Take off "small glasses" and put an end to "little fat" students' common diseases How to prevent multiple diseases

Take off "small glasses" and put an end to "little fat" students' common diseases How to prevent multiple diseases
07:47, May 15, 2024 Surging news

The health of student groups always touches the public's heart. Recently, the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention released the Technical Guide for Common Diseases and Multiple Diseases of Students, which for the first time defined the concept of "common diseases and multiple diseases prevention" for common diseases of students, and proposed monitoring and intervention measures. Xinhua News Agency reporters interviewed the disease control experts who participated in the drafting of the guide to see the main points of the guide.

   Highlight 1: These common diseases are affecting students' health

According to the guidelines, including myopia, overweight and obesity, abnormal curvature of the spine, infectious diseases, dental caries, mental health problems, etc., are the diseases or health problems that often occur in the current student population and have a high incidence, which have a greater impact on individual health and social adaptation.

"With the social and economic development of China, the main health problems of children and adolescents are also evolving." Tao Fangbiao, a professor of Anhui Medical University, introduced that the monitoring data of the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention showed that the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents in China in 2022 was 51.9%, including 36.7% in primary schools, 71.4% in junior high schools, and 81.2% in senior high schools.

The number and prevalence of overweight and obesity among students are also rising rapidly. According to the Report on Nutrition and Chronic Diseases of Chinese Residents in 2020, the overweight and obesity rate among students aged 6 to 17 years old is 19%. The 2019 national monitoring and intervention data on common diseases and health influencing factors among students showed that the detection rate of spinal curvature abnormalities among primary and secondary school students was 2.8%, and the prevalence rate of spinal curvature abnormalities grew faster in junior and senior middle schools. In addition, the mental health of children and adolescents also needs attention.

Tao Fangbiao said that the prevalence of a single disease or health problem among students in China deserves attention, especially the situation that the same individual has two or more diseases needs to be improved.

   Focus 2: "Common prevention of multiple diseases" can be achieved through behavioral and environmental intervention

The guide defines the concept of "common prevention of multiple diseases" for students' common diseases for the first time, that is, "when the causes of multiple diseases are the same or there are common risk factors, the strategy of common prevention of multiple diseases can be adopted."

For example, lack of outdoor activities and physical exercises in the daytime, static behavior, sleep rhythm disorder, too long exposure to light sources at night, nutritional imbalance, lack of parent-child communication, etc. are often common risk factors for myopia, overweight and obesity, spinal curvature abnormalities and mental health problems of student groups Regular life, balanced nutrition, strengthening parent-child communication, etc. can prevent multiple diseases or health problems at the same time, so as to achieve the goal of common prevention of multiple diseases.

Tao Fangbiao believes that students' physical and mental health problems must be paid great attention to. Through comprehensive intervention and multi-party cooperation, the implementation of scientific prevention and intervention measures will further improve the level of prevention and control of common diseases among students and comprehensively guarantee their health.

   Focus 3: Build a three-level intervention system for common diseases of students

Song Yi, a researcher at the Children's and Children's Health Center of the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention/School Health Center, introduced that the guide proposed to build a three-level intervention system, including the first level intervention, the second level intervention and the third level intervention.

Among them, the first level intervention mainly focuses on the promotion of simple and reliable intervention technology, and innovatively proposes the "six ones" healthy lifestyle; The secondary intervention focuses on early detection of high-risk groups, timely detection of students with insufficient hyperopia reserves, continuous weight gain, and large emotional changes, strengthening monitoring and follow-up, and implementing targeted intervention measures to prevent a single health problem from further developing into multiple diseases; The three-level intervention is aimed at students who have suffered from multiple diseases, guiding students to professional institutions for diagnosis and treatment.

What is the "Six Ones" healthy lifestyle? Tao Fangbiao said that the "Six Ones" can be regarded as a highly concise and comprehensive guidance for daily life intervention technology. That is, one hour of physical exercise every day, one hour of outdoor activities in school and one hour of outdoor activities outside school; Sitting for an hour requires 10 minutes of activity; The video time for entertainment purposes is less than 1 hour per day; The dining time of three meals is relatively fixed, with the difference of no more than 1 hour; Go to bed early and get up early, reduce the exposure to light source for 1 hour every day; One hour of parent-child communication and 15 minutes of interaction every day.

   Highlight 4: "Five in one" multi cooperation can protect students

Multi cooperation plays a vital role in escorting students' health, and the guide clearly will mobilize all forces to jointly strengthen health education.

"Schools can provide students with high-quality learning and living environment and scientific health education knowledge, the government and disease control institutions can provide policy guidance and technical support, and communities and families can guide students to develop healthy habits in their daily life." Song Yi said that in order to ensure the effect of common prevention of multiple diseases, the government, professional institutions, schools Close cooperation between families, communities and other aspects will jointly build a comprehensive and three-dimensional protection network.

To achieve multi-party cooperation, experts believe that the key lies in three aspects: first, ensure the continuity and consistency of the implementation of the intervention strategy, and ensure that the process is organized; Secondly, we must establish an effective monitoring and evaluation mechanism to achieve the effect of rapid feedback intervention, and constantly adjust and optimize the intervention strategy according to the feedback results; Finally, it is necessary to consider the differences between regions and adapt measures to local conditions, so that each region can implement the cooperation model according to the actual situation, and ensure that each student can obtain appropriate health services.

Next, the relevant departments will actively explore and practice the five in one cooperation model of "government - professional institutions - schools - families - communities", with a view to accumulating more practical measures.

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