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5vShop system v3.3

5vShop is a set of enterprise level open source e-commerce system, which is developed with a new architecture, uses a variety of cutting-edge innovative technologies, perfectly opens up all channels, realizes full terminal data synchronization, integrates PC+WeChat+mobile version seamlessly, and creates a real ecological e-commerce platform. The 5vShop system has rich functions, simple use, high security, and good scalability. It is the best choice for enterprises and individuals to open online stores. Use 5vShop to quickly build your own online shopping platform and realize your e-commerce entrepreneurial dream!
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author 5vshop
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size 15.98MB
language asp
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Function introduction
5vShop is a set of enterprise level open source e-commerce system, which is developed with a new architecture, uses a variety of cutting-edge innovative technologies, perfectly opens up all channels, realizes full terminal data synchronization, integrates PC+WeChat+mobile version seamlessly, and creates a real ecological e-commerce platform.

The 5vShop system has rich functions, simple use, high security, and good scalability. It is the best choice for enterprises and individuals to open online stores. Use 5vShop to quickly build your own online shopping platform and realize your e-commerce entrepreneurial dream!


Page architecture: 90% of the code and programs are rewritten based on years of industry experience, and Jquery, Ajax and other technologies are fully used to achieve more efficient execution.
Payment system: support common WeChat payment, Alipay payment and other interfaces, online payment of orders, user recharge real-time update of order status or return to warehousing.
Three party login: Both PC and mobile terminals support QQ or WeChat one button login function, which allows online shopping without registration, simplifies the order placing process, and makes the operation more convenient and easy.
Order system: It has a powerful order management system, which supports order editing, logistics tracking, order printing, export functions, and automatic email notification of new orders.
Easy to use: no need to install, just upload directly. The system can be used in any subdirectory with unlimited directory depth.
Page design: pure html5/css, rigorous writing structure, simple and efficient code! The page design is grand and beautiful; Open source code, convenient for secondary development and modification.
Technical strength: Focusing on e-commerce solutions for 19 years, we have rich experience in e-commerce software development to escort your e-commerce dream.

Update log:

V3.3 Update content:

Add the function of picture recycle bin

Add user access records and statistics functions

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