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Growing up All the Way Ends with Warm Heart, a happy practice of two-way healing and common growth

2024-06-13 16:56 Fenghuang.com

Source title: Growing Up All the Way, a happy practice of two-way healing and common growth

The parent child outdoor life observation reality show Grow Up, which was made by Tencent Video, ended today with a warm heart. Six cute children completed their graduation performance through a shadow play, Three Beats of White Bones, and revealed their sincere feelings to parents in the image of "growing up", so that parents and audience who accompanied them along the way saw their growth and progress, And I really felt the power of healing and cultivation, and harvested tears of joy and surging love.

Independent travel to achieve self dialogue, two-way healing to achieve common growth

Since the broadcast, the guests in the observation room, the parents of the children and the audience have witnessed the process of six cute children "growing up all the way". In this natural journey of "letting go of mother and independence of baby", each child has completed a dialogue with himself and gained different growth. The sweet little warm boy tangyuan is responsible and responsible, playing the role of a small captain and taking care of other children during the whole journey; Dashuo, a "comedian" in Northeast China, was worried that he would be angry if he could not get something to eat at the beginning, and showed his manliness of being brave and helping others all the way; The energetic mixed race girl koala began to fear water and small animals, gradually overcame her inner fear, and won the first place in the process of climbing the volcano; Twins from left to right from a word of disagreement to fight each other to protect; Lucky started as a little girl who wanted her mother, and gradually became independent and regular.

The growth of children is obvious to all, but the program is not limited to recording the growth of children. For parents, it is also a change of self growth and educational philosophy. Dashuo's mother reflected on her own way of getting along with her children after communication. She found that she seldom said "Mom loves you" to Dashuo like other mothers, and she was more willing to express it to her children in later emotional exchanges. In the link of "magic cake triggers mother to grow old", parents also faced the departure education directly, and gradually tried and accepted letting go of children in the process. In this journey of growth, children have completed a bold breakthrough "from the inside out", while parents have completed a process of "from the outside in" to examine themselves. In this process, parents and children have gained two-way healing and completed common growth.

Create "no model" style family Sample, fresh and open, export diversified education concept

For a long time, parent-child variety shows have been rooted in the exploration of family education methods and the guidance of social values. Through the narration of the daily life of cute children, they trigger the parents' experience memory of counterpoint, so as to conduct in-depth interaction in the pseudo communication environment, which is easy to have emotional resonance with the content of the characters in the program, and therefore often take the family samples in the program as "models" For reference. However, parent-child relationship and family education often need to "teach students in accordance with their aptitude", and a single model cannot be applied to every family and every child. In this regard, Growing Up All the Way selects five different families and five groups of children growing up in different educational environments, and presents a vivid and diverse family sample through their real performance.

Grow up All the Way uses the real record of reality show and the discussion of observation room situation to carry out multi angle cross narrative, triggering multiple emotional experiences of the audience. Through the exchange and collision of different education methods and ideas, it presents the audience with various phenomena in family education and parent-child relationship, and constructs a positive reflective situation, which alleviates the anxiety of current parent-child education, It promotes the emotional exchange between parents and children. The content set in the program, such as Seal Challenge, Aging Magic, Volcanic Challenge, etc., through story-based and task-based narrative techniques, entered the children's inner world, listened to the children's aspirations, opened the bridge of emotional communication between parents and children, and promoted the audience's attention and reflection on contemporary family education.

The story of Growing Up All the Way has ended, but the life of five groups of families and six cute children will continue. After this journey of growth, the emotional ties between the five groups of parents and children will become closer. I believe that on the topic of "how to grow up well", the audience, like the five groups of families, will find their own answers.

Editor in charge: Wang Dazhi (QJ0026)

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