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Website of High end Atmospheric Intelligent Industrial Automation Engineering Machinery Company v5.9.4_240711

This website adopts the website template developed by OpenWBS enterprise website building system, and supports PC end+mobile end. It is suitable for company websites and enterprise websites, especially for engineering and machinery company websites.
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author OpenWBS
to grant authorization Commercial Edition
size 32.36MB
language asp
data base Access
Function introduction

This website adopts the website template developed by OpenWBS enterprise website building system, and supports PC end+mobile end. It is suitable for company websites and enterprise websites, especially for engineering and machinery company websites.

OpenWBS enterprise website building system is a powerful enterprise website building content management system, which is specialized in enterprise website construction and website production. It is aimed at the majority of enterprise users and helps enterprises quickly build their official websites. Whether you are a technology expert or a website builder, you can use the enterprise website building system to quickly build a full-featured enterprise website, It is very suitable for company website, enterprise website, government unit website and public institution website.

Both ACCESS and MSSQL database engines are supported.

System advantages

The high performance technical architecture of the system ensures the safety and stability of the enterprise, which is safe, stable, leak free, simple to build, and good SEO effect

Deployment mode

Independent deployment (system and database are installed in your own server to ensure security)

Equipped with adaptation

PC end website+mobile phone website+WeChat end+enterprise brand official website+WeChat official website

Applicable industries

Home building materials, medicine and health care, department stores, fresh food, drinks and tea, beauty care, clothing, etc

Professional construction

Company website, enterprise website, government unit website, public institution website, education school website, news portal website, personal website, blog

Website download address of high-end atmospheric intelligent industrial automation engineering machinery company Has been downloaded 307 times
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