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The Education Working Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee deployed to promote the construction of clean culture in colleges and universities
2024-05-22 09:23 qianlong

Qianlong.com, Beijing, May 22 - On May 21, the Education Working Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee held a deployment meeting for the construction of clean culture in colleges and universities, printed and distributed the Work Plan on Promoting the Construction of Clean Culture in Beijing Universities in the New Era, and the Notice on Collecting Clean Cultural Works in Colleges and Universities, which made a deployment for promoting the construction of clean culture in Beijing universities in the new era, emphasizing the implementation of "three integration" "Three Combinations" and "Three Promotions".

The meeting pointed out that to promote the construction of a clean culture in Beijing's colleges and universities in the new era, we should follow the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to the principles and beliefs to strengthen the foundation, use advanced culture to enlighten the mind, and use noble morality to sharpen our character, prominent "Three integration": Integrating the construction of campus clean culture into the ideological and political construction of colleges and universities, into the Party's propaganda, ideological and cultural work, and into the whole process of moral cultivation; achieve Three combinations ": Combine integrity education with party discipline learning and education, carry forward excellent traditional Chinese culture, and "big ideological and political courses"; Realize "three push": We will promote the Party style, the government style, the teacher's ethics, and the school spirit to promote each other, and create a clean and healthy political ecology and educational environment for Beijing's colleges and universities.

The meeting stressed that the construction of clean culture in Beijing's colleges and universities in the new era mainly focuses on six aspects: "upholding integrity in thought, promoting integrity through discipline, cultivating integrity through positions, advocating integrity through works, practicing integrity through activities, and strengthening integrity through mechanisms". The incorruptness education should be included in the important content of the education and training of party members and cadres, and the ideological and political education. The Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection should take the lead in making the incorruptness theme report. Party cadres, student Party members and activists joining the Party should be organized to carefully study the Party discipline and Party rules such as the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Punishment, visit warning education bases and watch warning educational films, so as to know fear, guard against fear and keep the bottom line. It is necessary to deeply tap the gene of diligence and honesty in campus culture, make good use of the cultural resources of school honesty, and do a good job in demonstrating the achievements of the construction of clean culture. We should guide teachers and students to create honest cultural works that are ideological, artistic and honest, and hold campus honest works exhibition and artistic works exhibition and other activities. It is necessary to organize and carry out a class meeting with a rich content on the theme of integrity, and organize a party and league day activity on the theme of integrity to help young students fasten the "first button" of integrity.

The meeting required that the Party committees of colleges and universities should earnestly shoulder the political responsibility of building a clean culture, strengthen ideological understanding, carefully organize and implement, and highlight the effectiveness of work. Firmly establish the idea of "one game of chess", incorporate the construction of clean culture into the layout of the construction of the Party's style of work, clean government and anti-corruption work, and plan, deploy and promote together with the Party's construction work and cause development. Discipline inspection, publicity, organization, student workers, Youth League Committee and other departments should strengthen cooperation and linkage to form a joint force. Combine the tradition and reality of the university, make full use of all kinds of propaganda positions, timely display the achievements of integrity culture construction, and make integrity the background of high-quality development of colleges and universities.

Editor in charge: Chen Xianming

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