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Serious Official Announces to Kill Poplar Forest and Wensong Group

2024-05-16 15:01 Sohu

Source Title: "Honest" Official Declaration of Killing Poplar Forest and Wensong Group

On May 15, the online drama "Serious" was successfully completed! The play was produced by Youku and Dongsen Media (Hainan) Co., Ltd., and starred Yang Shulin, Wen Song, Mao Linlin, Zhou Yunpeng, Tian Wa, Wang Xiaohu, especially Pang Yixin and Zhao Zhenting. It is reported that the play tells a series of suspense stories that happened in the Luozi Ridge in the remote suburb of Fengtian during the Beiyang period.

Small people also have big dreams Rozi Ridge bulk F4 high-energy detective

From winter to summer, "Honesty" was shot in Lushun Chuangdong Film and Television City, Dalian, Liaoning. On the closing day, the official released the closing photos and short videos of the leading actors Yang Shulin, Wen Song, Mao Linlin, Zhou Yunpeng, Tian Wa and Wang Xiaohu. The actors waved goodbye to the characters in the face of the camera, and the character modeling also came to light. The netizens were full of expectations for the broadcast of the drama. Everyone left numerous messages and shouted, "All are very boring actors, looking forward to it" and "gkd can't wait to see it"!




"Honest" revolves around four "bulk detectives" Fan Ji'an (Yang Shulin), Li Baitian (Wen Song), Xiao Hammer (Zhou Yunpeng) and San Biaozi (Tian Wa) who start a hot blooded adventure in the Roe Deer Ridge. The play breaks away from the limitations of the characters, and each character is very interesting. Fan Ji'an, played by Yang Shulin, is a patrolman who wants to become a regular; Li Baitian, played by Wen Song, is the best fisherman in the Roziling Police Station who knows the rules of lying flat in the workplace; Zhou Yunpeng plays the Little Hammer, an idle minion in Roe Deer Ridge; Tian Wa plays the police officer San Biao Zi, who investigates the case all day long, even to the point that six relatives refuse to admit it in order to solve the case; Several small people have their own ideals. When everyone gets together to do something unreliable in a serious manner for their own goals, what surprises will the audience get from different character settings, high-energy and slightly contrasting collisions? Let's wait and see.




Create Northeast Style Suspense Detective Drama with Sincerity and Craftsmanship

It is worth mentioning that "Being Serious" is a northeast detective drama with both suspense and absurdity. In order to build a close loop between the two stories that complement each other and achieve a sense of balance of unity of opposites, the production of the drama can be described as painstaking. Suspense builds the case framework with unpredictable suspense to ensure that the story is strange, full of doubts, and tense; The sense of absurdity is stereoscopically presented from the interesting artificial design, the characters' exploration process and the relaxed and humorous interaction in life. Let the audience follow the perspective of "Roe Deer Ridge F4" to participate in the reasoning process, and enjoy a humorous and relaxed experience of watching the play from their interaction.




In addition, "Being Serious" has also made a lot of efforts in details, and every detail shows the intention and delicacy of the production team. The drama was shot in the Chuangdong Film and Television City in Lushun, Dalian, Liaoning Province. The unique street view of the town of the Republic of China in the Northeast and the simple village and mountain houses provide a unique shooting environment for the drama. The clothing modeling of the character's grounding style has also been carefully studied to ensure that the audience can feel the extreme introduction of the "Northeast style Suspense Investigation" in the scene, characters, quality and texture. Next, the play will enter into intense post production, and strive to meet the audience as soon as possible. At that time, the play will be broadcast exclusively on Youku. Please wait!

Editor in charge: Wang Dazhi (QJ0026)

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