dried food! 30 tips for solving hairstyle problems

dried food! 30 tips for solving hairstyle problems
10:08, December 8, 2022 Sina Fashion

Source: WeChat official account of Taotao Research Agency

Original title: 30 tips for solving hairstyle problems!

Author: Brother Tao

The 30 tips class hasn't started for a long time. Have any sisters thought about it?

Every time I write a dry hair, a sister asks how to save a low skull top? What if the hairline is too high? I will teach you some simple tips today

Hairline depth

1. C-shaped comb method

I have taught you Z combing before, but this time I will teach you C combing to hide the hairline.

Select the eyebrow of one eyebrow as the starting point, comb a big C word to the half of the top of the head. This can not only hide the hair seam, but also raise the skull top.

 Image source @ a cute nimo Image source @ a cute nimo

2. S-shaped+Z-shaped comb method

Starting from the middle of the eyebrows, the hair is divided into S types from this position, so that the hair seam can hardly be seen.

If you think the hair seam is still obvious from the side, you can superimpose the Z-shaped comb method to cover the hair seam.

 Source @ Liu Xueliang Source @ Liu Xueliang


3. Do not always keep a line in the middle

Sometimes we can't just focus on the idea of hiding hair seams. In order to prevent the hair seams from getting wider and wider, we should not always divide the hair seams in one place.

 Photo source @ Liu Huhu Photo source @ Liu Huhu

Try to divide the hair on the side, three or seven points, two or eight points more often. Don't always keep it in a straight line to avoid widening the hair seam.

Hairline height

1 Draw the hairline with an eyebrow pencil

The hairline is too high. You can fill the hairline with eyebrow pencil.

Take out the usual eyebrow pencil, the gray one is the best, fill it up little by little, and then use the eyebrow brush to faint, and it will be dyed together with the hair to look more natural.

 Source @ Sister Mier Source @ Sister Mier

2. Draw hairline with facial repair

You can also fill in the hairline with a shave. Take out a darker look and fill it in the sideburns. Remember to dye it out and blend it with the hair to look more like the mother's hairline

 Source @ Sister Mier Source @ Sister Mier

3 Foundation repair and decoration

When making up at ordinary times, you should secretly apply a little more foundation liquid. The transition line of foundation should not be close to the hairline, leaving this area bare.

Then fill the area that has not been covered with foundation liquid with face repair powder, and pull down your hairline automatically. Who dares to say you are bald!

 Source @ One Grain Seven Source @ One Grain Seven

4 Slanted fringe

The hairline is too high, so let's get a fringe to block it, and the oblique parting of the fringe will not be too picky.

Divide the hair into two or eight parts, block the high side of cheekbones with more bangs, and leave a pinch of hair on the other side as well, and then curl it with a curling stick.

 Source @ Linen YAMA Source @ Linen YAMA

5 lanugo fringe

Finally, there is lanugo fringe. This time, Amway will give you a lanugo fringe that can be cut at home.

Tie up the hair, find the highest point of the hairline at the sideburns, draw a right angle, divide the hair, straighten it in the opposite direction, and cut the approximate length to the position of the eyebrow tail.


 Source @ Rika0_0 Source @ Rika0_0

Low parietal cranium

1 thick hair band heightens the skull top

The headband should be high on the top and narrow on both sides. The whole thick headband does not increase the skull top, but exposes the real skull top. Dama!

Dai Fa also pays attention to leaving a curl of hair at the ear, and then wearing a hoop to pin the curl of hair behind the ear, which can not only cover the sideburns on both sides, but also raise the skull top.

 Tuyuan @ means Yao doesn't wake up Tuyuan @ means Yao doesn't wake up

2. The thin hair hoop is superposed to increase

In addition to the thick hair hoop, the thin hair hoop can also create a high skull top through the superposition method.

Choose this kind of layered hair hoop, which is higher than a single hair hoop. Buy it for me

 Tuyuan @ means Yao doesn't wake up Tuyuan @ means Yao doesn't wake up

3. Hair binding at the high skull top of the half cauda equina

The low skull top doesn't need to think about how to make the hair fluffy. It's OK to have a high skull top hair style, such as half ponytail tying hair and manipulation

First tie up the hair in front of the forehead, pull it loose, and then tie up the hair above the ears. The two braids are separate.

Then dig a hole in the front of the braid, twist it around, and put the back braid through the hole. Then you can finish the semi ponytail hairstyle that raises the skull top.

 Tuyuan @ chichi is eating Tuyuan @ chichi is eating

4. Tie the hair with a hairband to raise the skull top

Prepare a black headband, divide part of the hair in front of the ear, and put on the headband.

Then lift up the front hair directly, tie it to the back, and pull up the hair hoop. The hair on the top of the head becomes puffy in an instant, and there will be a high skull top.

 Source @ Fei Bifei Source @ Fei Bifei

5 Pork ribs puffing method

Use the sparerib comb from front to back, arch an arc at the top of the back of the head, and fix it.

Then spray a layer of styling spray, pinch the hair roots with your fingers to make them fluffy, and then blow them with hot air for 30 seconds. After the hair is down, you can harvest a high skull top.


 Photo source @ Bye to Little Sister Meat Photo source @ Bye to Little Sister Meat

6 Blow out the high cranial roof

I also found the exclusive high skull top technique of Che Hong, a Korean star stylist, which can last all day after blowing.

When dry hair, lift the top of the head layer by layer, and spray the hair styling spray on the root of the hair, to the ear, rather than just the top.

Then use warm air to blow the hair in the opposite direction. When blowing, insert your fingers into the hair roots and rub them like this. The hair roots become more fluffy and the skull top naturally becomes higher.

Flat head

1 Big Shark Puffing Method

The flat head can be easily exposed as long as the hair is stuck. You can use a shark clip to fluff the back of the head, which can be solved in two steps.

First, tie a low ponytail that is not too tight, and loosen the hair on the top of the head to make the skull look a little round.

Then wrap the rest of your hair tightly. If you have too much hair, you can wrap it into an 8-shaped shape. If you clamp it with a shark clip, it will be finished. It looks like it has a sense of shape, and it looks full on the top of your head. It is not easy to loose!


 Tuyuan @ means Yao doesn't wake up Tuyuan @ means Yao doesn't wake up

3 Small Shark Puffing Method

If you have less hair, you can also use a small shark to clip the fluffy back of your head.

Start to divide the hair from above the ears, turn the hair several times and arch it upward, let the back of the head arch up, and then fix it with a small shark clamp. The back of the head immediately fills up, looking at the amount of hair.

 Tuyuan @ means Yao doesn't wake up Tuyuan @ means Yao doesn't wake up

4 Low horse tail cross hair

Keep the hair on both sides of the ear, tie a low ponytail flush with the ear, and then use the handle of the comb to loosen the hair to be like.



Then bind the hair on both sides, pull out a hole, pull the lower hair through the hole and tighten it, bind it into a ball, and take your favorite hairpin to fix it.

 Tuyuan @ means Yao doesn't wake up Tuyuan @ means Yao doesn't wake up

5 Low horse tail hair binding

Tie a low ponytail parallel to the earlobe, hold the leather band with one hand, and gently pull the hair up with the other hand, and gradually pull it up to the top of the head to easily create a round and full back head.

If you want a more lasting effect, you can press the hair above the ear and lift it up to spray the styling spray.

 Tuyuan @ Dubai Grandma Tuyuan @ Dubai Grandma

Bald sideburns on both sides

1 Toothbrush saves hairline

The hairline is no other height, either covered or drawn.

Dip the toothbrush with hairline powder/hairline cream, brush it on the sideburns and hairline, brush it in the direction of the hair, and the sideburns will be filled instantly!


 Tuoyuan @ Tuoyu is TC-ZHOU Tuoyuan @ Tuoyu is TC-ZHOU

2 Hair blowing at sideburns

It is obvious that the sideburns are generally M shaped. I'll show you how to block them with a hair dryer.

Clip the hair above the M shape, press the remaining hair with a roller comb, blow the hair root with hot air, and comb the hair forward with a comb from front to back until it is set, so as to cover the hair.

 Source @ Lin Jie Source @ Lin Jie


3 Hair clip diagonal strap

Sisters who like to wear hairpins when they go out usually learn this skill to cover your bald sideburns

Leave a pinch of hair in front of the ear, tie up a pinch of hair behind the ear, and pull it up a bit loosely. It feels a bit fluffy. It looks like there are many hairs on the side.

Then use the hairpin from front to back, from top to bottom, the bald place is not only covered, but also has a sense of modeling.

 Tuyuan @ means Yao doesn't wake up Tuyuan @ means Yao doesn't wake up


What Brother Tao said:

I guess there must be some sisters who will say that they have learned eyes, but not hands

In fact, it is not difficult to operate, just practice a few more times.

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