Ministry of Education: Promote the construction of football colleges and football majors in colleges and universities

Ministry of Education: Promote the construction of football colleges and football majors in colleges and universities
06:56, May 22, 2024 Surging news

Recently, the Ministry of Education held a symposium on the construction of college football colleges and football majors in Dalian, Liaoning Province. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions on campus football work, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, take a strong sense of mission, responsibility, urgency, pay close attention to details and work hard for a long time, promote the construction of college football academies and football sports majors, and promote the construction of high-level comprehensive reform pilot areas, To achieve high-quality development of campus football. Wang Jiayi, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Education, Vice Minister and Governor of Liaoning Province, and Jin Guowei, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Governor of Liaoning Province, attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that campus football is a basic project, an education project, a power project, and a dream building project. It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions from the core meaning, strategic significance, value orientation, laws and characteristics, working methods and other aspects, and further strengthen the political responsibility.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to grasp the relationship between theory and practice, unity and diversity, dominance and subjectivity, localization and internationalization, current and long-term, and strengthen the construction of college football colleges and football majors. It is necessary to highlight morality and cultivate people, constantly emancipate the mind, adhere to reform and innovation, grasp the focus of work, cultivate football culture, strengthen publicity and guidance, keep the bottom line of safety, further compact the main responsibility, and grasp the work of campus football with a sense of urgency.

Beijing Sport University, Dalian University, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Henan Normal University, Jianghan University and Kashi University made exchange speeches at the meeting. During the meeting, the launching ceremony of the pilot area for high-level comprehensive reform of national youth campus football was also held. Dalian, Zhengzhou, Jinan, Chengdu, Bijie, Wuwei, Ganzhou, Yanbian and other eight regions have been identified by the Ministry of Education as the first batch of high-level comprehensive reform pilot areas for youth campus football in China.

Comrades in charge of relevant departments and bureaus of member units of the National Youth Campus Football Work Leading Group, comrades in charge of education administrative departments and sports, health and arts departments of all provinces (districts and cities), comrades in charge of the government of eight pilot areas for building a high-level comprehensive reform of national youth campus football, university sports and education committees and experts in the field of football, Comrades in charge of setting up football colleges and universities specializing in football participated in the meeting.

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