

I don't know how to smile when I think my face is the same as that shown in the video during the online meeting—— Hosted by College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (51 years old)

After imitating the smile of an actress, my friend said that it was unnatural, and then I would not smile. —— clerk (42 years old)

I feel like I can't smile on a busy and tired day—— housewife (37 years old)

When publishing a report, the smile always becomes stiff due to nervousness. —— clerk (36 years old)

   Smiling people will become beautiful and attract "happiness", so that the beauty of mature women starts from smiling!

   1、 Create a friendly "dog" smile

Come on stage with round and lovely makeup, challenge the lip makeup that looks like a smile!

Highlight the makeup of lipstick, blush and sleeping silkworm, and create a smile that anyone will love.

As long as I smile, my apple muscles will swell and my nose will expand laterally, causing me to shut up and smile at last—— Nail Professional (53 years old)

In order to make your eyes look softer, you need to focus on eye care. So that your eyes can see the smile, you will naturally exude confidence.

Naturally, the corners of my mouth will droop slightly, but when I smile, it doesn't look like a smile. This is my trouble for many years—— Free anchor (42 years old)

In fact, cut fish is suitable for seasoning and freezing.

   2、 The secret of being loved is to keep your mood happy!

Appearing with a bright smile.

Apply a wide range of blush on your cheeks, and then use the tricks of smiling beauties to create a happy smile!

A toothless smile will make people feel elegant and beautiful.

As long as you pay attention to the movement around the mouth, cheeks and eyes, you can master different smiles such as smiling and laughing.

When you dress inappropriately or have a bad temper with your partner, you can't smile because you are in a bad mood—— Yoga instructor (42 years old)

Gradually relax the expression muscles through facial yoga, and recite in your heart every morning that today is a beautiful day. Let your body and mind connect and you will naturally have a smile.

   three . Consciously create a sleeping silkworm makeup, and the smile will be more brilliant!

Speaking of people's favorite smile! I have to mention magazine model Euna.

If you think your eyes are small, you can make them bigger by sleeping silkworm makeup, and your smile will look more natural and three-dimensional.

When you smile, your cheeks will stretch, and your face will appear large. Because you care about this, you will pay attention to controlling the range of your smile when taking photos—— Kindergarten teacher (45 years old)

Apply a slightly thick pink blush on the cheeks, and then paint a thick eyeliner, so that the three-dimensional makeup can make people well ignore the cheeks!

There are fine lines at the end of the eyes, and wrinkles are easy to deepen when you smile, so you will hesitate when you smile—— Housewife (40 years old)

Create a three-dimensional look by turning out blush and sleeping silkworm. When the wrinkles are highlighted, people can smile with confidence.

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