A small trick to make hair soft and shiny

A small trick to make hair soft and shiny
22:25, December 28, 2022 Sina Fashion micro-blog

Source: Her time

Original title: How to make hair soft and shiny, and how to prevent hair from being frizzy

How to make your hair soft and shiny? Do you know that if you don't know, Feifei in her era has brought you some tips to improve hair quality. In addition, Xiaobian has also brought you some information about how to make hair soft and smooth. Let's take a quick look.

How to make hair soft and shiny

1. After washing your hair, don't blow your hair. Instead, wipe your hair with a towel. When you wipe your hair, you also need to press your hair hard to absorb water, not rub it hard. This will only damage the hair scales, but make our hair even rougher.

2. You should never blow dry your hair completely. You only need to blow it to 70% or 80% dry, because it can retain the moisture in the hair. If we blow dry our hair completely, it will also make our hair easy to break, and it is also easy to make the hair become knotted and dry.

3. When the hair is 70% or 80% dry, it is also necessary to apply hair care essential oil on the end of the hair, because applying hair care essential oil can well retain the moisture in the hair, and at the same time, it can make our hair look more shiny and smooth.

4. It is also important to pay attention when combing your hair. Do not use plastic combs. In fact, it is easy to produce static electricity when combing your hair with plastic combs. These static electricity will also harm your hair to some extent. When combing your hair, you can either use wood combs or air cushioned combs, In this way, it will not hurt the hair, but will play a very good role in massaging the scalp.

How to make hair soft and smooth

1. Correct shampoo method

Shampoo is the first step of hair care, so you must use the correct shampoo method. When shampooing, first pour a little shampoo on the palm of your hand, add a little water, rub your hands into a rich foam, and then apply it to your hair. In addition, do not rub the hair hard, because the hair scales of wet hair have been fully opened. If you rub the hair or comb it with a comb at this time, it will easily cause the hair to split.

2. Pay attention to hair care

After washing hair, use hair care products to nourish the hair. Apply the hair care products to the ends of the hair, and then wear a bathing cap. After 10-15 minutes, clean the hair. In this way, the hair care products can fully penetrate into the hair. When washed clean, the hair will become smooth and supple.

3. Choose a suitable shampoo and moisturizer

Shampoo is an essential commodity in everyone's daily life. If you want to make your hair soft and shiny, it is important to choose a suitable shampoo. It is best to choose a mild vegetable shampoo, which can reduce the damage to hair and scalp caused by chemical components in shampoo.

4. Protein supplement

When the hair lacks protein, it will also appear fluffy and irritable. The loss of protein will make the hair lack nutrition. At this time, you can eat more meat, eggs and soybeans to supplement protein, so that the hair is no longer dry, rough and shiny.

What should we pay attention to when eating

1. Eat less sugar and fatty foods: It is better to eat less high sugar foods such as desserts and candy, and high fat foods such as fried and fat meat, which will accelerate the consumption of water in the body and aggravate the hair's irritability.

2. Supplement some protein: the main substance composed of protein hair can promote the growth of hair and maintain the healthy state of hair.

3. Supplement vitamins A and B: such as oranges, egg yolks, fish, walnuts, sesame, jujube, carrots, green peppers, spinach, etc., which can provide nutrition and nourish hair.

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