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Get rid of cell phone addiction and maintain life balance

2024-05-22 08:53 People's Network

Source title: Get rid of cell phone addiction and maintain life balance

Children and adolescents are the future of our country family Hope. The physical and mental health and all-round development of children and adolescents is a major issue of common concern to the whole society. In the first national student mental health publicity and education month, people.com.cn launched a series of popular science articles on students' mental health, inviting a number of experts and scholars to write, to solve the problem of teenagers' mental health, guide the whole society to establish a scientific concept of parenting, and escort students' mental health.

Yuxuan (not his real name) is learning some questions, so he wants to take a rest, brush a short video for a while, and relax. As a result, the sky is getting bright. The next day, I was exhausted and sleepy in class. I didn't learn anything. So Yuxuan swore to give up mobile phones. But once the mobile phone is in hand, it is like being "cursed", falling into a vicious circle of "depression - brush the phone - more depression - continue to brush - continue to be depressed", and finally labeling itself "powerless".

When fragmented, entertaining and illogical information in mobile phones invades our lives, our psychology has also undergone subtle changes. This makes it more and more difficult for us to concentrate, our memory becomes worse and worse, and it is more and more difficult for us to sleep, thus becoming more and more anxious and self suspicious.

With the rapid development of information technology and science and technology, mobile phones have become an essential tool in our daily life. So what can we do to make mobile phones serve us effectively without becoming "mobile phone controllers"?

1、 Is cell phone addiction an addiction?

"Mobile phone addiction" is used to describe excessive dependence and addiction to mobile phone use, which is usually not "addiction" in the strict sense. In medicine, "addiction" usually refers to physiological dependence on certain substances or behaviors, such as addiction to drugs, alcohol or gambling. Mobile phone addiction is more related to psychological dependence and behavior habits than physical dependence.

Although mobile phone addiction is different from serious drug or substance addiction, it is a phenomenon of excessive dependence and addiction to mobile phone use. Using mobile phones for a long time can not control the frequent checking of mobile phones, browsing social media, playing games or other applications. It may still have a negative impact on personal life, health and social relations. Addiction to mobile phone use may lead to distraction, poor memory, social isolation, sleep problems and mental health problems, which still need to be taken seriously and controlled.

2、 Causes of addiction to mobile phones

Physiological reason: Pursuing happiness is human instinct. Dopamine is a "pleasure hormone" secreted by the brain. Ding Dong, the sweet prompt sound of APP will trigger our action to brush short videos. When we brush funny short videos, the brain will release dopamine, which will make our body feel happy. After pleasure, we often have desires. Dopamine can also encourage us to look forward to the next short video and continue to brush the video. At this time, the short video software will also use algorithms to accurately push videos that meet user preferences, further activating dopamine secretion. In this way, we will be captured by the short video successfully, and it is hard to extricate ourselves. If such behavior is repeatedly accepted, the degree of pleasure obtained will slowly decline, and the duration of pleasure will slowly shorten. Psychologists call it "habituation". When we first saw a short video, the degree of pleasure was high. However, when we repeatedly watch similar short videos, the level and duration of pleasure decrease. We are eager to see more short videos.

Psychological reasons: In daily life, children lack enough care, or can not meet their own aspirations in the real world, which may meet their psychological needs through the mobile phone network world. A child suffers setbacks in the exam and his self-esteem is damaged. He may meet his need for self-worth by winning in online games. In addition, if children face great pressure in their study or life, they may also use this way to relieve pressure, escape from the outside world, and temporarily relieve anxiety and pressure.

3、 Life balance: prevention of cell phone addiction

Someone said, "To destroy a child, you only need to give a mobile phone". In fact, smart phones are not the "monster" people imagine. As long as they are used properly, they can be controlled.

Satisfying needs: children's addiction to mobile phones is just an appearance. Behind children's addiction to mobile phones, there may be children's unmet psychological needs. The parents are busy with their work, and they don't pay enough attention to their children. The children can't feel their parents' love, so they may look for alternatives in their mobile phones. At this time, parents need to communicate well with their children, give them more company, do more parent-child games, take their children into the real world, such as walking in the park, running, skipping, playing badminton, etc., to meet their psychological needs.

When children are faced with greater pressure in learning or interpersonal relationships and it is difficult for them to cope with it, it may also cause them to temporarily relieve pressure and release anxiety by brushing their mobile phones. If parents understand the reasons in this regard, they should give more social and emotional support to their children to help them cope with the pressure correctly, which can also alleviate their addiction to mobile phones.

Responsibility assignment: If the child is already a senior high school student and has a certain degree of self-control, they ask their parents for a mobile phone of their own, should they promise the child at this time? Parents may agree. However, this kind of consent is conditional. The rules for using mobile phones, such as the time and frequency of use, and the consequences of excessive use, are agreed with the child in advance. Avoid repeated use at the same time and place for many times to avoid forming the habit of using mobile phones. Allow children to have more autonomy, but also make clear the consequences of overuse and let them take some responsibility.

Goal orientation: The online information is a mixture of good and bad. For children whose discrimination is not mature enough, parents can give some guidance to children and constantly clarify the purpose of using mobile phones. Before using the mobile phone, it is better to write down the tasks to be completed on paper. After the task is completed, put down the mobile phone immediately to continue learning. We can also try our best to guide children to use mobile phones to complete academic research, expand extracurricular knowledge and develop their personal interests.

Physical isolation: For addicts, environment and clues are very important. If the mobile phone at home makes a ding dong sound from time to time when the child is studying, this provides an important clue for the child. Therefore, if children are heavily dependent on mobile phones, they should physically isolate them as much as possible. For example, set up a special mobile phone storage area. Once the mobile phone enters this area, neither parents nor children can see it. In addition, try not to let children touch electronic products such as mobile phones one hour before going to bed, and set the rule that mobile phones cannot be brought into the bedroom. At the same time, parents should set an example in the use and management of mobile phones, and try to brush less mobile phones in front of children. Physical isolation of mobile phones may play a greater role than we think.

Psychological intervention: for those individuals who show serious symptoms of cell phone dependence, we should actively advocate seeking the support and help of professional psychological consultants as soon as possible. Psychological counselors can identify the specific problems of individuals through scientific psychological assessment tools, analyze their psychological motivation, behavior patterns and possible emotional distress, and then formulate a comprehensive psychological intervention program. (Luo Yangmei, Shaanxi Normal University, Liu Yuan, Qi Huaiyuan, Weinan Normal University)

Editor in charge: Du Zheng (QL0006)

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