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Overuse growth hormone to children, beware of "chasing high" becoming a trap

2024-06-03 08:11 Beijing Youth Daily

Source title: Overuse growth hormone to children, beware of "chasing high" becoming a trap

The child is 6 years old and only 109 cm tall, which belongs to the "short" range in the "Comparison Table of Children's Height Values". Therefore, He Li, a Shenzhen citizen, took her child to the hospital and asked the doctor to inject him with growth hormone for one year. The child grew 11 cm in height within one year. Side effects followed, including colds and fever. According to Guangming. com, this matter has attracted widespread attention recently. Many parents and doctors have participated in the discussion of this kind of problem, and related topics have become hot.

If you are tall, you will have an advantage in choosing a job and spouse; Being short is not only looked down upon by others, but also feels inferior. With the fierce social competition, height has almost become the "core competitiveness" of individuals. Parents generally hope that their children can be "superior", if it is difficult to do so, at least not "inferior". Parents who are worried that their children will eventually "grow up" will come up with various ways to increase their height. They will give their children growth hormone, which is also in the "toolbar" of parents' increase. Some doctors, seeing the opportunity to make money, touted growth hormone as a "miracle drug to increase", which further aggravated the phenomenon of excessive use of growth hormone.

When the growth hormone secreted by the child is insufficient to a certain extent, it can be diagnosed as growth hormone deficiency. As the name implies, growth hormone is involved in growth. Lack of growth hormone will lead to diseases such as idiopathic dwarfism. Such patients need to supplement growth hormone in time. In addition, some premature infants (small for gestational age infants) have growth retardation after birth, and growth hormone can be properly supplemented. As long as we follow the diagnosis and treatment standards and use drugs according to the indications, injection of growth hormone will become a good way to treat related diseases.

Growth hormone is indispensable, but not more is better. Too much hormone will have many side effects. It is a small matter that children like He Li often have colds and fever. In serious cases, it can also lead to hypothyroidism, endocrine disorder, joint pain, vascular syndrome, etc. The public should not "talk about hormone discoloration", but should not turn a blind eye to the side effects of hormones.

It is a common health misconception to regard the special treatment of special diseases as a universal means. The generalized increase of broken bones and the abuse of hypoglycemic drugs to lose weight are typical examples in this regard. The abuse of growth hormone once again shows that highly targeted medical projects have been popularized, and special drugs have been abused as commonly used drugs. This trend deserves vigilance.

It is a common weakness in health literacy to see only the therapeutic effect of drugs and no toxic and side effects. Knowing that anti obesity drugs are extremely toxic, they still dare to take drugs out; The short-term "magic effect" produced by the use of hormones or antibiotics in illegal clinics in multiple doses makes some people think that "miracle doctors are in the folk" is a relatively common phenomenon. In addition to dealing with growth hormone abuse on a case by case basis, it should also rise to the height of a correct view of the role and side effects of drugs. Through more targeted health science popularization, people will no longer care about the side effects of drugs.

It is understandable that parents want their children to grow in a higher mood, but it is dangerous and ineffective for non-specific patients to increase their mood by abusing growth hormone. Among the factors that affect height, heredity cannot be changed, but it can do a lot in balanced nutrition, scientific exercise, reasonable work and rest, etc. It is justifiable for parents to intervene in height scientifically. Do not abuse growth hormone and other measures to encourage children to "catch up", but pay the price of health damage.

Editor in charge: Du Zheng (QL0006)

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