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The three of us The tour around Weizhou Island in Beihai is a lot of sightseeing!

2024-05-21 16:07 Beiqing.com

Source title: "The Three of us" The tour around Weizhou Island in Beihai is a lot of sightseeing!

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The travel and exploration reality show "The Three of us" is on Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. In the ninth program, Guo Qilin, Mao Buyi, Wei Daxun and Qin Xiaoxian, a flying guest, explored Weizhou Island in Beihai, leading the audience to a free and healing trip to the island, and to feel carefree and relaxed in their life away from the hustle and bustle.

Beihai is located in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. This city is full of healing atmosphere. It has a unique natural environment and beautiful coastal scenery. The romantic and cozy Beihai Silver Beach and the historical heritage of the old street are both very pleasant. Weizhou Island in Beihai has a unique island landscape. It is the youngest "volcanic island" in China. The island has a long coastline, rich vegetation types and high coverage. Here, the guests had their first taste of fresh cactus, were pleasantly surprised by the full harvest of sea fishing, and enjoyed the unique volcanic landscape of Crocodile Hill Park. Coinciding with the "March 3rd of the Zhuang nationality", we also tried a Guangxi folk song duet full of folk characteristics. The unique food scenery and relaxed and free travel collided with infinite vitality.

Aimanli recommends leisure islanders to live and taste "prickly" cactus curiously

With the recommendation of director Aimand, the guests came to the interesting and niche cactus base for the first time. When it comes to cactus, people may think of its ornamental value, while the varieties of cactus in Weizhou Island cactus base are quite edible and nutritious. As early as hundreds of years ago, cactus and Weizhou Island coexisted, and wild cactus in full bloom all over the mountains and plains would also bear red fruits. Due to the unique solar and thermal conditions and climate on the island, together with the volcanic soil rich in minerals, it has become the best place for cactus to grow, among which cactus fruit is "treasure all over". The base not only meticulously produces creative drinks with high face value, but also develops special products such as cactus scented tea, so that more people can understand the nutritional value and efficacy of cactus, and also carry forward the local characteristic industry of Weizhou Island.

The whole staff has gained a lot from sea fishing, and enjoy the sunset at sea immersively

Weizhou Island, located in the Beibu Gulf, is one of the four major fishing grounds in China, with rich fishery resources. You can experience sea fishing at Weizhou Island Blue Bridge without going out to sea. It is a long blue sea building, which sets off the magnificent sea scenery. It is a favorite place for photographers to take pictures and also a sea fishing resort with high success rate. The confident guests started the big challenge of sea fishing. After the downturn of the beginning, everyone was getting better. Fishing Xiaobai was also satisfied with the bait again and again. With the sunset on the sea slowly emerging, the long-awaited harvest has come. The beautiful natural scenery has cured the impetuosity and anxiety brought by the city. Everyone came to the cliff garden of the seascape Chinese restaurant to taste the local food under the seascape and immerse themselves in the leisure and free life of the islanders.

Crocodile Mountain Visits the Strange Landform, and Feels the Folk Custom by "March 3rd" Duet Singing

Crocodile Mountain Scenic Area is a must visit place of Weizhou Island. From the top of the mountain, you can enjoy the sea view. Along the plank road, you can also see the volcanic crater, sea erosion landform and other strange geological landscapes. The lighthouse and the beautiful seascape contrast each other. The sea is blue and the sea breeze is fresh. Everything is as beautiful as a movie scene. Guests walked and stopped at their own pace, felt the integration of sea and sky, and admired the uncanny workmanship of nature. On the third day of March, the Singing Immortal Festival, guests and enthusiastic Zhuang compatriots experience the duet, feel the local folk customs, and bring this beautiful blessing to all the audience. Although the life of "islanders" is happy, it is short. At the end of the journey, we completely relax ourselves, ride electric donkeys, go to night markets, do barbecues, and forget all troubles in the waves and sea breeze.

Weizhou Island, a lazy, beautiful and warm island, has left us too many beautiful memories. We hope that more people can feel the full healing from the North Sea. In the next issue, the guests will unlock new travel destinations. Will they play new tricks? Remember to lock Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV at 22:00 every Saturday! Join the team of Three of Us!

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Editor in charge: Wang Dazhi (QJ0026)

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