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High quality Party discipline learning and education (in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)

2024-05-14 09:58 People's Network

Source title: high-quality party discipline learning and education (in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)

Core reading

To carry out Party discipline learning and education is an important measure to strengthen the Party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party to develop in depth. We should have a deep understanding of the great significance of carrying out the study and education of Party discipline, take it as an important political task, and ensure that the study and education of Party discipline go deep and solid with a good style of work.

Strengthen discipline, and revolution is invincible. At present, Party discipline learning and education are being carried out throughout the Party. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core attaches great importance to the study and education of Party discipline. General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important speeches and made important instructions for many times, which has provided important guidance for the study and education of Party discipline. We should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions, implement the requirements of the Notice on Carrying out Party Discipline Learning and Education in the Whole Party (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), carry out high-quality party discipline learning and education, and ensure that solid results are achieved.

Deeply understand the great significance of carrying out the study and education of Party discipline

This party discipline study and education is an important measure to strengthen the party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth. We should have a deep understanding of the great significance of carrying out the study and education of Party discipline, and constantly enhance the political, ideological and action consciousness of high-quality completion of the study and education of Party discipline.

It is an inevitable requirement to stick to unity and struggle. Solidarity and struggle is the most significant spiritual symbol of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people. When our Party stresses unity, we must rely not only on the ideological consciousness of all Party members to keep up with the standards of the Central Committee, but also on discipline. History and reality show that iron discipline can ensure the unity of will, action and progress of the whole party. In the new era and new journey, our Party is uniting and leading the people of the whole country to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization. On the way forward, we will inevitably face the major test of high winds, high waves, and even rough waves. The more complicated the situation the Party is facing and the more arduous the task it is shouldering, the more it is necessary to strengthen discipline building and maintain the unity of the Party. Deeply understand the great significance of carrying out Party discipline learning and education. We should improve our political position, deepen our ideological understanding, and strengthen our responsibility. Deeply understand that this party discipline learning and education is to ensure that the majority of party members and cadres firmly support the "two establishment" and firmly achieve the "two maintenance" with strict discipline, and consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, Knowing what to do, knowing what to stop, and ordering what to do, form a strong driving force and joint force to promote Chinese style modernization.

It is the inevitable requirement of unswervingly and comprehensively governing the Party strictly. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The Party should manage the Party and govern it strictly. What should we manage and govern by? We should rely on strict discipline." Strengthening discipline building is the fundamental policy for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. We should deeply realize that to form a good political ecology with a clean and upright atmosphere, we should not only strictly enforce discipline, but also strengthen the learning and education of party discipline, and promote party members and cadres to develop a sense of discipline. Otherwise, it will be easy to "root out" and even "revive" disciplinary violations. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has incorporated discipline building into the overall layout of Party building in the new era, put discipline in the front, and persevered in governing the whole Party and the whole Party with strict discipline, fundamentally reversing the leniency of governing the Party and the Party, and providing a strong disciplinary guarantee for the development of the cause of the Party and the country. At the same time, we should also be aware that some violations of discipline and laws within the Party are still prone to occur frequently, and the forms of violations of discipline are becoming more insidious and varied. To effectively solve these problems and persistently promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, we must conscientiously carry out the study and education of Party discipline and strictly strengthen the discipline construction of the Party.

It is an inevitable requirement to improve the Party spirit cultivation of Party members. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "Party spirit, Party conduct and Party discipline are an organic whole, Party spirit is the root, Party conduct is the performance, and Party discipline is the guarantee." It is the fine tradition of our Party to adhere to the Party spirit, Party conduct and Party discipline together, consolidate the foundation and improve the awareness of Party spirit. In order to improve the Party spirit, Party members and cadres should strengthen the study of the Party's internal laws and regulations system, including Party discipline, focus on the underlying causes of the problems, apply the right medicine to the case, and take comprehensive measures. From the source, they should frequently brush off the "ideological dust", think more about "greed", and often break the "thieves in the heart", and ensure that there is no false thinking inside and no false action outside. For example, the education of Party discipline learning requires promoting learning through cases, allowing Party members and cadres to take others' lessons as mirror lessons, find their own real or potential problems, leave deep warnings in their hearts, and urge them not to make the same mistakes. We should carry out the education of learning Party discipline, let Party members and cadres tighten the "master switch" of world outlook, outlook on life and values, and make the process of learning Party discipline become the process of improving Party spirit cultivation.

Taking the study and education of Party discipline as an important political task

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "we should organize and carry out the study and education of Party discipline, guide Party members and cadres to learn, know, observe and abide by discipline, and urge leading cadres to establish a correct view of power, use power impartially, according to law, for civil rights, and honestly." We should earnestly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, and regard the study and education of Party discipline as an important political task, Grasp the target requirements, grasp the key points of learning, and pay attention to the combination of learning and application.

Grasp the objectives and requirements. To accurately grasp the objectives and requirements of this party discipline learning and education, we must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and thoroughly study and implement the important speech and important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on party discipline learning and education. At the ideological level, we should focus on solving the problems that some party members and cadres are not interested in, understand and master the party rules and disciplines, educate and guide party members and cadres to learn, know, understand and abide by the discipline, understand what the party's discipline and rules are, and understand what they can and cannot do. At the action level, we need to promote the majority of Party members and cadres to strengthen their awareness of discipline, truly engrave compliance in their hearts, and internalize it into a code of words and deeds, so as to strengthen their sense of discipline, strengthen self-discipline, improve their immunity, enhance their political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption, and always be loyal, clean, and responsible.

Grasp the key points of study. Seriously studying and implementing the newly revised Regulations on Discipline of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) is the focus of this party discipline study and education. To carry out high-quality Party discipline learning and education, efforts must be made to study and implement the Regulations to achieve results. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has revised the Regulations three times in accordance with the situation and the needs of Party building. The newly revised Regulations define the untouchable red line of discipline, which is a compulsory teaching material for understanding and enforcing discipline and a code of conduct for observing and enforcing discipline. We should adhere to learning chapter by chapter, article by article, and in connection with practice. We should do a good job of promoting learning through cases and assisting learning through training. We should promote the incorporation of the Regulations into the mind, deepen the understanding and application of the Regulations, accurately grasp the main thrust of the Regulations and the requirements of the regulations, further clarify the yardstick for measuring daily words and deeds, and consciously use Party rules and disciplines to correct ideas and actions.

Pay attention to the combination of learning and application. The study and education of Communists is not for cosmetic purposes, but to transform the subjective world and the objective world. The Notice emphasized that "Party discipline learning and education should focus on integrating into daily life and focusing on regular activities." It should learn from the original, adhere to the combination of individual self-study and centralized learning, closely follow the Party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline and life discipline, and constantly strengthen the sense of discipline. We should strengthen warning education, deeply analyze typical cases of discipline violations, focus on educating people around us with things around us, and let party members and cadres be alert, know the bottom line, and be in awe. We should adhere to the principle of "two hands, two promotions", and closely combine the development of Party discipline learning and education with the implementation of the major decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the completion of the key work of the local departments and units, so that each measure of Party discipline learning and education becomes an effective measure to promote the work of the center.

To Ensure the Deepening and Realizing of Party Discipline Learning and Education with Good Style

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the study and education of Party discipline and makes important arrangements. We need to improve our political position, shoulder our political responsibilities, implement them well, ensure that the study and education of Party discipline go deep and solid with a good style of work, and provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for promoting the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Work hard on the word "deep". Only by learning deeply and understanding thoroughly, can we truly believe in and practice. It is necessary to get through and understand, deeply study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on Party building and self revolution, deeply study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statements on Party discipline building, important speeches and important instructions on Party discipline learning and education, deeply study the key contents and focus directions of the Regulations, and achieve a better understanding of their words and meanings Know what it is and why it is. We should combine them and deepen our understanding of the importance of strengthening the Party's discipline construction and the harmfulness of ignoring and violating Party discipline by analyzing and discussing typical cases and systematic training and education. It is necessary to link up and promote, adhere to learning for application, closely link with practice to sort out problems and troubleshoot problems, and promote the transformation of learning achievements into practical actions.

Work hard on the word "real". Keep the main road simple, and work hard. To carry out the Party discipline learning and education well, the key lies in a word of "reality", which should be practical in terms of requirements, forms and effects. On the one hand, we should adhere to the problem orientation, conduct in-depth research and grasp the cognition and deviation of party rules and disciplines of party members and cadres, put an end to the wet land after rain, prevent "low-level red" and "high-level black", firmly abstain from formalism, and work hard on practical learning, hard work, and effectiveness. On the other hand, efforts should be made to promote work. We have always carried out Party discipline learning and education closely around major tasks and key work, making it a powerful starting point for promoting central work and doing practical things for the benefit of the masses, effectively preventing the return of learning to study and doing to do, so that Party members and cadres can deepen their understanding, improve their ability and temper their Party spirit in practice.

Work hard on the word "strict". General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "We Communists are the most serious. To be serious is to be strict. We can't deal with things, and we can't deal with people. Instead, we should implement the principle of being serious in all our work.". We should always be persistent and tenacious on the road, be strict in thought, attach great importance to the study and education of party discipline, tighten the "string of thought" at all times, always hang the "discipline bar", carefully organize and carefully deploy, and promote the implementation of the decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee. In terms of work style, Party members and leading cadres set an example, take the lead in strict work style, firmly resist corruption, strengthen the immune function and sense of discipline red line in the soul, and make Party rules and discipline become a sharp weapon to remove "political dust" and "ideological virus". Strictly enforce discipline, define the red line of discipline, fasten the "cage" of the system, reasonably use the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement, and truly pull up "rotten trees", cure "diseased trees", correct "crooked trees", and protect "forests".

Editor in charge: Wei Chao (QN0014)

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