Hit one end of the organ: it's hard to get rid of it

Hit one end of the organ: it's hard to get rid of it
21:55, November 23, 2022 Sina Fashion

Source of article: Ingredient Yuyanjia WeChat official account

Original title: hit one end of the organ: it's not easy to get rid of it

Author: Taro

Hello, it's taro sauce!

The other day, while surfing happily, Taro suddenly found a familiar hot search:

 Illustrations not specifically noted in this article are all made in paintable Illustrations not specifically noted in this article are all made in paintable

Tut tut, there are always people who try their best to lose weight, but the last four words seem to attract me more than extreme thin. Click on them to see: Sure enough, she went to the hospital because of hair loss, and then was diagnosed as acute telogen hair loss by the doctor, which is why this hot search came into being.

It has to be said that young people nowadays have thousands of reasons for hair loss, but the end result is the same - poor Baba has few hairs left. It seems that my hair is getting less and less. I feel the same way! Why not? Let's talk about two or three things about hair loss today.

To understand hair loss, we should start with the growth cycle of the hair itself. After all, hair is also a part of our body hair, and it cannot escape the three growth processes of hair: growth, regression and rest.

 Tuyuan Vision China, made in Pictorial Tuyuan Vision China, made in Pictorial

As the name suggests, hair in the growing period is equivalent to "youth" hair, which will continuously grow "stature" (length), while hair in the retrogression period is "middle-aged" hair, which has stopped growing and no longer grows. As for the rest period, this term often appears when we discuss the problem of "hair loss". It is a drooping "old age" hair, which will not grow again, It is also easy to fall off, making room for the newborn hair.

However, you should not worry too much. Even if the hair is in the resting period, the hair entering the resting period and growing period is almost in a dynamic balance, which is why the normal number of hair can be maintained.

What is normal? In fact, the daily hair loss of each person is about 50-100, which can be considered as the normal metabolism of hair. Most of the time, hair falls quietly. I don't know how much it has fallen, but if I want to know whether I have "hair loss", I can use the following two small methods to make a self judgment.

The operation of hair pulling test is very simple. As long as you use your thumb and forefinger to pinch about 50 hairs at the root of the hair and slide your fingers evenly towards the end of the hair, normal people can generally pull down 3-5 hairs, and the end of the hair follicle pulled down is pestle shaped, and there may be milky white membrane.

 Tuyuan Vision China, made in Pictorial Tuyuan Vision China, made in Pictorial

However, if the pulled hair has no pestle end and is not close to the scalp, it may be broken, which is generally caused by improper care. We need to pay attention to the routine of hair washing and care. Another is that if the hair pulled off is broken and close to the scalp, Taro suggests that we go to the hospital for a doctor's inspection.

Regular photographing means taking photos of hair from the front, back, left, right and top of the head every month. If the hair volume is really decreasing and the scalp is becoming more and more obvious after six months of continuous observation, it is time to go to the hospital to check and judge.

However, it is a little difficult to implement this method (at least I may not stick to it). If I really feel that I have hair loss, it is easier and more reassuring to go directly to the hospital.

The sadness of contemporary young people is nothing more than hair loss scattered on pillows, combs, sewers, etc. What is the reason that our hair always yearns for "freedom" and wants to leave us? There are four common causes of hair loss: seborrheic alopecia, androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata and telogen alopecia.


Seborrheic alopecia

If more hair loss, more oil and dandruff appear at the same time, it is necessary to consider whether seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp causes hair loss.

 Tuyuan Vision China, the same below Tuyuan Vision China, the same below

Seborrheic dermatitis is mainly a kind of fungus called Maseratia, which likes eating oil very much, and a terrible fact is that this fungus exists on the skin of most people!

But don't worry too much. It will grow and reproduce in large numbers only when the sebaceous glands are secreted vigorously, which will lead to seborrheic dermatitis. The existence of this inflammation will affect the health of hair follicles. The "hometown" of hair will be affected, and the hair will be easier to leave us.

However, to judge whether you really have seborrheic dermatitis, you need to go to the hospital for a doctor's interview. Don't use drugs at will!!


Androgenic alopecia

Androgen induced alopecia, referred to as "androgen alopecia", is actually quite common, and the most common reason is male baldness ↓

But in fact, not only men, but also women have a lot of "androgyny", but women's performance is not so typical, just the hair on the top of the head gradually becomes scarce (like the widening of the hair seam)

It's professional to say that androgen is mainly due to testosterone in the body, which is converted into dihydrotestosterone by 5 α - reductase in hair follicle cells. Some hair follicles are not tolerant to dihydrotestosterone. In this way, hair follicles that have not yet grown hair will be inhibited, and "new" hair will not grow, and hair follicles that have grown hair will be forced to enter the rest period in advance. So, The hair is getting less and less!

However, this is actually a common hair loss phenomenon, which is not a disease in strict terms. It is a normal manifestation of androgen effect, and it will worsen with age. This phenomenon is mainly due to heredity. It is genes that determine the sensitivity of hair follicles to androgen strength. Therefore, if a father has androgenesis, his son can hardly escape.


alopecia areata

The appearance of alopecia areata is easier to identify. Instead of gradually thinning, there may be one or several "maverick" hairs, which fall off in blocks. The skin where they fall off is usually smooth without redness and swelling.

This disease, yes, it can be called a disease. It is not biased. Men and women have the same incidence. The reason can only be said that it is related to the immune system, and genes are also key. If you really encounter this situation, don't hesitate to go directly to the hospital and carry out the corresponding treatment under the guidance of the doctor. Don't miss the opportunity to let the hair follicle recover.


Telogen alopecia

Rest period, the term I mentioned at the beginning of the hair growth cycle, we know that under normal circumstances, a small part of the hair follicles on the scalp will "hibernate". When the "spring" (specific conditions) comes, they will enter the growth period again and grow hair. At this time, another small part of the hair follicles will take over the "hibernation", so that "shift change" Rest can keep the total amount of hair at the same level, which is relatively normal.

However, due to various reasons, the number of hair follicles who went on strike to "hibernate" suddenly increased, which would lead to the overall reduction of hair volume, that is, hair loss in the rest period.

As for these reasons, they involve many aspects.

(1) Disease and medication

First of all, some chronic diseases, such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, iron deficiency anemia, etc., may cause more hair follicles in the "strike" and form hair loss in the rest period.

In addition, taking certain drugs or external use of certain chemicals, such as chemotherapy drugs, antidepressants and retinoic acid for external use, may also cause hair loss in the rest period under the action of drugs.

Especially for women, in some special periods, such as pregnancy and menopause, when the endocrine hormone cycle is adjusted, the hair follicle function will be affected to varying degrees and hair loss will occur.

As many people have said, postpartum hair loss is actually due to changes in hormones in the body during the late pregnancy period, making many hair that should have entered the rest period still in the growth period. Once the hormone level recovers after production, those hair that should have fallen off in a short time, so the term "postpartum hair loss" came into being.

No matter the inappropriate washing products are used, or excessive ironing and dyeing, they may add burden to the hair follicles and cause hair loss to varying degrees.

Even, improper combing may stimulate the scalp and pull the hair, which makes the hair follicles in some parts bear great pressure, resulting in pulling hair loss. (Especially don't tie tight ponytail for children.)

This is in line with the news that Taro saw before. Sisters remember, no matter what, don't go on a diet. Dieting is harmful to the body, but not beneficial! As far as hair is concerned, the result of dieting may be that hair loses faster than weight

This is because special dietary patterns (such as not eating staple food and meat) will lead to insufficient intake of essential nutrients and hair loss. In addition, excessive intake of vitamin A and zinc supplements may also lead to hair loss~

The last one is hair loss caused by excessive mental pressure. Excessive mental stress will produce excessive mental stress, making too many hair follicles enter the resting period. Taro guessed that maybe they were thinking: the owner is so tired, let's take a rest for you! (I really will thank you)

If you really encounter these situations, don't worry too much. After all, as we pay more attention to hair loss, we have more and more experience in coping with hair loss.



Minoxidil is a commonly used drug ingredient in the treatment of anti alopecia. I have to say that it is really good at dealing with alopecia.

 Tuyuan Vision China, the same below Tuyuan Vision China, the same below

First of all, it can prevent calcium ions from entering the cells. You should know that calcium ions are not good people. They can inhibit the growth of hair. If they are prevented, there will be fewer "enemies" in hair. At the same time, as a potassium channel promoter, it can open the channel for cells to absorb potassium ions, allowing potassium ions to neutralize calcium ions, which can also weaken the "power" of calcium ions.

In addition, it can directly stimulate the growth and increase of hair follicle epithelial cells, thus prolonging the growth period of hair. In addition, it can promote blood vessel expansion, increase local blood flow, and activate hair follicles into the germinal period by supplementing nutrition in hair follicles, which is also an important means for minoxidil to deal with "hair loss".

However, although minoxidil is good, it is more suitable for use in the early stage of hair loss, and can significantly improve the hair thinning areas. In addition, it has two more common adverse reactions

First of all, there may be redness, swelling and acne on the scalp, which is normal because minoxidil contains a substance called propylene glycol, which is the devil of it. As long as the drug is stopped, the situation will improve.

Secondly, when some treasures are used up, the so-called "crazy dropout" may occur, which is also normal, because minoxidil itself will speed up the growth cycle of hair, so that the hair that should have been lost will fall off faster, and after a period of time, it will recover itself, so don't worry too much.

Although minoxidil is an over-the-counter drug, it is also a pharmaceutical ingredient. It is recommended that people use taro under the guidance of doctors. Taro will not be used as an example here~


  Aminexil / Stemoxydine

Both of them are the black technology components of L'Oreal Group. Aminexil Amenice (patent No.: FR3044550B1) is mainly aimed at hair root follicles.

It can soften the collagen fiber net that wraps the hair follicle, so that it does not squeeze the growth space of the hair follicle, so that the nutrition supplied by the external hair follicle can reach smoothly, which is equivalent to loosening the soil of the land where the hair is located, and the yield of "crops" will naturally be high.

For example, taro has recommended the L'Oreal anti stripping small water gun, and Vichy's multi effect hair firming essence (male and female versions). The main anti stripping ingredient is Aminexil Amerinis.

As for Stemoxydine, it starts from the fact that some hair loss is related to the increase of oxygen level of hair follicle stem cells. It improves the living environment of hair follicles by simulating the hypoxic environment of hair follicle stem cells, so that it can be fully nourished, thus stimulating the activity of hair follicles and hair growth.

As the ingredient Stemoxydine appeared relatively late, the product was not used much, and it did not officially enter the Chinese market, so at present, such products cannot be bought in China, and they have to be purchased overseas or on behalf of others.



CapixylTM is also common in hair loss prevention products. It is not a single component, but a bionic peptide complex, mainly composed of red clover extract and acetyltetrapeptide-3.

The main force is acetyl tetrapeptide-3, which is a polypeptide containing four amino acids. It can not only repair hair follicle cells, but also extend the growth time of hair.

It can also accelerate the production of extracellular matrix proteins through fibroblasts, especially type III collagen, type VII collagen and laminin. The increase of these proteins can enhance the toughness of hair follicles and prevent hair from falling off easily.

When acetyltetrapeptide-3 is combined with the red clover extract rich in biotin a, the anti stripping effect will be further improved.

There are still many products containing CapixylTM, such as Grow Gorgeous's hair growth essence and Dopan anti drop essence, which are very helpful for stabilizing our precious hair~

In addition, correct hair care knowledge, smoking cessation, scalp sunscreen, good sleep habits, and maintaining weight are all important to our hair! All right, today's sauce~

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