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Liupanshui, Guizhou, lightens the burden of village level organizations, clarifies the prohibition of power and responsibility, "throwing the pot", and prevents "overweight"

Source title: Liupanshui, Guizhou Province, lightens the burdens of village level organizations, clarifies the rights and responsibilities, forbids "throwing the pot" and prevents "overweight"

Since this year, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province, has carried out the "five reductions" action in villages (communities) to rectify formalism and ease the burden on village level organizations.

Reduce affairs and clarify the boundaries of rights and responsibilities. Develop a directory of guidance for village level organizations to assist in handling matters, define 53 autonomous matters for village level organizations, 29 matters to assist the government in handling matters and the centralized guidance department. Party, government and mass organizations shall not arrange village level organizations to handle unapproved matters by telephone, documents, meetings, etc., and further standardize the work of village level organizations.

Reduce signs and optimize functional services. It is specified that only four signs of the Party organization, the village (residents) committee, the village (residents) affairs supervision committee, the village collective economic organization and three signs of the Party masses service center, the convenience service center, and the new era civilization practice station will be hung on the exterior wall of the village office, and the rest signs will be removed.

Reduce certificates to facilitate and benefit the people. Clarify 23 certification items that should not be issued by grass-roots mass autonomous organizations. Village level organizations adhere to the principle of facilitating people according to law and issue verifiable certification items according to the facts.

Reduce assessment and improve the quality and efficiency of implementation. Optimize the assessment system for village (community) cadres. The villages and towns uniformly carry out comprehensive assessment and evaluation for village level organizations. Items out of the work list of village level organizations shall not be included in the assessment without access.

Reduce reports and promote data sharing. To promote the "one table" working mechanism of village level basic data, if the village (community) needs to cooperate in data collection, the work shall be carried out according to the principle of approval before collection.

Editor in charge: Wei Chao (QN0014)

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