Bean curd

Bean curd

The collision between life and technology I want to be a free geek all my life
Release | 2023-11-25
1. Compilation environment 1.1 System requirements The system environment is Linux or drawin, either virtual machine or physical machine, such as wsl and vm. The system selects desktop version or server version, and whether there is GUI (graphical
Released | 2023-05-28
This paper analyzes the connotation, key applications and application cases of electric power metauniverse #Electric power metacosmic structure 1. Application layer 2. Interaction layer 3. Algorithm layer 4. Governance layer 5. Display floor ## ...
Released | 2023-05-28
#Eight characteristics of Yuanyumu: Identity: a virtual identity, which has nothing to do with the real identity. It can be a president or a beggar. Friends: You can have real people or AI friends, and you can socialize, whether you know them or not in reality. Immersion: You can
Released | 2021-12-31
December 2021 is really a busy month. All Internet companies have applied for the trademark of the Meta Universe and entered the Meta Universe. Facebook changed its name to Meta and released the official app. Baidu also released a developer conference, and launched the Xirang App and Baidu Smart Cloud
Released | 2021-12-28
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Released | 2021-12-28
>Smart home (home automation) is based on the platform of residence, and uses generic cabling technology, network communication technology, security technology, automatic control technology, audio and video technology to connect home life with
Released | 2021-12-27
This article aims to introduce a future or emerging smart home system Required functions: uninterruptible power system, network system, IOT server, network phone, data storage, audio and video system, security protection traceability. (Functions need to be supplemented, details need to be supplemented
Released | May 31, 2020
! [timg.jpg]( )Play a game today and create a story with three words ...