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Integrating life discipline into daily life and focusing on regularity -- a series of discussions on "learning discipline, knowing discipline, understanding discipline and observing discipline" ⑥

2024-05-16 10:02 China Military Network

Source title: Integrating life discipline into daily life, focusing on the regular - series of talks on "learning discipline, knowing discipline, understanding discipline, and observing discipline" ⑥

● Life style is not a trivial matter, and life discipline should not be underestimated

Life discipline is the norm that party members and cadres must abide by in their daily life and social exchanges "beyond eight hours", involving their personal morality family Virtue, social morality and other aspects are related to the Party's style and image. As one of the six major disciplines of the Party, life discipline mainly clarifies the restrictive and prohibitive provisions of party members and cadres in material life, gender relations, family customs and family education, and social exchanges. Articles 150 to 154 of Chapter 11 of the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Punishment (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) clearly stipulate the punishment of violations of life discipline, and clearly point out for the majority of party members and cadres what they can and cannot do in life.

To observe life discipline, Party members and cadres must first uphold frugality, abstain from extravagance, and work hard and be simple. Party members and cadres should establish the concept of hard work and plain living in material life and develop the habit of thrift and thrift, which is not only an important guarantee for personal physical and mental health, but also a necessary condition for the formation of a good party, political, folk and social style. Comrade Mao Zedong is a model of hard work and plain living. The clothes, shoes and socks he wears are often patched. He has worn a pajama for more than 20 years, with 73 patches inside and outside. The spirit of Party members and cadres is like a "position". If the wind of hard work and plain living does not occupy it, the wind of hedonism and extravagance will take advantage of it. Those party members and cadres who are greedy for pleasure and vanity, indulging in drinking and drinking, and indulging in the life of debauchery, often cannot resist temptation and test, take advantage of their positions to accept bribes, embezzle, and use ill gotten gains to "pay" for their extravagance and pleasure, and eventually slip into the abyss of crimes against the law. According to the provisions of Article 150 of the Regulations, those who lead an extravagant life, waste money, seek pleasure, and pursue low-grade interests, resulting in adverse effects, shall be given party discipline punishment. "Looking at the past countries and families, we can see that success comes from diligence and frugality, and prosperity comes from extravagance." Party members and cadres should insist on putting life discipline in front and implementing it in all aspects of life, find their own shortcomings in time against advanced models and examples around them, adhere to the high standard of work and the low standard of life, always maintain a hard, plain and healthy lifestyle, and resolutely resist hedonism Luxury.

Gender relationship is not only an important relationship in marriage and family life, but also a key area of life discipline. In daily life, gender relations are the touchstone to test the views of party members and cadres on love, marriage and family. For party members and cadres, legal and healthy gender relations are protected by the Party's discipline and national laws, but power sex trade, money sex trade, extramarital affairs and other immoral gender relations undermine the social atmosphere, damage the Party's image, and are not allowed by the Party's discipline. Article 151 of the Regulations stipulates that those who have illegitimate relationships with others and cause adverse effects shall be given party discipline punishment; If the circumstances are serious, they shall also be expelled from the Party. Those who use their power, upbringing, subordination or other similar relationships to have sexual relations with others shall be given heavier punishment. "Those who seek fame will lose because of lust; those who seek profit will lose because of lust; those who live at home will lose their family fortune because of lust; and those who are officials will lose their career because of lust." It is not uncommon for the party members and cadres who are investigated to find a knife at the beginning of the word "lust" to be motivated by lust, lose their reputation because of lust, break their families and be in prison because of lust. Therefore, Party members and cadres should always cultivate political morality, always keep self-discipline, always think about the harm of greed, and often stop thinking about non partiality, strictly limit the gender relationship within the scope of morality, marriage and family, manage themselves well, and keep the bottom line of morality and law and discipline.

Family is the basic unit of social life, and family style is a moral and cultural atmosphere formed by family members in long-term production and life. Family style has a profound impact on family members and society. The family style of Party members and cadres is not a personal matter or a personal matter, but an important embodiment of the style of Party members and cadres. Judging from the relevant typical cases of violations of discipline and laws that have been investigated and dealt with in various places in recent years, many corruption and chaos will arise due to improper family conduct. Some people lose control of others, connive and acquiesce in these people taking advantage of their positions to seek personal gains, and in turn, they are "dragged down" by others; Some engaged in "inbreeding" and "nepotism", staged "family style corruption", and finally led to relatives' "joint trial", and so on. According to the provisions of Article 152 of the Regulations, the leading cadres of Party members who do not attach importance to the construction of family style and cause adverse effects or serious consequences to their spouses, children and their spouses due to misconduct shall be given party discipline punishment; If the circumstances are serious, they shall also be given a sanction of removing their posts within the Party. "A family that accumulates good deeds will have a lasting legacy; a family that accumulates bad deeds will have a lasting legacy.". Party members and cadres should inherit and carry forward the red family style of the revolutionary predecessors, take the negative model as a warning, often compare with the standard of life discipline, strictly control the family members and children, educate and guide them to behave themselves in an orderly manner, and lead a good family and kinship relationship.

The life of party members and cadres "beyond eight hours" is an extension of the work of "within eight hours". Just because they are off duty or out of work, they can not ignore or ignore their own identity and lower their demands on themselves. The identity, obligations and discipline standards of the Communist Party members do not change with time and space. If they cannot enter public places, they can become "social people". If they enter cyberspace, they can become "keyboard men", or even become network "sprayers". Article 153 of the Regulations stipulates that those who violate social public order and good customs and have improper words and deeds in public places and cyberspace, causing adverse effects, shall be given party discipline punishment; If the circumstances are serious, they will also be expelled from the Party. "Eight hours beyond" is not a time beyond the discipline, and public places and cyberspace are not places beyond the discipline. Therefore, Party members and cadres should always strictly restrain themselves, be cautious in their words and deeds in life, do the same thing when on duty or off duty, and set an example for creating a good public opinion ecology.

Life style is not a trivial matter, and life discipline should not be underestimated. Party members and cadres should take the opportunity to carry out Party discipline learning and education in the whole party, deeply understand the importance of strictly abiding by life discipline, comprehensively grasp the internal requirements of life discipline, adhere to integrating life discipline into daily life, focus on the regular, prevent the gradual change of things, constantly enhance political determination, discipline, moral determination, anti-corruption determination, and always be honest and clean.

Editor in charge: Wei Chao (QN0014) Author: Sun Lin

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