The pregnant female teacher once again writes frankly about the pressure of assessment

The pregnant female teacher once again writes frankly about the pressure of assessment
12:31, May 20, 2024 Surging news

Recently, the "female teacher was dismissed due to failing to meet the assessment standards during pregnancy" reported by the surging news has attracted public attention. The Huaqiao University where the female teacher is located responded that no notice of dismissal was issued.

This past weekend, the pregnant female teacher once again wrote in the circle of friends, "Next month, she is going to give birth, pay the mortgage and raise a baby. Now she is suddenly unemployed, which is a bolt from the blue! I think I have worked hard these years, taken teaching seriously, and actively participated in all activities arranged by the college with a long-term enthusiasm for serving Huada. Although the 3+x contract was signed at that time, I didn't really understand what it meant, nor did it clearly say that associate professors would be dismissed if they didn't reach the standard for three years. The leadership of the college has always given me vague opinions and feelings, which I feel will not be so strict. That's why I took on a lot of chores unrelated to the assessment, including working as a head teacher and tutoring students in competitions. During the 3+X period, I didn't receive a penny for housing allowance and so on, only after passing the assessment. The assessment standard is to complete four C journals+one provincial project in three years before reaching the basic conditions for associate professors. We must complete the national social sciences in six years, or even associate professors will have to leave. As a young scholar, even if he tries hard, he will not succeed in the end without academic contacts and on his own... "

The female teacher also said in the article that the head of her department was also dismissed after the age of 40 for failing to meet the assessment requirements.

On the morning of the 20th, the surging journalists called the relevant departments of Huaqiao University again to inquire about the progress of the incident. The relevant person in charge of the Publicity Department of the Party Committee of Huaqiao University introduced to the surging news reporters that on the afternoon of the 19th, Huaqiao University had sent a school leader to pay a visit to the pregnant female teachers, and the communication between the two sides was smooth.

In addition, the relevant person in charge of the Teacher Work Department of the Party Committee of Huaqiao University also introduced to the surging journalists that the school would help the female teacher at present, and the maternity leave that she should enjoy would be guaranteed. There was some misunderstanding between the two sides in the previous communication, but the communication was relatively pleasant at present, and later efforts will be made to explain. After learning that the female teacher is pregnant, the school has expressed concern for the female teacher and her family.

As for the fact that the female teachers reported that "the department head was dismissed after the age of 40 because he failed to meet the assessment requirements", the relevant person in charge of the teacher work department of the Party Committee of Huaqiao University said that the relevant work was carried out according to the process, and it was inconvenient to answer specific cases.

The surging news reported earlier that a screenshot of a friend circle who claimed to be a teacher of Huaqiao University recently caused widespread reprint and controversy. The netizen claimed that he was dismissed by Huaqiao University when he was 9 months pregnant because he failed to pass the examination.

The netizen who claimed to be a female teacher of Huaqiao University said that he wrote 200000 words of monographs and 10000 words of papers during his pregnancy, but still failed to meet the appointment assessment task of Huaqiao University, so he would be dismissed, and "he would lose his job before taking maternity leave".

On May 17, the Human Resources Department of Huaqiao University released a statement through the official microblog of the university: "Recently, there was a discussion on the Internet about the dismissal of a pregnant female teacher of our university because she had to leave without promotion. The university attaches great importance to this and has set up a special working group to investigate. According to the investigation, this teacher is a full-time teacher of our school in 2021, and his first employment will expire at the end of August this year. Up to now, the Human Resources Department has not received the teacher's assessment materials, nor has it issued a notice of dismissal. "

Huaqiao University said in the statement: "The teacher is currently pregnant. The school cares about the teacher's health and will also provide necessary help for her to have a successful pregnancy. The Human Resources Department will do a good job in the assessment and appointment of the teacher in accordance with laws, regulations and relevant rules and regulations of the school, in line with the principle of respecting the teacher's rights. Thank you for your concern for Huaqiao University, and wish this teacher a smooth pregnancy and childbirth! "

Original title: pregnant female teachers once again issued a letter frankly stating the pressure of assessment, Huaqiao University: has sent school leaders to communicate with them

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