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67200 candidates apply for the Beijing College Entrance Examination

2024-06-06 08:45 Beijing Youth Daily

Source title: 67200 candidates apply for Beijing College Entrance Examination

The Beijing College Entrance Examination will officially kick off on the 7th. This year, a total of 67200 students registered for the college entrance examination in Beijing. The city has 18 examination areas, 105 examination sites, 2066 examination halls and 315 spare examination halls. During the college entrance examination, the urban level and the urban level will actively coordinate the efforts of all parties to provide the examinees with service guarantees in transportation, public security management, health care, environmental governance, health and epidemic prevention, power security and other aspects.

The reporter of Beijing Youth Daily learned from Beijing Education Examination Institute that in order to ensure the safety of this year's college entrance examination, the city level and the city level strengthened the pre examination inspection, compacted the responsibility layer by layer, and paid close attention to the implementation of the work. Strictly set questions, make papers, transport, storage, distribution, test implementation, recycling, grading and other key links to ensure the absolute safety of test papers. Take various measures to strengthen measures to prevent mobile phone cheating and crack down on high-tech exam cheating. Strengthen safety risk assessment and carry out emergency drills for various emergencies. Work with relevant functional departments to strengthen the environmental governance around the examination site and purify the social environment for the examination.

The city insists on taking the examinee as the center, and strives to provide all kinds of examination services for examinees and parents. The college entrance examination escort action will be carried out. During the examination, the urban level and the urban level will actively coordinate the efforts of all parties to provide the examinees with service guarantees in transportation, public security management, health care, environmental governance, health and epidemic prevention, power security and other aspects. Provide reasonable facilities for qualified special examinees such as Braille test papers, large size test papers, and separate examination rooms to help them successfully participate in the exam and actively create a warm environment for exam enrollment.

At the same time, the Beijing Education and Examination Institute also reminds the examinees to carefully check the examination rules, take the exam honestly, and avoid unintentional violations. Candidates should be honest and conscientiously obey the management of examination staff such as invigilators. They should not obstruct the invigilators and other examination staff from performing their duties for any reason. They should not disturb the order of the examination room and other examination work places, or endanger the health and life safety of others. Candidates must take the exam at the specified time and place with their ID cards and admission cards. They should actively accept the identity verification, health monitoring and necessary inspection of personal belongings carried out by the invigilator as required. Store mobile phones and other non examination supplies according to the specific requirements of the examination site.

35 minutes before the exam (40 minutes before the exam for Chinese subjects), the examinees enter the exam room with their ID cards and admission cards. 15 minutes after the opening of each subject, candidates are not allowed to enter the examination site to take the on-site subject examination. The time for foreign language examinees to hand in their papers and leave the site shall not be earlier than 16:30, and the time for other subjects to hand in their papers and leave the site shall not be earlier than 30 minutes before the end of the examination for each subject. After the papers are handed in and leave the site, they are not allowed to enter the site again for further examination. When examinees enter the examination room, except for 2B pencils, black writing pens, rulers, compasses, triangular plates, protractors, rubber without envelopes, standardized test card templates, any other items shall not be brought into the examination room. It is strictly prohibited to bring various communication tools (such as mobile phones and other devices with the function of sending or receiving information), electronic storage, memory, recording and playing equipment, as well as correction fluid, tape, correction tape and other items into the examination room. It is not allowed to carry written materials and other items irrelevant to the exam. Stationery and supplies shall not be delivered in the examination room.

Editor in charge: Du Zheng (QL0006)

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