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SDCMS-B2C Mall Website Management System v1.9

SDCMS-B2C Mall website management system is a B2C Mall website source code developed with php+MySQL. The functions of the SDCMS B2C Mall website management system are introduced as follows: 1. Ordinary goods, online disk goods, card secret goods, and point goods (support specification management) 2. Commodity budget function 3. Gift function 4. Combination package function 5. Coupon (free collection and point exchange) 6. Time limited discount function 7. Multi person team building function 8 Three level distribution function (distribution levels can be adjusted by yourself, and commodity forwarding and distribution are supported) 9. Support third-party user login (QQ, Weibo, WeChat)
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author SDCMS
to grant authorization Free Admission
size 4.38MB
language PHP
data base MySQL
Function introduction

SDCMS-B2C Mall website management system is a B2C Mall website source code developed with php+MySQL.
This update is as follows:
[New Functions]
1. The template engine adds the filter of the parent path of the included file;
2. Add template editing and saving function to filter;
3. Add filtering for statistics code parameters
4. New member price setting (different prices at different levels can be set for each commodity)
5. Store the WeChat public account authorization prompt page separately in data/wxtemp.php for easy modification

[Optimization or modification]
1. Modified the check_bad function to add illegal character filtering;
2. Modify the authorization verification function: reduce the problem of repeated verification when verification fails
3. Editor upgrade to the latest version
4. Optimize the background and click the shortcut navigation on the home page to automatically expand the corresponding left navigation menu
5. Clear error prompt is returned when WeChat payment is abnormal
6. When the SKU of goods has a picture, submit the order and call the SKU picture automatically

[Bug repaired]
1. Fixed a bug in the asynchronous notification exception of Alipay's signature free payment interface;
2. Fix the bug that the invoice on the applet side cannot be downloaded
3. Background commodity search case sensitive bugs
4. Fix the bug that the editor cannot be displayed after the full function of the custom field editor is selected
5. Fixed the abnormal bug of price decimal point on the applet shopping cart and order submission page
6. Bugs that cannot complete WeChat official account docking verification when using the mandatory WeChat mall mode
7. Fix the bug uploaded by the paper invoice on the background order detail page
8. Optimization of background page details

The functions of SDCMS B2C Mall website management system are introduced as follows:

1. Ordinary commodities, online storage commodities, card secret commodities, and integral commodities (support specification management)
2. Commodity budget function
3. Gift function
4. Combination package function
5. Coupon (you can get it for free or redeem points)
6. Time limited discount function
7. Multi person group function
8. Three level distribution function (you can adjust the distribution level by yourself, and support the forwarding and distribution of goods)
9. Support third-party user login (QQ, Weibo, WeChat)
10. Urban branch station function (the branch station function of more than 400 provinces and cities can be turned on or off with one key, and it supports binding domain names and virtual directories)
11. Support third-party storage functions (AliCloud OSS, Qiniu Cloud)
12. Support mainstream payment interfaces (Alipay, WeChat) and refund function
13. Support third-party SMS interface (AliCloud SMS, Tencent SMS)
14. Support third-party express interface (express bird interface)
15. Freight template setting is supported
16. Support the mail package setting of N items
17. The distribution proportion and switch can be set separately for each product
18. Support product video introduction function
19. Support order batch printing function
20. Support functions such as payment upon delivery of orders, electronic invoice, etc. (can be opened or closed in the background)
21. Support the product evaluation and printing function
22. Income data report, order statistics (by date), member consumption ranking, commission ranking, login times ranking, points ranking, etc
23. Docking WeChat public account platform functions (follow reply, automatic reply, keyword reply, user-defined menu, mass sending of pictures and text materials, etc.)
24. Support multi color system management for each set of template (each set of template can set different color interfaces)
25. Different suffix forms are set for support columns and contents
26. One click access to WeChat delivery address
27. Support WeChat template message push (order)
28. Member sign in
29. WeChat applet store, Baidu applet store, Tiaoyin applet store
30. Member recharge card function: support batch business card printing, batch export, etc.
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[New Functions]
1. The template engine adds the filter of the parent path of the included file;
2. Add template editing and saving function to filter;
3. Add filtering for statistics code parameters
4. New member price setting (different prices at different levels can be set for each commodity)
5. Store the WeChat public account authorization prompt page separately in data/wxtemp.php for easy modification

[Optimization or modification]
1. Modified the check_bad function to add illegal character filtering;
2. Modify the authorization verification function: reduce the problem of repeated verification when verification fails
3. Editor upgrade to the latest version
4. Optimize the background and click the shortcut navigation on the home page to automatically expand the corresponding left navigation menu
5. Clear error prompt is returned when WeChat payment is abnormal
6. When the SKU of goods has a picture, submit the order and call the SKU picture automatically

[Bug repaired]
1. Fixed a bug in the asynchronous notification exception of Alipay's signature free payment interface;
2. Fix the bug that the invoice on the applet side cannot be downloaded
3. Background commodity search case sensitive bugs
4. Fix the bug that the editor cannot be displayed after the full function of the custom field editor is selected
5. Fixed the abnormal bug of price decimal point on the applet shopping cart and order submission page
6. Bugs that cannot complete WeChat official account docking verification when using the mandatory WeChat mall mode
7. Fix the bug uploaded by the paper invoice on the background order detail page
8. Optimization of background page details

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