Learn two moves from Xin Zhilei with the secret of looking thin on a round face

Learn two moves from Xin Zhilei with the secret of looking thin on a round face
11:51, February 20, 2024 Fashion COSMO

Author: Sister 13

Source: Fashion COSMO WeChat official account

   Xin Zhilei used to have a hairstyle,

   Now Xin Zhilei is my beautiful mental state.

Running 7 kilometers every day and gaining 2 kg, anyone will collapse!

   Don't think it's impossible to see the pain of only 2 kg. Only a round face can understand the pain of growing fat first. Especially for the round face that needs to be photographed, it really needs to work harder than others to keep fit.

Xin Zhilei's amazing beauty in "Flowers" need not be repeated. It is mysterious and charming, with picturesque frames:

It is said that it is because of single camera shooting that every girl is so beautiful.

To tell the truth, it is a loss for round faces to be photographed. We don't need female stars to tell us about it. We can experience it when we take photos. Why is this?

The lens is fat, and the round face is exactly the type with no obvious bone appearance and lines. In addition, we Asians have small facial undulations and low facial folding, which can be said to be very 2D after being photographed. However, p has no effect.

Let's see how Gao Meishang's Lei Zi solved the problem:

The old rule is to observe the five senses first.

Xin Zhilei's face is round and smooth, with a short lower court, excellent jaw line and bone mass. The facial features are concentrated, so the white space in the outline is also obvious. On the whole, the eye shape, nose and chin are more delicate, the cheekbones are lower, and the lips are full and distinctive.

Similar looks include Song Huiqiao and Jin Yuzhen. But because Xin Zhilei's eyes are longer, and the upper eyelid slightly presses the pupil, you will feel more desire in Xin Zhilei's eyes.

We ordinary girls also have the problem of wide face and concentrated facial features. When making up, this type of girls must pay attention to:

   Emphasize mandibular line and facial fold

By trimming the jaw to improve the facial firmness, and then pushing the cheekbones in with contracted blush, the external contour of the face will be pushed inward as a whole, thus making the face small. Ps: In fact, the popular child sister and W face repair methods are not suitable for round faces with weak sense of bones.


A round face is afraid of swelling, so you need to pay attention to makeup from scratch.

   Use matt products for the base makeup, and press off the excess gloss. The eye makeup part uses earth color or cold color to emphasize the sense of contour. Shrink color is used for facial repair and blush. If it is a girl with a short lower court, lip makeup can be properly emphasized to increase the proportion of the lower court visually.

   A sense of whiteness

The round face is not only afraid of swelling, but also afraid of crowding. Don't try too many elements of the net sense makeup, eye head, sleeping silkworm and eye tail sequins highlight superposition will make you become a bread superman.

In the direction of the above swelling reduction principle, the eyebrow shape and eyeliner can be lengthened to dilute the sensuality with delicate small sharpness, bringing a tightening effect. At the same time, choose one of the eyes or lips to be the focus of the makeup for depiction. The emptiness brought by leaving blank will make you more photogenic:

   Finally, don't forget the importance of hair style. Compared with the middle part covering both sides of the face, the curved feeling brought by the eight character bangs can better modify the rounded outer contour, and at the same time make the exposed jaw line more delicate for the camera~!

   You can Can think, regardless of the round face, thin on the camera. Yes, but not accurate enough.

   A round face will have more meat than a thin face. Once you get fat, it will be twice as fat as a thin face. It looks inflated, and your facial features will be more concentrated; Once relaxed, the law lines and mouth lines will also appear deeper, and the eyes will also become smaller visually, thus appearing to have a sense of aunt and a bad temper.

   Therefore, the first element of a round face is more important than thin tight

If you want to keep your face tight and upward, you must have the habit of regular fitness, maintain muscle content and low body fat. At the same time, according to their own situation, supplemented by photoelectric RF projects to maintain compactness.

The second element of a round face is light.

The use of light in Flowers emphasizes the contrast of light and shade on Xin Zhilei's face, which makes the facial structure more three-dimensional and also sets off a mysterious atmosphere:

If the light is relatively flat, the round face will not be photographed. If you are taking daily photos for non work needs, remember to pay attention to the light in order to be more photogenic.

   Everyday, I You can try to lean Illuminate the face at an angle of 45 degrees above (table lamp, mobile phone flash, strong light source can be used). The shadow formed by the nose and the side of the face will make the inside of the cheekbones under the eyes of the dark side produce a triangular bright face. The face will appear under the light and dark contrast More three-dimensional structure!

   It's almost New Year's Day, think about what to eat barbecue! Let's talk about losing weight years later!

Photo source: Sina Weibo/Little Red Book/Internet

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