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Director Cao Yiyi attended the official activities of Cannes Film Festival, calling for attention to environmental protection

2024-05-21 18:04 Xianning News Network

Source title: Director Cao Yiyi attends the official activities of Cannes Film Festival and appeals for environmental protection

On May 18, 2024 French time, the official event held by the Animation Day of the Cannes Film Festival was grandly held in the villa area near the main venue of the Film Festival, warming up for its upcoming animation day exhibition on the next day. The event invited top film makers from the United States, Britain, France, Germany and other countries in the world to promote cultural exchanges between countries.

Director Cao Wenyi (third from left)

As the producer of the exhibited works on this year's Animation Day, Chinese director Cao Yiyi was invited to participate in the event and had a sincere conversation with many film practitioners. She called on filmmakers to take more social responsibilities, pay attention to the nuclear leakage problem, and exert their influence to mitigate the negative impact of pollution events, and earnestly pay attention to the common destiny of mankind.

Cao Yiyi's work After Fukushima was partially displayed in the activity

Editor in charge: Wang Dazhi (QJ0026)

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