After three years, there are finally new people at the Mommy Track in the entertainment industry

After three years, there are finally new people at the Mommy Track in the entertainment industry
12:56, May 15, 2024 Sina Fashion

Source: Fashion COSMO

Author: Nagasaki

   Zhuang Dafei and I in the entertainment industry compete for mummy.

When Chengfeng 2024 was broadcasted, some people were happy and others were sad, but I didn't expect that someone would take the lead in mixed feelings. She was the only designated daughter of Chen Haoyu on the whole network - Zhuang Dafei.

Their "mother daughter relationship" came from a home-made youth drama called "I don't want to be friends with you", which scored 8.1 points in Douban.

In the play, Li Progressive, a senior high school student played by Zhuang Dafei, goes back 20 years. He and his mother, Li Qingtong, played by Chen Haoyu, became classmates and friends, and experienced a period of sour and sweet youth together. After returning to reality, the mother and daughter reached a reconciliation.

   The two people in the play reconciled, but Zhuang Dafei could not reconcile with the netizens because they began to rob her of Mommy. As the current Sister Lang As one of the dark horses, Chen Haoyu has absolutely achieved effective powder absorption. Click to open the comment area to listen to the sound of "Mom".

After our mother Zhang Xiaofei became the first "mom" actor in the entertainment circle because of her award-winning work "Hello, Li Huanying", the Mommy Track has finally added a new talent.

Although Zhang Xiaofei and Chen Haoyu are both certified as moms, in fact, they have only played moms once. The real mom professional actors actually have other people: Hai Qing, He Saifei, Liu Lili, Xu Di......

But why are these two being chased to call Mommy? Because the netizens like Mummy not Mummy.

When the daughter passes through her mother's youth, the age of mother and daughter is visually unified. At this time, the audience felt more "sister" than "mother"; The sense of equality of identity friendship will also replace and weaken the natural sense of class of some mothers and daughters.

And the mother daughter story set in this way does not revolve around the daily family affairs. Taking Chen Haoyu's "I Don't Want to Be Friends with You" as an example, Zhuang Dafei has two goals after crossing:

  1。 Find out your irresponsible father and stop him from staying with his mother;

  2。 Help my mother study hard and go to college.

Such a plot makes mother and daughter pull away from the trivial reality, more like an interesting and lovely friendship.

The audience will feel a deep sense of reality when the mom professional actors appear:

As soon as Haiqing appeared, she felt that she had a junior high school child and would urge him to study next second;

As soon as He Saifei appeared, it seemed that he would hasten marriage;

When Xu Di appeared, she must be some difficult mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

   By contrast, young Easy and The novel mother daughter relationship is more attractive to the audience, and the actors and roles will also be extended into sister moms.

   There's no way to play Mom in the play Let's also chase after "calling mom" outside the play, which also requires the wonderful temperament of actors in reality.

Chen Haoyu's work of becoming a mother was broadcast in 2020, but she only became a "widespread mother" this year. The reason, of course, is that the popularity of Chengfeng 2024 spread the temperament of my sister.


   What temperament? A temperature Soft and firm, naturally relaxed sense of alienation.


Chen Haoyu's photos are always full of relaxed and lazy atmosphere. A group of musical rehearsal pictures are directly beautiful. Black and white images, generous and relaxed plain face, casually pulled up long hair, broken and stubborn eyes, so beautiful and story like.

This smooth and bony face shape, coupled with a clean and refined temperament, is called "wooden beauty". It is bright but not publicized, warm but not burned, and has a natural sense of alienation, which is mixed with tenacity and tenacity in the tender and green, just like a standing tree, unknown but growing.

Chen Haoyu and Zhang Xiaofei are similar in wearing and matching. They both prefer soft, draping fabrics and slightly wide shapes.

They are just like the materials of these clothes: simple, soft and tough. This once again strengthened their mature and charming sister image in the hearts of the audience.

In addition to their looks, their personalities are as soft as spring breeze. When Chen Haoyu first met many sisters in Chengfeng 2024, he did not complain that he was not "generous" enough, but said: "I hope all I can sit in their small seats as they like."

This is a kind of self recognition, reflecting the stability of the kernel.

When Fei Ma was asked how she felt about carrying Jia Ling, she smiled and said: "I thought it was so heavy and light.".

   When all people When Jia Ling talked about her weight and figure and made fun of her, she gently and decisively maintained her sister's appearance, which was particularly moving.

Both of them are stable, strong and gentle in heart. They can't help but want to rely on each other.

The two mothers also have one thing in common: they can stand archaeology, and the more archaeology, the more attractive it is.

   We should all know the past of Fei Ma. She was admitted to the Chinese Armed Police Arts and Crafts Corps at the age of 15, and four years later, she was transferred to Beijing Film Academy and entered Beijing Electric "star class". However, the development has gone through many hardships, which can only be said that she should have gone through many times, but fortunately, she finally got up.

Chen Haoyu is also digging more and more amazing treasure. This is a real drama:

In the Biography of Ruyi, she was the one who made the emperor feel comfortable and was entitled "Concubine Shu";

"Records of Nine States" Princess Xiaozhou is her;

The first month in One Read Guanshan, Chen Yue, the lawyer in Heart Quest, and Li Qingtong in I Don't Want to Be Friends with You...... It's all her.

The completion of each role is very good, and even she is not a professional.

In 2014, Chen Haoyu participated in Taiwan's talent show "Chinese Walk of Fame 3" and became a champion. How powerful is this program? Its predecessor is Super Avenue of Stars, from which Lin Youjia, Yang Zongwei, Xiao Jingteng, Xu Jiaying, Hu Xia and other singers came out.

Chen Haoyu is just waiting. Unfortunately, the record market has declined since the debut. The signed company is facing bankruptcy and acquisition, and the new company is indifferent to this little known young singer.

So she had to go back to school to find a new way out. First, he became a musical actor. Zeng and Tan Jianci played Lin Xiao and Jianxi respectively in the musical "Small Times".

Then he became an actor and played steadily in the film and television drama. Finally, she was seen by Sister Lang and returned to the singing stage to kill many people.

Both mothers can stand archeology. Their rich experience and strong strength make people more and more fond of them. They have no black material, which is enough to bear the image of "mother" who is tender and tenacious.

In a word, both elder sister and mother are too consistent with our fantasy of powerful, mature, gentle and stable women. I hope more and more sisters can shine on their own track~

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