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166 Middle School Students Sing the "Song of Youth" for their Alma Mater
2024-05-22 16:40 qianlong

Qianlong.com, Beijing, May 22 (Correspondent Wang Chongyu and Wang Yiran) On May 21, 166 Middle School held a special chorus concert of "The Song of Youth, Singing for You" at Zhongshan Park Music Hall. This concert is also the first performance in the series to celebrate the 160th anniversary of the school. The students expressed their love for the motherland, the school and the team with their youth songs.

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School drawings

A total of 17 choral works were performed in the concert. Among them, the male chorus brought 14 songs with various styles, including Moni Mountain, Farewell to the South of the City, Happy Nadam, and Beside Baikal Lake, covering classic male chorus works, folk music works, and chorus works adapted from popular songs.

In addition, the school consistent choir and the high school girls choir were invited as guest performers. All performing students are "non specialty students", among which 53 of the 119 male members are former graduates. The consistent and high school girls' choir is a newly established team to celebrate the 160th anniversary of the school, covering 12 grades of students in the primary and secondary school departments of the school.

According to Zhang Yu, the art instructor of the male team, this concert is another stage of the Zhongshan Park Music Hall on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of the founding of the group after the special concert held in 2019. In less than half a year of rehearsal, the students continued to learn the art of choral singing, while taking into account the study of schoolwork. Graduates take time out of their work and life to participate in rehearsals and play the role of "mentoring" to help students become men with artistic pursuit and sense of responsibility.

Editor in charge: Du Zheng (QL0006)

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