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Another leap in the Party's understanding of the theory of productivity

2024-05-15 10:44 Publicist Network

Source title: Another leap in the Party's understanding of the theory of productivity

"New quality productivity" has become a high-frequency word in China's economy. From the first proposal of "accelerating the formation of new quality productivity" during the investigation in Heilongjiang in September 2023 to the central economic work conference held at the end of 2023, "developing new quality productivity" was emphasized; From the 11th collective learning of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee in January this year, when the new quality productivity was systematically expounded, to the emphasis on "developing new quality productivity according to local conditions" at the National Two Sessions in March, General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important statements on new quality productivity profoundly answered "what is new quality productivity, why should we develop new quality productivity, and how to develop new quality productivity" The major theoretical and practical issues of are the latest achievements of Xi Jinping's economic thought, and have great practical and far-reaching historical significance for promoting high-quality development and Chinese style modernization in the new era and new journey.

——Inevitably follow to create a new situation of development

The new quality productivity is a significant symbol of socialism with Chinese characteristics entering a new era, a basic driving force for high-quality economic development, a fundamental guarantee for stabilizing the new development pattern, and a matter of overall Chinese modernization. In terms of theoretical significance, It fully embodies the profound strategic insights of our party's leadership in promoting economic and social development, and profoundly answers the era's topic of how to further liberate and develop the productive forces in the new journey. It is an important theoretical achievement formed by applying the basic principles of Marxist political economy to guide the economic development practice in the new era, and it is another leap in our party's understanding of the theory of productive forces. In the sense of the times, It strongly demonstrates that development is the essential requirement of the Party's first priority in governing and rejuvenating the country, fully reflects the inevitable requirement of implementing the "five musts" of doing economic work well in the new era, and is the fundamental guarantee for building the country's core competitiveness, promoting self-reliance in science and technology, and meeting the people's aspirations for a better life. In terms of practical significance, It is a "first mover" for China to seize the historical opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution, seize the commanding heights of development, cultivate new competitive advantages, and accumulate new momentum for development. It is an important engine to promote dynamic change, efficiency change, and quality change, and provides scientific guidance for us to promote high-quality development on the new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

——The Inevitable Choice to Win the Initiative of Development

Every major scientific and technological progress in human history has brought quantitative and qualitative changes to economic and social development. Since the beginning of the 21st century, global scientific and technological innovation has entered an unprecedented period of intensive activity. Science and technology has an unprecedented impact on the fate of the country, economic and social development, and people's livelihood. How to stand at the forefront of the times and solve development problems? We must ask for the answer from scientific and technological innovation. Whoever takes the lead in scientific and technological innovation will have the initiative to lead development. New quality productivity is the productivity in which scientific and technological innovation plays a leading role. In today's world, the extensional economic growth model driven by the number of factors has entered a bottleneck period, and the innovation driven connotative economic development model is expected to promote the recovery of the global economy. At the same time, global scientific and technological innovation has also entered an unprecedented period of intensive activity. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is reconstructing the global innovation landscape and reshaping the global economic structure. Who can release the momentum of innovation to a greater extent will be able to accelerate the formation of new quality productivity and lead the world's development. We must adhere to the principle that science and technology is the first productive force, talent is the first resource, and innovation is the first driving force. We must thoroughly implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talent, and the strategy of innovation driven development, open up new areas and new tracks for development, shape new driving forces and new advantages for development, and deepen the growth soil for new quality and productivity.

——The inevitable requirement of enabling high-quality development

In the fourth round of industrial revolution, China is gradually moving towards the ranks of high-income countries. The advantage of labor cost is no longer prominent in the global scope. The mode of traditional manufacturing and real estate industry as the main engine driving high economic growth is also unsustainable. As a transition of productivity level, the new quality productivity meets the internal requirements of high-quality economic development in China, and must be fully promoted and accelerated. Emerging industries and future industries are the core pillars of new quality productivity. We should aim at the development direction of new quality productivity, vigorously develop strategic emerging industries such as artificial intelligence, big data, high-end equipment manufacturing, commercial aerospace, and biopharmaceuticals, focus on future industries such as quantum, brain science, and gene technology, and make forward-looking deployment. It is necessary to strengthen the penetration and integration of digital intelligent technology into traditional industries, improve the level of digital management and flexible management of enterprises, create "digital factory", "beacon factory" and "future factory", better adapt to the requirements of the new paradigm of flexible manufacturing and personalized production, and realize the deep integration of digital economy and real economy. We should actively follow the general direction of contemporary scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, seize the huge development opportunities brought by green transformation, rely on scientific and technological innovation to solve the problems of green development, and consciously promote green development, circular development, and low-carbon development. At the same time, we should also recognize that the development of new quality productive forces is not to ignore or abandon traditional industries, to prevent the mass rush and bubble, nor to adopt a model. Adhere to the principle of starting from reality, setting up first and then breaking down, adjusting measures to local conditions, and giving classified guidance, selectively promote the development of new industries, new models, and new drivers according to their own resource endowments, industrial bases, and scientific research conditions, transform and upgrade traditional industries with new technologies, and actively promote the high-end, intelligent, and green industries.

 On April 2, 2024, the bridge crane was used to load and unload goods in Meishan Port Area of Ningbo Zhoushan Port. Photographed by Weng Xinyang, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

On April 2, 2024, the bridge crane was used to load and unload goods in Meishan Port Area of Ningbo Zhoushan Port. Photographed by Weng Xinyang, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

——The Inevitable Path of Facing the World and Modernization

The "newness" of new quality productivity refers not only to the domestic scope, but also to the international scope. New quality productivity is the main theme of global economic development, and it is also an important tool for big countries to play games in the digital economy era. China's development cannot be separated from the world, and the world's development cannot be separated from China. The convergence and fusion of the optimal production factors to form the new quality productivity is carried out internationally. With the deepening development of globalization, informatization and networking, the elements of innovation are more open and mobile, and innovation cannot be carried out behind closed doors. We should adhere to the combination of "bringing in" and "going out", actively integrate into the global innovation network, comprehensively improve the level of international cooperation in scientific and technological innovation in China, pool the interactive forces of advanced production factors around the world, expand the space for common development of the global economy, implement a more open policy of introducing innovative talents, and gather talents from all over the world for use. The openness of the new quality productivity means that China will play a better role as the engine of the world economy.

Of course, the formation of new quality productivity cannot be achieved overnight. In today's intense international scientific and technological competition, it will take a long time to realize the transformation from "follower" to "co runner" and "leader" in most fields. Therefore, in the face of numerous and complicated difficulties and challenges, we must accurately recognize changes, respond scientifically, take the initiative to change, strengthen confidence, overcome difficulties, and not blindly pursue miracles. We must maintain resilience, patience, determination, and respect the law in order to better create methods and plan ideas according to local conditions, In the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation in the world, we have written a new chapter in the development of new quality productivity in the new era.

Editor in charge: Wei Chao (QN0014) Author: Li Jiangqi, Chen Jia

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