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Hyperf coroutine framework is a high-performance and highly flexible PHP coroutine framework based on Swoole 4.5+. It has built-in coroutine server and a large number of commonly used components. Its performance is qualitatively improved compared with the traditional PHP-FPM based framework. While providing ultra-high performance, it also maintains extremely flexible scalability. Standard components are implemented based on the PSR standard, based on a powerful dependency injection design, It ensures that most components or classes are replaceable and reusable.
seven hundred and ninety-three
Hudson, the predecessor of Jenkins continuous integration engine, is an extensible continuous integration engine. Jenkins is an open source CI&CD software used to automate various tasks, including building, testing and deploying software. Jenkins supports various operation modes, such as system package, Docker or an independent Java program. The main features of Jenkins continuous integration engine: pipeline supports various types of computing nodes (SSH, JNLP, etc.) and rich plug-in extension mechanisms
2024/09/19 View diagram
one thousand one hundred and forty
The JGroups communication framework is a reliable communication Java library. It consists of three parts: (1) a socket like API for application development, (2) reliable protocol stack communication, and (3) a group of components that are high-level abstractions for developers (such as the implementation of ReplicatedHashMap, java. util. Map). The main features of JavaGroups are: 1. Group creation and deletion. Group members can send messages to each other in the LAN or WAN environment 2. Group members join or leave 3. Group member detection and notification
2024/09/12 View diagram
eight hundred and twenty-nine
OkHttps is a recently open source framework for lightweight packaging of OkHttp3. Its original asynchronous preprocessor, unique tags, flexible upload and download progress monitoring and process control functions strive for purity and elegance in design while easily solving many problems.
2024/09/10 ejlchina
five hundred and sixty-one
Zadig is a cloud native delivery product designed for developers. It has high availability CI/CD capabilities, provides a cloud native operating environment, and supports developers' local joint debugging, parallel construction and deployment of microservices, integration testing, etc.
three hundred and fifty-six
Wireshark is a network traffic analyzer or "sniffer", which is applicable to Linux, macOS, * BSD, other Unix and Unix like operating systems and Windows. It uses Qt, a graphical user interface library, and libpcap and npcap as packet capture and filtering libraries.
one hundred and seventy-seven
Jumpserver is an open source springboard machine (fortress machine) system written by python, which realizes the functions of the springboard machine. It is managed based on ssh protocol, and the client does not need to install agent.
2024/09/04 View diagram
Jumpserver is an open source springboard machine (fortress machine) system written by python, which realizes the functions of the springboard machine. It is managed based on ssh protocol, and the client does not need to install agent. The architecture of Jumpserver 3.0 and 2.0 are quite different. It is recommended to install a new environment to experience it. If you need to upgrade, be sure to back up before upgrading.
2024/09/04 View diagram
seven hundred and forty-six
EHelp is a help system built on the low code development platform of eFrameWork. It can be used in websites, product help systems, software, project development documents, software manuals, user manuals, knowledge management systems, product descriptions and other scenarios. The foreground supports both PC and mobile terminals.
2024/09/04 E customer development team View diagram
eight hundred and thirty-six
IoTLink is a lightweight Internet of Things integrated business support platform based on SpringBoot, Vue, Mybatis, RabbitMq, MySQL, Redis, etc. Support the integration management of IoT card, IoT module and card+module. Functions such as status, tariff, customer, purchase, sales and inventory, contract, order, renewal, recharge, diagnosis, and billing are provided. The platform can access China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom and the third party IoT network card for unified management. Gradually improve the platform to help you quickly access the Internet of Things and make the Internet of Things easier.
one hundred and eighty-eight
SOFABOot is an open source research and development framework based on Spring Boot of Ant Group. It provides capabilities such as Readiness Check, class isolation, log space isolation, etc. on the basis of Spring Boot.
six hundred and twelve
The libhv cross platform network library is a cross platform network library similar to libevent, libev, and libuv. Libhv provides simpler interfaces and richer protocols, which can be used to develop TCP/UDP/SSL/HTTP/WebSocket clients/servers. Features: 1. Cross platform (Linux, Windows, MacOS, Solaris)2、 High performance event cycle (network IO events, timer events, idle events) 3. TCP/UDP server/client/agent
five hundred and seventy-eight
Frp is a high-performance reverse proxy application that can help you easily penetrate the internal network, provide services to the external network, support tcp, http, https and other protocol types, and web services support routing and forwarding based on domain names. The role of frp: use the machine behind the intranet or firewall to provide http or https services to the external network environment. The http service supports domain name based virtual hosts and custom domain name binding, so that multiple domain names can share a port 80. Use the machine behind the intranet or firewall to provide tcp services for the external network environment.
six thousand four hundred and nine
The JGroups group communication toolkit is a reliable group communication Java toolkit. It is based on IP multicast, but it is extended in reliability and group member management. The reliability of JGroups is reflected in: 1. No loss transmission of messages to all receivers (through retransmission of lost messages) 2. Split transmission and reorganization of large messages 3. Sequential sending and receiving of messages 4. Atomicity: messages are either received by all receivers or not at all. The membership management of JavaGroups is reflected in: 1. You can know which members are in the group 2
2024/08/24 View diagram
nine hundred and two
TouchSocket is an integrated and super lightweight network communication framework of C #. It includes a series of communication modules such as tcp, udp, ssl, http, websocket, rpc, jsonrpc, webapi, xmlrpc, etc. One click solution to the problem of TCP sticky packets and the problem of udp big packet fragmentation and combination. Using the protocol template, a series of data message parsing such as "fixed header", "fixed length", and "interval character" can be quickly realized.
seven hundred and sixty-three
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