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Shop7z online shopping system fashion version v11.0

The fashion version of Shop7z mall system supports multiple common interfaces such as Alipay and WeChat payment, and the computer version, mobile version and APP are seamlessly integrated with data! Batch uploading of pictures is supported. Any picture can be uploaded at one time. Multiple online payment interfaces are supported, such as Alipay, Online Banking, Tenpay, etc. The multi-level commodity classification function is supported. It can easily divide the hierarchical relationship of various commodity categories. It supports the automatic email notification function of new orders, and supports the multi classification display function of single commodity. The design of orders is perfect, For example, it supports fuzzy order query, order status editing and printing, and flexible navigation can be set
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Function introduction
The fashion version of Shop7z mall system supports multiple common interfaces such as Alipay and WeChat payment, and the computer version, mobile version and APP are seamlessly integrated with data! Batch uploading of pictures is supported. Any picture can be uploaded at one time. Multiple online payment interfaces are supported, such as Alipay, Online Banking, Tenpay, etc. The multi-level commodity classification function is supported. It can easily divide the hierarchical relationship of various commodity categories. It supports the automatic email notification function of new orders, and supports the multi classification display function of single commodity. The design of orders is perfect, For example, it supports functions such as order fuzzy query, order status editing and printing, and flexible navigation can set the position and status of home page category goods displayed on the home page.

The Shop7z shopping system supports the function of one commodity belonging to multiple classifications, which is applicable to the classification of certain industries. It also supports the batch import of Taobao data, so that online stores and Taobao can be updated synchronously. It supports online modification of goods in batches. The price of goods is displayed by 5 levels of members, and the corresponding member displays the corresponding price function. Multi map preview function is supported! Pointing at the picture with the mouse, you can view the details of the picture. At the same time, it supports the batch upload of commodity pictures. The uploaded pictures can be called repeatedly. The system also supports the size and color selection function in some industries, as well as the purchase volume setting. At the same time, it supports the webpage sharing and collection function to retain customers to the maximum extent.

Shop7z mall system performs well in SEO. The whole website can set its search keywords, and can also set different search keywords and descriptions for any product. At the same time, the optimized program has made a greater leap in search engine optimization. Users can easily achieve front display in major search engines by performing relevant optimization settings in the background, Since then, the promotion has become easier, so it is a professional ASP online shopping system.

Shop7z shopping system supports multi-level classification function. The unique flexibility and expandability of the system can meet the different needs of various industries. It has powerful functions, high security, intelligence and flexibility. It is a rare professional online store opening software in China. In terms of template design, the color matching is reasonable and elegant. It is convenient to set up three-level classification and subordinate relationship of commodity classification. The navigation bar on the home page of the mall can be customized. According to personal needs, you can set whether a product category is displayed on the navigation bar. The set navigation bar will display all the subordinate categories when you point to the corresponding category, and the corresponding products will be displayed when you click on the navigation bar; The same is true of the powerful DIY homepage function. In addition to special offers and promotional products, you can set whether the products under a certain category are displayed on the homepage. A reasonable setting of category display will not only make the website appear grand, but also make the website rich in content.

At the same time, the new PC+mobile version has been released for the welcome test. The new payment interface can monitor the user's online payment status in real time, and the order information is automatically updated. The system can flexibly set the delivery method and delivery fee. The system will automatically adjust the delivery fee according to different delivery methods and include it in the order price. Finally, the payment method to be used, such as Alipay, Tenpay and other payment methods, can be selected for payment. If the user does not pay in time after placing the order, the order management in the user center can also initiate payment again, which is very convenient.

Update log of fashion version v11.0 of Shop7z online shopping system:

Add the function of automatically obtaining location for registered members

Fix the size detection function of user avatar upload file

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