Official notice of boys being beaten and bullied by classmates

Official notice of boys being beaten and bullied by classmates
16:28, May 22, 2024 Surging news

Recently, a student bullying incident occurred in Long'an Campus of Longxiang School in Nanning, Guangxi, which aroused public concern.

On May 22, Long'an County Education Bureau issued a notice:

According to the investigation, 8 middle school students in Long'an Campus of Longxiang School, including Zhao and Meng, bullied Zhang (male, 13 years old), a classmate of the same school, by beating and scalding, causing multiple injuries to Zhang. At present, Zhang has been treated in the hospital directly under the district government, and his physical condition has recovered well.

It is understood that the public security organs have taken criminal detention of two students involved, Zhao (17) and Meng (16), who have reached the age of 16, according to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, and the other six students involved who have not reached the age of 16, according to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security. The case is under further investigation.

Our bureau ordered Longxiang School to rectify immediately and rectify within a time limit, and further negotiated with Longxiang School and the families of the injured students to deal with the follow-up matters. At the same time, our bureau will deeply learn from the lessons, draw inferences from other cases, carry out the special action of prevention and treatment of school violence and student bullying in primary and secondary schools, and resolutely prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Source: Long'an County Education Bureau website

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