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Eight Actions of Sunshine Sports for Primary and Middle School Students

2024-05-22 08:45 Beijing Daily

Source Title: 8 Actions of Sunshine Sports for Primary and Middle School Students Initiated

Yesterday (21st), the 2024 Sunshine Sports Campaign for Primary and Middle School Students in Beijing to "Come Together Healthy" was launched. All primary and secondary schools will carry out eight specific actions, including improving the quality of physical education classes, implementing the plan of daily physical exercise duration, and advocating early exercise and afternoon exercise. According to the municipal education committee, 159 sports competitions and activities in six categories will run through the whole year, and students will be guided to take multiple measures to teach sports as a required course.

"Physical exercise is gradually becoming a compulsory course for young people to grow up, and children are getting better and smiling more." Wang Pan, deputy director of the Municipal Education Commission, said that in recent years, the city has attached great importance to the healthy growth and comprehensive development of students, deeply promoted the "double reduction", and took the reform of sports evaluation as the starting point and the physical and mental health of students as the breakthrough point, Promote the integration of five education and the high-quality development of basic education, so that school sports can achieve "brand, school characteristics, class competition, and everyone's participation". This year, the city launched eight specific actions of Sunshine Sports to further enrich the school sports supply, broaden the practice platform, improve sports teaching, ensure students' exercise time, and improve the effectiveness of education.

All primary and secondary schools will carry out actions to improve the quality of physical education classes. At the stage of compulsory education, there will be one PE class every day, and at the stage of high school, there will be 3-5 PE classes every week. All schools will focus on improving students' core literacy, increase games, competitions and other links, create high-quality sports classes, and enable students to improve their ability and experience success in physical exercise. The municipal education committee also advocates that schools should set up morning exercise and afternoon exercise activities to enable students to learn and live through sports. "In the morning exercise time, students can practice and play whenever they come. Schools with conditions can provide activity guarantee for students who come to school one after another." Wang Pan said that afternoon sports should be combined with physical education classes, exercises between classes, big breaks, etc., "breaking up" to enrich students' campus sports activities.

Students should ensure "1+1" hours of physical exercise every day. The Municipal Education Commission has made it clear that the school should implement the requirement of one hour physical exercise every day on campus, and advocate parents to help students develop family Physical exercise plan, implement 1 hour physical exercise outside school every day. At the same time, the school should arrange at least 25 minutes of big break sports activities every day, and not less than 45 minutes of extracurricular exercise on the day when there is no physical education class; Make good use of 10 minutes between classes according to local conditions to guide students to come out, relax and relieve fatigue. After class services should also be used more for students to carry out sports activities independently.

The city will also establish and improve the four level campus sports league mechanism of the city, district, school and class to promote the full membership, normalization and branding of various youth sports competitions; Carry out the action of improving the interest of physical exercise and the characteristic brand, and form a new situation of school sports development of "one school, one quality" and "one school, multiple quality". Each district and school will also carry out sports culture infiltration action, strengthen the construction of sports culture, and enhance the appeal of sports culture. The school will also "hand in hand" with the society, open sports venues and facilities to teachers, students and parents in an orderly manner on holidays, cooperate with social stadiums and gymnasiums to open sports courses, and guide parents to participate in fitness activities and parent-child exercise.

In order to implement the Sunshine Sports Action, Haidian District took the lead in announcing the work plan for physical exercise of primary and secondary school students. Du Rongzhen, director of the Education Commission of Haidian District, said that all schools will carry out running, promote the development of ball games such as "three big balls", enrich extracurricular sports activities, and promote the development of school sports characteristics. The district will also strengthen the application of artificial intelligence technology in campus sports, promote the construction of intelligent playground, sports corner, intelligent equipment, etc., and empower students with science and technology in sports.

Editor in charge: Du Zheng (QL0006)

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