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Young students cannot fall into the "traffic quagmire" when launching live broadcast

2024-05-21 09:13 Beijing Youth Daily

Source title: Young students cannot fall into the "traffic quagmire" when launching live broadcast

The live broadcasting industry has developed rapidly in recent years, and young students actively embrace the "Internet". However, some students are biased and broadcast live in classrooms or dormitories at any time, affecting others' normal study and life; In order to do live broadcast, some students fall into the fraud of brokerage companies and training companies, and their rights and interests are not guaranteed; There are also college students' live broadcast of vulgar content suspected of violating regulations, such as words and actions with the nature of "margin ball". (May 20, Legal Daily)

It is not uncommon for young students to be active on the webcast platform, and more and more students intend to engage in work related to live broadcast. A previous survey showed that 61.6% of the nearly 10000 new graduates interviewed would consider new jobs such as online celebrity live broadcast when they were employed. In fact, many college students have become "Internet celebrities" and entered the live broadcast industry before graduation.

College students want to be online celebrities and like the live broadcast industry, which is understandable, but some of the chaos exposed by college students' live broadcast should be paid attention to. For example, the protection of the rights and interests of college students' anchors; For example, some college students are suspected of violating the right to portrait, privacy and other legitimate rights and interests of students and teachers when they open live broadcasts in dormitories and classrooms without permission from others; There are also college students' live broadcasts suspected of violating the regulations and vulgar content, such as college students' anchors who have "edged ball" speech, action and other behaviors during the live broadcast.

The live broadcast of college students shall not disturb the teaching order of the school, affect the normal life and study of other students, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others, or conduct illegal live broadcast. The live broadcast of college students should show more students' positive living conditions, or show their talents, and use their interests and strengths to conduct pan knowledge live broadcast.

The live broadcast of college students can attract many users' attention. Many adults who have walked out of the society long ago are also full of interest and curiosity in college students' life, which also makes some student anchors absorb a lot of fans. The "college student" tag can be a "traffic password", but it cannot be the object of live consumption or the tool of illegal live broadcast.

In this regard, the live broadcast platform should be able to assume its own management responsibility and strictly control the content audit. Specifically, the platform should strengthen the management of student anchors, and stop the accounts that violate others' privacy and conduct vulgar live broadcast in time. The school should guide students to establish a correct view of "Internet celebrity", improve their new media literacy, and improve their legal awareness, especially for students who participate in live broadcast, they should be able to guide them to conduct live broadcast reasonably and legally. The school should draw a clear boundary for the live broadcast on campus, provide necessary support, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of students participating in the live broadcast industry.

The live broadcast of college students should not go through the wrong "channel" and fall into the "traffic quagmire". Live broadcast is a window for college students to show themselves and campus life to the outside world. This window should not be filled with vulgar and other illegal content, and should allow the society to glimpse the positive and vibrant college students and campus life. The college students who open the live broadcast cannot be "biased" by the bad social atmosphere, nor can they cater to some people's "vulgar interests" for the sake of interests, losing their own bottom line and principles.

To some extent, rectifying the chaos of college students' live broadcast is also to polish the window for college students and university campuses to show to the outside world, and purify the "link channel" between college students and society. Let the live broadcast of college students become a valuable content export, rather than a "distribution center" of negative energy.

Editor in charge: Du Zheng (QL0006)

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