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Eyoucms brand coffee and tea website management system v1.6.6

Brand coffee and tea website management system is an open source website system of Thinkphp5.0, which is derived from the excellent content management system Yiyou CMS. The brand coffee and tea website management system inherits the advanced design concept of Yiyou CMS and focuses on catering enterprises. The website system features of the buffet ordering platform: simple and convenient. The source code package of the brand coffee and tea website management system is very convenient to install. You can easily complete the entire installation process by entering the domain name, clicking twice, and filling in some necessary installation information. It is very convenient to use. After installation, it goes into the background without any setting operation in advance.
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author Yiyou cms
to grant authorization share
size 30.43MB
language PHP
data base MySQL
Function introduction
Brand coffee and tea website management system is an open source, derived from the excellent content management system Yiyou CMS.
The brand coffee and tea website management system inherits the advanced design concept of Yiyou CMS and focuses on catering enterprises.

Features of brand coffee and tea website management system:
Simple and convenient
The installation of the source code package of the brand coffee and tea website management system is very convenient. Just enter the domain name, click twice, and fill in some necessary installation information during the installation process.
It is very convenient to use. After installation, it goes into the background without any setting operation in advance.
It is also very simple to set up the website, which can be completed in a few minutes.

Introduction to the functions of brand coffee and tea website management system:
1. Membership system
2. Payment function
3. Label function
4. Bear Palm submission function
5. Article publishing function
6. SEO setting function
7. Multilingual version (one button on the background)
8. Plug in function
9. Multi language function
10. Watermark function

Requirements for installation environment of brand coffee and tea website management system:
Operating system: Linux/Unix/Windows
Software environment: Apache/Nginx/IIS+PHP 5.5~7.1+MySQL 5.1 and above
Local computers are recommended to be installed using PHP study, and installed on appropriate website space and virtual host.
Default background domain name/login.php

Brand coffee and tea website management system update log:
[Security] Repair known security vulnerabilities;
[Add] Backstage friendship link grouping filtering function;
[Add] Image directory and performance optimization of background uploaded picture boxes;
[Optimization] Further optimize the performance of static pages generated in the background;
[Optimization] Online editing of background online templates is prohibited to avoid vulnerabilities that may be exploited due to potential security risks;
[Optimization] The underlying syntax supports php8.0. If there is a problem, it should be reported in time for compatibility;
[Optimization] System upgrade reminder plus a completely closed option;
[Repair] In the case of multiple languages, saving user-defined variables in the background is invalid;
[Fix] Generating the order of static list documents;
[Repair] Some known problems have been corrected and improved;
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current version


Update content

2023-08-09 v1.6.6
[Security] Fix the xss security vulnerability in the lower version of jquery, and upgrade to the latest version of jquery;
[Add] The background login page and welcome page support user-defined template files;
[Add] Background multilingual list management supports manual synchronization of document data;
[Add] When background goods are published, single specification goods support the setting of member discount price;
[Optimization] Document user-defined file names support Chinese file names, not special symbols;
[Optimization] The background cannot detect the upgrade problem;
[Optimization] When publishing/editing background article payment, the length unit of content automatic interception is converted from k to bytes for better understanding;
[Optimization] Automatically demote to a registered member when the membership level expires;
[Optimization] Remove the timestamp version brought by the template label of the foreground page;
[Optimization] The foreground filtering supports multiple languages;
[Optimization] Background sitemap page copyguide;
[Optimize] After the recycle bin is closed in the background, you will be prompted whether to empty the recycle bin. It will be automatically cleared after submission;
[Optimization] The cloud plug-in library and purchased plug-ins in the background plug-in application can only be operated by the founder and super administrator;
[Optimization] Page copy prompt of background sitemap map;
[Optimization] Optimize the security settings of the background security center, add password modification restrictions, and further input the security verification for all administrator passwords and member passwords;
[Optimization] Check at least one of the payment terminals when configuring the new version of Alipay in the background;
[Optimization] Remove manual remote image localization and clear non local links from the top of the background editor, leaving only the check "Automatic";
[Optimization] When editing member information in the background, saving failed when the compatible multiple choice field is blank;
[Optimization] Background column reading permission, which can independently control the access to the foreground column list;
[Optimization] Copying text from Notepad to Baidu Editor without line breaking;
[Optimization] The urban area table supplements the subordinate cities of Wuxi, Jiangsu;
[Optimization] Improve the access speed of big data websites;
[Optimization] The format of the price displayed in the foreground product details is not uniform;
[Optimization] IP source and submission time are added to the content of the email sent after the message is submitted at the front desk;
[Optimization] An error is reported when opening 404 products that are evaluated by the front desk member center;
[Repair] After opening the website to prevent it from being swiped, the homepage and visual decoration page of multi city websites will open 404;
[Fix] An error occurs when using the arclist tag for foreground filtering;
[Repair] The root domain name accesses the background, and click Publish Document to display blank and error;
[Repair] When the foreground is in static mode in multiple languages, 404 messages are displayed on the homepage of other languages;
[Repair] The tag list of foreground access shows "Tagged documents to be approved";
[Fix] Small bugs in mobile background management plug-in;
[Repair] There was an error when adding overseas freight to the background freight template;
[Repair] VO error is reported in the background hourly kill list;
[Repair] The background tags batch add errors;
[Repair] When publishing/editing video documents in the background, an error is reported due to the excessively long suffix of the seven cow cloud link;
[Repair] Baidu editor is compatible with Google kernel browser, and the text wrap: nowwrap style of span is automatically removed from notepad to editor;
[Repair] The linking error of the visualized enterprise applet at the applet entry in the upper right corner of the background;
[Repair] The background alt forced synchronization title check box is invalid;
[Fix] The number of mobile terminals for background message management;
[Repair] Some known problems have been corrected and improved;

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