Opening of college entrance examination score review system

Opening of college entrance examination score review system
17:31, June 26, 2024 Beijing Evening News

Our News (by Niu Weikun) 2024 college entrance examination The score review system has been opened. Candidates can enter the admission card number, candidate number, the last 6 digits of the certificate number, and the verification code to apply for score review. The deadline for review application is 12:00 on June 27.

The content of score review includes two items. The first is to check whether the grading process conforms to the national and Beijing implementation specifications and relevant regulations for grading work. The second is to check the applicant's answer sheet and relevant examination information: whether the examinee answers the test sheet in person, and whether the handwritten name and examination permit number on the examinee's answer card are consistent with the barcode; Whether there are missing comments on the test paper and missing statistics on the score of the sub questions (registration); Whether the total score of the subject is equal to the sum of the scores of each question, and whether it is consistent with the score provided to the examinee; Whether the grade conversion of selected subjects is accurate. Applications beyond the above scope will not be accepted.

The score review team will review the application items of the qualified candidates and provide the review results to the candidates through the website of Beijing Education Examination Institute within 24 hours. The review result only provides the examinee with the total score and review conclusion of the applied review subject. Candidates are not allowed to consult the answers.

If there is still any doubt about the result of the score review, the examinee shall submit a written application for final review as required within 24 hours after the review result is released. If the application is not submitted within the specified time, it will not be accepted.

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