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SDCMS-B2C Mall website management system is a B2C Mall website source code developed with php+MySQL. The functions of the SDCMS B2C Mall website management system are introduced as follows: 1. Ordinary goods, online disk goods, card secret goods, and point goods (support specification management) 2. Commodity budget function 3. Gift function 4. Combination package function 5. Coupon (free collection and point exchange) 6. Time limited discount function 7. Multi person team building function 8 Three level distribution function (distribution levels can be adjusted by yourself, and commodity forwarding and distribution are supported) 9. Support third-party user login (QQ, Weibo, WeChat)
2024/06/20 SDCMS View diagram
four thousand four hundred and two
Fakabao Kami consignment system is committed to solving the fast shopping mall service of virtual goods, providing merchants and their buyers with a convenient, green, safe and fast sales and purchase experience.
2024/06/18 Faka Bao View diagram
seven hundred and seventy-two
Mozhong Mall system is an online B2C mall system, which supports multi classification of shopping carts and goods, and can help you quickly build a set of enterprise privatization mall system.
2024/06/18 Source code waiter View diagram
two thousand six hundred and thirty-seven
The order system of the gourmet template WeChat mall supports commodity specifications, order SMS reminders, order submission restrictions, off-site calls, batch shipment/export, data reports, logistics tracks, visa free payment, etc.
2024/06/17 Top quality template View diagram
one thousand one hundred and fifty-nine
IWebShop is a B2B2C multi-user open source free mall system developed based on PHP language and MYSQL database. The system supports self support and multi merchant settlement, integration of WeChat mall, mobile mall, mobile APP mall, three-tier distribution, video e-commerce live broadcast, WeChat applet, etc. It can carry large amounts of data with excellent performance, and can also cross platforms, Beautiful interface with rich functions is the preferred source code for e-commerce station building.
2024/06/15 aircheng View diagram
one hundred and twenty-four thousand and thirty-three
Northstar TraHK quantitative trading software is a one-stop quantitative trading platform based on B/S architecture, which has the functions of history playback, strategy research and development, simulation trading, firm trading, etc. Both automatic and semi-automatic usage scenarios are considered.
IdeaCMS Mall System (Haopu Mall) is a fully open source high-performance enterprise mall system based on Thinkphp8+Uniapp+Layui2.9+Vue, which can be used for the production of PC Mall, H5 Mall, public mall, applet and App Mall. The system is developed in the standard system+plug-in mode, and users can easily customize personality modules. Both the program and UI of the whole system reflect our consistent small and beautiful style. Unnecessary encapsulation has been removed from the program, and even middleware has been eliminated, making the program look simple and straightforward, and I believe beginners can easily master it.
2024/06/14 IdeaCMS View diagram
one hundred and twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty-six
WeChat app store system, php+mysql, Yii2 framework development, supports virtual host, server, and local testing.
2024/06/13 beescms View diagram
four hundred and sixty-nine
Shop7z online shopping system supports computer version+mobile version+Alipay and WeChat payment, supports QQ and WeChat one click login, and the system integrates the strengths of all families, Great and beautiful page+mobile version+commodity combination package+limited time flash sale+picture batch upload+Taobao data package import+pop-up category menu+different specifications and prices+new order email notification+sales report printing and Excel output+logistics tracking and printing query+member points and coupons+mail group sending+online picture management+sales statistics report+five price systems+gift vouchers+WeChat Pay by letter official account+scanning code, etc.
2024/06/06 Shop7z View diagram
eight thousand eight hundred and five
It is considerate of all. At present, WeChat payment has become very popular. WeChat payment has developed very rapidly in shopping malls, supermarkets and websites. However, ASP version of WeChat payment is not available on WeChat public platform. At present, websites developed based on ASP language are very common, so it is inconvenient for such websites to integrate WeChat payment. Based on this, we independently developed various payment interfaces of WeChat payment according to the open SDK provided by WeChat, including WeChat scanning payment, H5 payment, WeChat public account payment, WeChat red packet payment, WeChat card payment and a series of interfaces for all ASP code websites.
2024/06/06 payasp View diagram
sixteen thousand seven hundred and sixty-five
OpenWBS enterprise mall system is the source code of asp mall website developed by ASP+MSSQL/ACCESS. OpenWBS X4.0 focuses on the system of enterprise e-commerce mall construction, adopts a new generation of new architecture, hierarchical design, and has excellent execution efficiency, scalability and stability! The mobile end WeChat mall and the PC end mall are integrated, integrating WeChat login and WeChat payment interfaces, the same database and the same background management, and the same domain name and website can automatically judge the mobile end and the PC end. Mobile phone access shows the mobile end, and computer access shows the PC end.
2024/06/05 OpenWBS View diagram
twenty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-eight
The easyPay payment SDK expansion pack is an elegant "Alipay" and "WeChat" payment SDK expansion pack. EasyPay features: rich event system naming is not so messy, hiding details that developers do not need to pay attention to. Highly abstract classes are developed according to the latest API of Alipay and WeChat, eliminating the pain of spelling json and xml. In line with the PSR standard, you can easily integrate various files with your framework. The file structure is clear and easy to understand, You can add the payment gateway method that is not available in this project as you like, and use it more elegantly. You don't need to study it again
one thousand one hundred and seventy-eight
Yujie order management system (ThinkPHP version) is a php order management system developed according to the thinkphp framework. Introduction to the order management system of Yujie: 1. Order module 1. Order management: visual management of orders, tracking the IP address and origin of customers' orders, and notifying you by email and SMS as soon as you place an order; 2. Order Recycle Bin: orders deleted in the order management module will enter this module and can be restored; 3. Order statistics: analyze order data by day, month, and year, and export order statistics to excel with one click; 4. Order Status: order status can be customized.
2024/05/20 Yujie Software View diagram
thirteen thousand five hundred and forty
The Sylius open source e-commerce platform is an open source PHP e-commerce website framework, built on Symfony and Doctrine, and provides customized solutions for users. It can manage any complex product and classification, set different tax rates for each product, support multiple distribution methods, and integrate Omnipay online payment.
eight hundred and fifty-seven
5vShop is a set of enterprise level open source e-commerce system, which is developed with a new architecture, uses a variety of cutting-edge innovative technologies, perfectly opens up all channels, realizes full terminal data synchronization, integrates PC+WeChat+mobile version seamlessly, and creates a real ecological e-commerce platform. The 5vShop system has rich functions, simple use, high security, and good scalability. It is the best choice for enterprises and individuals to open online stores. Use 5vShop to quickly build your own online shopping platform and realize your e-commerce entrepreneurial dream!
2024/05/14 5vshop View diagram
nine thousand and ninety-nine
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