Do female stars have temperament? A bright comb will tell you

Do female stars have temperament? A bright comb will tell you
11:06, January 29, 2023 Fashion COSMO

Source: Fashion COSMO WeChat official account

Original title: Beauty Tricks | Look at the temperament of female stars. You can know it by combing her hair

Author: Olivia

This is probably the hairstyle that most tests the temperament and facial features of female stars.

Everyone should have experienced the stage when the old man in the family said that "girls should show their foreheads" after cutting bangs.

Although this statement is too subjective, it is not totally unreasonable. In many cases, showing your forehead will make you look more generous and energetic, and for girls who are very "imperial", showing your forehead will also add extra points to your aura.

There are also several female stars in the entertainment circle who belong to this type of bright hair style rather than those with bangs.

Zhou Yun's bright hairstyle at the premiere of "Evil Meets Right" showed her excellent bone appearance at one fell swoop, as well as her smooth and light shoulder and neck lines. From now on, whenever you mention the words "temperament, shoulder shape, posture", you will surely remember her classic picture.

Zhang Ziyi is also a typical type. Her overall skeleton is meticulous, so the bright shape can best emphasize the excellent proportion of her head and face.

Because there is no hard wound on her facial features that needs to be covered up, adding bangs will blur the delicacy of this bone appearance, suppress the original open and aboveboard aura, and also cover the stubborn feeling and pride on her face, which will reduce the overall recognition.

However, this extremely neat and well fitting curl is not good for anyone who combs it. For girls with defective hairline and head shape, the final effect will only remind you of your bald head teacher.

Can you control it? You can roughly judge from these points 📝

Head form

From the perspective of head shape, generally speaking, people with high skull top and obvious facial skeletal sense are more suitable for keeping bright curls, because this hair style can highlight the small sense of head covering face, and can also show smooth skeletal lines.

Take Zhou Yun for example. From the side, the lines of her whole head will be very round and full, so even if her hair is very conformable, it will not affect her sense of sophistication.

The full and bright red lips, combined with her calm and relaxed aura, are very oriental and introverted.

However, if you belong to the category of low head or sunken sides, the tight curl will visually reduce the dimensions of the head, thus making the face larger, so try carefully.


The hairline of ordinary people is mainly divided into two categories.

One is the "genius type" with smooth hairline like Liu Yifei. The hair is abundant, and there will not be too many miscellaneous hairs and irregular gaps to affect the beauty. Therefore, the black swan she created a few days ago will feel more gentle and elegant.

The other type has obvious corners or concave corners. When combing bright curls, the concave corners on both sides of the hairline will be particularly obvious, like a bald piece, which will sharply reduce the sense of delicacy, and also visually appear to be particularly broad forehead, losing the elegance of curls.

Those who have this problem can use some small methods to modify it, such as increasing the puffiness of the hair root to shift the visual focus to the skull top, so as to weaken the feeling that the hairline is not smooth.

You can also directly pull some broken hair blocks from the side at the corner to visually round the hairline.

Five senses

This hairstyle seems to be nothing special, but it is actually extremely provocative. Because there is no decoration, it will expose any problem that the upper court is slightly longer, the lower court is slightly shorter, or there is a protruding mouth, and the jaw shrinks back.

And because this kind of curly hair has a dignified and grand big girl aura, it is not suitable for girls with large curvature. Compared with the European wide eyelids, the delicate fan-shaped eyelids are more suitable for it.

The female stars who are suitable for it also have a unified feature, that is, the nose bone and nose tip are thin and straight, and the starting point of Shangen is not too high, so that they are more classic and introverted in beauty, otherwise, the tough and exoteric contour will affect the temperament of the hair style itself.


First of all, it should be clear that what is expected to highlight is a sense of sophistication with charm and aura, and even a sense of distance due to the powerful aura.

So all sweet and beautiful makeup can be basically rejected. Most of the time, you can choose to use simple lines and color blocks to echo the high-level sense of hair style.

When it comes to makeup, it emphasizes the eyebrow peak, which emphasizes the three-dimensional degree of the face; The eye makeup color block should also be unified, and more contour colors such as earth color system should be selected. The halo range should also be controlled within the fold of double eyelid as far as possible.

Similarly, blush is optional, too eye-catching pink orange color is a big taboo, and it is better to choose a natural color such as bare apricot color that can be integrated with the tone of facial makeup. The diagonal line can be swept to the ear to slightly modify the cheekbones.

Finally, according to the overall shape at that time, choose a nude lipstick to highlight the simplicity of less decoration, or directly use full painted red lips to enhance the overall aura. The charm of red here is not so strong, but a more solemn and elegant feeling, which is very suitable for formal occasions.

"Black Swan" is just a line away from sumo wrestlers. Who do you think is the most beautiful person with this hairstyle?

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