Marriage is not easy, true love is hard to meet

Marriage is not easy, true love is hard to meet
10:37, February 1, 2024 Sina Women

May he be as firm as a rock, so affectionate and happy as a white head.

Original title: In the eyes of men, which is more important, lover or wife? The truth pierces my heart!

Author: Uncle Bei

Source: Bei Shuyouyue (ID: beishu2016)

In this world of chaos and the world of mortals, men are always greedy.

Most men wish they could have both a wife who is well behaved and a sweetheart who speaks softly.

   When tired and tired, return to the family and enjoy the warmth and stability of a wife;

   When it is boring, it will be a spring breeze all night, indulging the fresh passion between lovers.

   White jade and cinnabar nevus, in the eyes of men, different situations have different importance.

In the final analysis, they have no sincerity towards anyone, just to satisfy their own selfish desires, and the truth sticks in their hearts!

   The wife is more important when it is necessary to take care of the family and raise children.

In life, men are often tired of household chores. It's good to have a wife, have children, respect their parents, and take care of everything in good order.

When I got home, there were steaming meals, cute and sensible smiling faces of the children, caring parents, and considerate wife, all of which made me feel tired and enjoy the warmth of home.

   At this time, men will cherish the happiness of their families and appreciate their wives' efforts. Wives seem to be more important than lovers who don't touch the sun.

Just like in the TV series Settling Down, Mr. Kan is a successful businessman. At the beginning, Mrs. Kan accompanied him to Shanghai to work hard, started from scratch, and supported him to accompany him. Only then did he achieve today's achievements.

Mrs. Kan is a hard-working and capable wife. She not only takes care of the sick mother-in-law herself, but also cultivates four children in every detail, so that Mr. Kan has no worries.

However, Mr. Kan, who is full of lust for sex, has cheated on the literary and artistic lady Zhibu, seeking the taste of ordinary life.

Mrs. Kan learned that she did not tear her face, but moved with emotion and defended her rights and interests by legal means.

Mr. Kan was very aware of the irreplaceable existence of his wife for him and for the whole family. He immediately gave up the affair and went home.

Netizens commented:

"Although many men are greedy for the fragrance of wild flowers outside, it is only dew love. It is his wife who can give him a sense of belonging. It is dark and he is tired of playing. He still wants to go home."

   When a man gets along with his wife, even if he is less vigorous in love, he still has many years of friendship. He takes care of the warmth of his family. In his heart, his wife is still very important.

To be happy with your lover is just to have fun, which is doomed to have no result, while your wife is the one who shares weal and woe and lives a life with sincerity.

Only with his wife can he live up to his name, guard the family together and go through life hand in hand.

   In the dead of night, when you are troubled and need tea, lovers are more important.

Someone said:

"A lover is a man's complement and regret in marriage. He wants passion, feeling, romance and gentleness, while his wife has long been polished to a dull and simple life."

So, in the lonely night, the man's heart is ready to move, yearning for a romantic affair. When troubled, he longs for a considerate confidant to comfort his loneliness.

   In the lover's place, there is no bondage of responsibility, no shackles of family, and a beautiful woman can pour out her heart, be artful, indulge in lust, and be reluctant to leave.

In Moments in Beijing, Zeng Sunya marries Yao Mulan, a virtuous and virtuous woman. Mulan takes over the affairs of the Zeng family, but neglects to cultivate feelings with her husband, which makes Zeng Sunya, who has been idle for a long time, flirt with others.

Zeng Sunya met Cao Lihua, a female college student. She was beautiful and talented. She played the piano and painted in front of Sun Ya.

Zeng Sunya was attracted to Cao Lihua. Ignoring his wife, who worked hard at home, he rented a courtyard to hide her beauty. When he was depressed and angry at home, he went to Cao Lihua to seek comfort. They were very happy, and they were very intimate.

When Mulan and Zeng's family found out, Zeng Sunya was still linked to Cao Lihua without repentance, but never gave her a title.

Men can't let go of their lovers. In fact, they are nostalgic for the relaxed and wanton atmosphere, the feeling that someone is obedient and dependent.

   The existence of a lover is like a wisp of wind blowing through her heart. She knows his worries and troubles, can discern his inner weakness, and gives him warm care. At this moment, the importance of a lover is self-evident.

However, accompanied by lovers, when the hazy beauty collides with the cold reality, all tenderness will be broken and disillusioned.

No matter how much love you have outside marriage, it will not last forever.

Wives and lovers are like red roses and white roses. The mentality of men is always:

"Since they are eager for the stability of marriage, some people have no regrets to pay for maintaining a good man for his family;

They are unwilling to give up their intimate relationship with their lovers, and they have no fun ever since. "

In the final analysis, it is the selfish and amorous nature of men who hurt two women at the same time.

In a relationship, if you don't treat it wholeheartedly and sincerely, sooner or later you will hurt your heart and destroy your family, and men will pay a price for it.

   Marriage is not easy and true love is hard to meet. If two people can become a husband and wife, they must be faithful and cherish each other. Only when they become the most reliable and trusted partner, can they go through the long life together.

   I wish that the one beside you would be as firm as a rock, resist the invasion of temptation, be so affectionate, love you wholeheartedly, and be happy to the white head.

Author: Uncle Bei. Source: Beishu Youyue (ID: beishu2016), an all-round growth platform for urban women, has marriage and emotional problems. Pay attention to Beishu and give you the answer! Every night at nine o'clock, we will see you.

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