Zhou Dongyu, the representative of entertainment and cold feeling in the circle, shows his naked face

Zhou Dongyu, the representative of entertainment and cold feeling in the circle, shows his naked face
12:56, May 15, 2024 Sina Fashion

Source: poster fashion

Author: Poster Editorial Department

In the pursuit of "cool feeling" and "atmosphere", Han Yu seems to have been ahead of the internal entertainment.

   Probably because they have female stars like Jin Gaoyin and Jin Minxi, He is good at presenting his real self to the public and gradually transforming it into a fascinating style with stories to tell This enabled Han Yu to have a say in the matter of "atmosphere".

But! Recently, our entertainment has also been greatly improved. The "contestant" sent by us (unexpectedly) is Zhou Dongyu ⬇️

I fainted after seeing Zhou Dongyu's ins. I really like it.

A group of nude photos from Zhou Dongyu became popular on South Korean Twitter.

   With plain face, slightly reddish corners of the eyes and nose, and some messy hair blown by the wind, I sat lazily in the street. such The feeling of unintentional shooting and lingering natural life It also happens to step on the core of the current popular "cool feeling".

Well, we also have a sense of coolness in entertainment, so we don't have to go to Han Yu to learn.

Mention Zhou Dongyu, many people's first reaction: I can't get it.

But you have to admit one thing: in the past two years, she has become more attractive.

In addition to the above group of nude photos that excite South Koreans, her latest appearance is not few ⬇️

A few days ago, LV held the Huanyou Fashion Show in Shanghai, and the makeup and hair styles were praised.

Laser metal eyeliner+raw edge hollowed out and white knitwear underneath the clothes are avant-garde, but they don't have a sense of distance. Do you suddenly understand why LV chose her?

For another example, it is still the life photos with plain face, and these photos are different ⬇️

If it is necessary to match a suitable adjective to this group of pictures, we would like to call it "a cool feeling with the smell of vegetation".

Don't rush to blindly follow the trend or directly deny it. First, follow us to see the changes of Zhou Dongyu over the years, which may be helpful to understand the core of coldness.

   1.0 "Hawthorn Tree" Period

When Zhou Dongyu was 18 years old, he made his debut as a "Mou Girl". A love story of hawthorn trees contributed to the feelings of first love, full of tears, and let the public get to know this tender, comfortable, harmless face of first love.

During this period, she was still in the period of meaty development that almost all girls would experience.

As we can see, Zhou Dongyu, with delicate facial features and plump flesh, has a soft facial contour. aka, without a particularly prominent sense of bones, is about 0 aggressive, and has the advantage of being "green and unadulterated".

The makeup that belongs to the girl next door is naturally more "light" and more popular.

Light base makeup, light eye makeup, casually apply a lipstick on the "milk whirring", the sense of innocence is full.

   2.0 "Children Imitate Adults" Period

After the "hawthorn tree" became popular, Zhou Dongyu also officially became a "entertainment industry worker".

I'm afraid it's hard to receive other characters except "Little White Flower" with a pure and innocent face. Therefore, transformation is imminent.

As for transformation, the power point is naturally in makeup and wear. Say goodbye to the image of pure girl next door, and dress up in a mature direction.

Makeup on the face ⬇️

Eyebrows start to widen and thicken, and eyes are enlarged and enlarged with false eyelashes and thick black eyeliner when they are small.

At a glance, only lipstick looks normal.

Hair style is also more "urban beauty" and more "modern lady"

Let's see through the clothes again ⬇️

Up to now, I still wonder why her stylist wants to wear this "curtain style" dress for a girl in her early 20s.

Clothes are one step ahead of Zhou Dongyu, and connected with maturity first 😂

Look in a fashion magazine in 2014 ⬇️

Left: 2014

Right: 2024

It is also LV wear, 10 years ago, the level difference of a century.

2015 Paris Fashion Week She appeared at Chloe's show ⬇️

This standing posture is also very cramped, and I can't feel any confidence.

To sum up Zhou Dongyu at this stage in one sentence: children imitate adults to make up and wear clothes, which is strange in any way.

   3.0 "Ghost Horse Spirit" Period

The turning point is coming! In 2016, she ushered in a breakthrough in her career and style.

This year, Zhou Dongyu shot the movie "July and An Sheng". Her explosive acting skills also made the public see another possibility of her: she can only play pure female students?

Then, she received a crucial award in her life: the Best Actress Award of the 53rd Golden Horse Awards of Taiwan Film.

   The film queen took them all and experienced all kinds of twists and turns in the 2.0 period. She probably realized that she could not learn from the East and the West in modeling, and had to find the right age There is also a personal style.

The biggest change in makeup is to "weaken" those heavy ones.

The thinner the base makeup, the better. It focuses on the natural nude makeup of plain boiled water.

The eye makeup maker also does not excessively pursue how to show "big" and "smart". The specific operation is: the eyeliner does not need to be deliberately picked up, and eyelashes are also accompanied by a clip.

The change of lip makeup is that those lipsticks with high saturation are simply put away first. The lip glaze with a glassy luster will bring the color closer to "vitality".

The more out of the loop look is this group of advertising blockbusters for a cocktail brand ⬇️

"Slightly drunk", it really deserves the name.

There is another obvious change at this stage. You must have noticed it ⬇️

That is to swim in all kinds of short hair styles~

In the early days, various pear flower irons and thick partial bangs significantly reduced her original compact means. After changing her short hair, she became much lighter.

A variety of layered fairy short hair, short hair braiding, and short hair styling with hats can actually play with many patterns.

   4.0 "Cool" Period

As we mentioned earlier, Zhou Dongyu and LV became friends in their early years.

It was only in November 2021 that the two sides officially joined hands: Zhou Dongyu became the spokesman of LV.

Just around this time, she made a film named "Fire on the Plain", and talked about a love that was not publicized but all that should be known.

The ghost horse spirit style in the 3.0 period is obviously not suitable for her to enter a new stage of career love and soon turn 30.

It belongs to the goal of 4.0 - more relaxed, more gentle and more feminine. So, continue to change ⬇️

   There is also a core of becoming beautiful that is suitable for newspaper friends who have a small sense of facial features. That is: I can't repair my appearance Because the sense of facial features is small, it can't support too much decoration.

   Focus shift : It can enhance the three-dimensional sense of the face by brightening, especially the position of the decree lines and the sunken cheeks. Let the concave place bump up, and the face will be full naturally

Of course, Zhou Dongyu also had some rollover styling at this stage.

For example ⬇️

She really can't hold up the heavy makeup+scalp style.

Another example ⬇️

For some time last year, she was so weak that she sucked her cheeks. Her eyebrows and lip makeup also showed "their own brilliance". She could not get along at all, so she had the whole "sharp grandma feeling" we saw.

After the rapid adjustment of the state, there are various models that have been praised recently ⬇️

The so-called "red spirit nourishes people" is also very obvious in her.

Standing with Anna, the evil head of fashion circle, I didn't lose at all!

So this goes back to the cold feeling of Zhou Dongyu's going out of the circle that we talked about at the beginning. The reason why there is a story about his unadorned appearance is, what on earth is it?

We believe that after such a big circle, Zhou Dongyu is constantly searching and trying at every stage. In this process, he abandons the part of stepping on thunder and leaves behind the essence that suits him.

Now the "cold feeling" mode has been correctly opened, which is also a combination of her past experience, giving the "cold feeling" a demonstration of "Zhou Dongyu's version", rather than the "cold feeling is the product of me".

Perhaps we can learn useful information from Zhou Dongyu's makeup and modeling history: makeup and hair can really add points to the beauty and temperament, But don't hide your temperament It can be imitated for reference, and then we should focus on extending and creating our own makeup style system.

At this point, perhaps you still have a doubt: why on earth do we become more and more indifferent?

In the final analysis, there are too many trends in various beauty trends, many of which are only suitable for star red carpet makeup hair, and cannot be presented in the ordinary life of ordinary people.

The popularity of a sense of coolness may also be getting away from everything that is pompous, false and superficial.

Makeup or wear, always show their carrier or people themselves. Let people take them and surpass them, instead of putting the cart before the horse.

   The core of the sense of coolness is not to deliberately create low-key and fake comfort, but to be self consistent.

When you fully accept yourself, have enough confidence in the field you are engaged in and the life in which you control the right to speak, and can also be absolutely free to be yourself, then what you show is not the cold feeling floating on the surface, but the confidence and confidence of Zhou Dongyu, Everything comes from your recognition of yourself.

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