Listen to the first place Yu Shuxin's red carpet makeup idea

Listen to the first place Yu Shuxin's red carpet makeup idea
15:55, January 29, 2024 Fashion COSMO

Author: Sister 13

Source: Fashion COSMO WeChat official account

   Yu Shuxin, the first to be persuaded!

Recently, Yu Shuxin's red carpet makeup has once again aroused widespread discussion: What, do you say that the daughter who returned from overseas is back?

   U1S1, Yu Shuxin is really persuaded. Fans said that her makeup was too thick, but it was the simple makeup in the early days that was suitable for her, so she changed herself to give feedback to everyone:

Do you think this makeup will be more suitable for Yu Shuxin than the previous one?

Many people think that her makeup is "not advanced enough", "heavy sense of network"... But as an artist, it is more important to dare to try.

5-10 years ago, the makeup of Chinese female stars mainly played the role of atmospheric safety. To be honest, it was based on the face, which has no reference for ordinary people. At that time, when we looked at makeup trends, the most popular keywords were Korean makeup, Japanese casual sense, women's group, etc“ Miss you ”、“ Star You ”And a straight eyebrow. Now, the Korean women's troupe stylists and Japanese and Korean girls we pursued in those days will look for makeup reference in a book, and also learn from the makeup of Chinese stars.

Unconsciously, our popular trend has become a more mainstream existence with more discourse power. At various events and ceremonies, female stars are especially popular. They need to change their looks or even make up their hair when starting, on the red carpet and on the stage, which is eye-catching.

In the past, only the XX Women's Troupe returned, but now every day we can see the makeup without heavy samples. Wrong painting or poor effect is terrible. What is terrible is sameness and boredom.

Then, why is Yu Shuxin's makeup meaningful?

First, even if some friends don't like it, But her makeup is really the current trend : High reflection, high detail, large color blocks, large sequins, very suitable for taking pictures, even mobile phones can produce films.

secondly Her makeup features are highly decorative and can help everyone adjust the proportion Everyone can find their own direction in this style.

   last, She herself is good at making up, and she also shares it carefully. Her recommendations, such as contact lenses, double eyelid patches, fairy hair, sequin eye shadow, are really easy to use and help some people.

No one is perfect. Even if Sister Tianxian has painted makeup that is not suitable for her, we just need to grow up through experience. Remember, before making up, ask yourself a few questions: What do I look like? What is my most satisfied/characteristic part? What are my most dissatisfied/minor shortcomings?

Take Yu Shuxin as an example:

Her advantage is that the whole face is symmetrical, which will be especially helpful for the camera. Her face is small but fleshy, her eyebrows are gentle, her eyes are slightly drooping, and her lips are full, so she will look very young. The gentle and white cheeks brought by the atrium would have brought a sense of maturity, but her mouth was full and full. When she smiled, the corners of her mouth were rounded, which neutralized this sense of maturity.

Her small disadvantage is that her eyebrow bone is flat at the temporal part, so it is difficult to eyebrow. If an unfamiliar makeup artist paints along her original eyebrow, there will be eyebrow embarrassment, which is not enough to lift her breath;

In addition, the middle court president and the upper and lower courts are short, which will lead to fatigue. If the makeup is improper, leaving this part blank will make cheekbones, Indian lines and other problems more prominent. The mouth is plump, but the lower court is small. If the lips are fully painted, the chin will look shorter.

The above questions are actually very common facial proportions. If you want to improve the proportion and make your makeup more refined, let's see how Yu Shuxin adjusts it!

   The first is eyebrows.

The gentle eyebrow bone can bring a sweet feeling, but it is not easy to find the shape of the eyebrow. Therefore, we need to shape ourselves to improve this part of the problem.

We can make our usual expressions in the mirror and see the muscle's habitual movement track. Do we like to pick eyebrows, tend to raise eyebrows or be embarrassed? Adjust according to your habits.

Generally speaking, flat eyebrow bones are more likely to cause eyebrow embarrassment, so don't draw simple straight eyebrows. Instead, it is necessary to raise slightly from the eyebrow to the eyebrow peak, with a rising trend, and drop the tail naturally at the left and right sides of the outer edge of the black eye. Let the eyebrow peak rise and fall slightly, and lift up the place lacking the sense of bones, so that even light makeup will not appear listless:

You can compare:

Second, and the most important part, Adjust the atrium.

For people who want to show a sense of maturity or need to dress up in ancient clothes, the space left in the atrium is a good thing. However, for people who have a sense of sensuality and roundness on their faces in daily photography, the modification of the atrium is very necessary.

Maybe she wants to show her fans a good state too much. She uses almost all the techniques that can be used:

Eyelid down to+Lying Silkworm can expand the eye area and narrow the atrium.

Enlarging the area of the lower eye shadow can reduce the atrium.

The exaggerated lower eyelashes have a sense of extension, which can expand the eyes and narrow the atrium.

At present, blush has a sense of expansion, which can shrink the atrium.

The makeup that is said to be "too thick" is largely due to too much presentation, so the sense of detail is too strong, but I don't know where to focus.

Therefore, if we use it daily, One or two of the above methods can be used.

You see, even if the lower eye shadow is exaggerated after the blush is weakened, it will not be exaggerated:

Weakening the lower eyelashes can focus more:

Finally Optimization of the lower court

   Because the lips are plump and the lower court is small, if the lips are fully applied, the white space in the lower court will be more occupied. As a result, Yu Shuxin usually chooses to raise the lower lip edge a little:

   You can cover the edge of the lower lip with foundation, shrink the part of the lower lip, and give the white space to the chin. Xiuzhi, Liu Renna and other types with full lips will also use this technique to enhance refinement. If you are in this category, you can safely blur the original lip line and reshape the lip shape. If you are the type with thin lips and large margins in the lower court, we will do the opposite and expand the lip line to gain more photogenic yourself!

   According to this strengthening exercise, strive to be Mao Geping of your street

Image source: Sina Weibo/Internet

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