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Beijing Tianjin Hebei Off campus Education Alliance was established
2024-05-20 17:58 qianlong

Qianlong.com Beijing, May 20 - On 19, the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Off campus Education Cooperation Signing Ceremony was held. The Beijing Off campus Education Research Office jointly signed the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Off campus Education Cooperation Agreement with Tianjin Children's Off campus Education Research Association and Hebei Youth Off campus Education Research Association. The Beijing Tianjin Hebei Off campus Education Alliance was officially established.

Students from three places perform local featured programs on the spot. Courtesy of Beijing Children's Palace.

The activity released the annual key work plan for the construction of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei after-school education alliance, and defined the future cooperation direction of the three places' after-school education. Off campus education in the three regions will promote the construction of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei off campus education alliance and promote the optimization and integration of off campus education resources in the three regions by holding the Beijing Tianjin Hebei off campus education development forum, carrying out off campus education team construction in Beijing Tianjin Hebei, and building off campus ideological and political education positions in Beijing Tianjin Hebei.

2024 is the tenth anniversary of the implementation of the major strategy of coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Wei Xubin, member of the Education Working Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, said that in recent years, the positive progress made by the three places in off campus education through exchanges and cooperation has laid a solid foundation for this signing. He expects that in the future, Beijing Tianjin Hebei will focus on talent cultivation, focus on teachers' professional growth, and support the innovation of systems and mechanisms to jointly help the high-quality development of out of school education in the three regions.

Students from three places perform local featured programs on the spot. Courtesy of Beijing Children's Palace.

Xi Yizheng, deputy secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, said that Tianjin's off campus education, based on its own advantages, focused on exchanges and cooperation with Beijing and Hebei, and laid a solid foundation for off campus cooperation among the three regions. In the future, Tianjin will work hand in hand with Beijing and Hebei to explore new paths and expand new areas, adhere to the construction of ideological and political courses, cultivate new people of the times, and jointly stimulate new vitality of off campus education.

Cai Hangzhou, director of the School Moral Education Center of the Education Department of Hebei Province, pointed out that the out of school education cooperation among Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei not only promoted the sharing of educational resources, but also strengthened cultural exchanges among the three regions. Hebei Province will actively respond to the coordinated development strategy of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, give full play to Hebei's geographical advantages and educational resources, work with Beijing and Tianjin to promote the innovation and development of out of school education, and cultivate new era talents with global vision and innovative ability.

Editor in charge: Chen Xianming

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