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In 2024, Beijing Haidian will set up 28 colleges and universities for college entrance examination, and add 4 colleges and universities, including the Affiliated High School Branch of Jiaotong University

2024-05-21 09:06 Beijing News

Source title: Beijing Haidian has set up 28 college entrance examination sites this year, and 4 new test sites, including the Affiliated High School Branch of Jiaotong University

The countdown to the high school and college entrance examination is coming. On May 17, the reporter learned from the official WeChat official account of Haidian District Education Commission that Haidian held the 2024 exam security work meeting that day to deploy the security work of the 2024 mid-term college entrance exam.

According to the schedule, this year, the college entrance examination will be held on June 7 and 8, and the academic level test will be held on June 9 and 10. Haidian District has more than 14000 people taking part in the college entrance examination. There are 28 college entrance examination sites and 486 formal examination venues, involving 17 streets. Among them, the Second High School Affiliated to the First Normal University (High School Department), the Branch School Affiliated to Jiaotong University, Zhichun Branch School of Zhongguancun Middle School and Beihang Experimental School are the new test points this year.

The high school entrance exam will be held from June 24 to 26. Haidian District has more than 23000 applicants, and it is expected that 46 formal test sites and 820 formal test venues will be arranged.

In order to successfully complete all the examination tasks, the meeting asked all the examination schools to strengthen the selection of test related personnel and implement all the preparations before the examination; Strengthen the examination safety management to ensure the absolute safety of test papers; Strengthen pre exam emergency drills, and timely and properly handle emergencies; Strengthen the humanistic examination work and serve the examinees warmly.

At the same time, all member units of the Bid Invitation Committee will work together to ensure the safety of the exam, focusing on safety, test paper delivery, power supply, transportation, infrastructure construction, environmental governance, health, emergency, psychological counseling and other aspects.

Editor in charge: Du Zheng (QL0006)

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