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She wrote "big" stories of "small" characters in short stories

2024-05-22 08:09 Beijing Youth Daily

Source title: She used short stories to write "big" stories of "small" characters

Alice Monroe's creation takes the Ontario countryside where she grew up as the background, and tells a lot about human nature family And the story of life. His works are unique in style and exquisite in language, which are not only loved by readers, but also won many important literary awards, including the Nobel Prize for Literature, the International Booker Prize and the Governor of Canada's Literature Prize.

Monroe has been troubled by her health in her later years, but she still insists on writing. Her works have not only won the international reputation for Canadian literature, but also brought profound enlightenment and insights to readers around the world. From now on, our "Alice" will not lead us to dream about the fairyland of literature, but her spirit and works will continue forever.

To some extent, the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature may become the most "dull" record in the history of the Nobel Prize. The winner of this honor is the highly anticipated Alice Monroe, whose literary achievements are pure and unique. Because her works are deeply rooted and widely recognized, it did not stir up any form of controversy. This also enabled the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts to avoid various complicated doubts and endless disputes after the award.

The reason why Monroe won the prize is that she is unique in the literary world: she is a writer who only focuses on short stories. All her works are composed of 14 collections of short stories, each of which shows her exquisite language, exquisite structure and profound connotation, and enjoys a lasting reputation in the English world. Because of life, Monroe, who only had two years of undergraduate education in an ordinary university and then interrupted her formal education, may be the lowest female literary writer in the West with the lowest school record, but this did not prevent her from showing outstanding talent in literature. Her works are full of exquisite literary wisdom and distinctive aesthetic pursuit. Those modern novel techniques are just like the "housewife"'s skilled housework. She does everything as she pleases and just right, as if everything comes from her intuition and instinct. There is no trace of carving between the lines.

Monroe, like Virginia Woolf, insists on the special importance of women's life. In her opinion, the story of a unhappy housewife is as important as the story of a captain who went out to sea to hunt whales. However, her vision is extremely broad - perhaps more than any other writer today can remind us of the scope and scale of short stories; It makes us believe that short story is a superb art rather than a dying literary genre. She intricately analyzed and described the "big" stories of "small" characters. Her works will not be limited by the label of "female literature", and she will not be troubled by "feminism" or praise or derogation.

Monroe is a master of human mind. Her writing is not about women's privacy, but about the secrets of human nature. Why does this woman love this man, why does this mother abandon her child, why is this husband's illegal behavior covered up by his wife - despite her contempt for him. These show that there is a kind of moral anarchy in people's heart. Monroe has a profound grasp of the complex interaction between people's will, desire and the almost uncontrollable external forces. She makes readers realize that no matter how complicated things seem, they are even more complicated than this.

Although Monroe is called "Chekhov of our age", her pursuit of aesthetics is more conscious and bold, and her works are more modern. The boundary between the narrative style and content of Monroe's works is more blurred than that of most excellent writers. Any sophisticated reader will read her seemingly "correct" works effortlessly. Monroe doesn't mean to impress readers. The depth, beauty and authenticity of the story are her main concerns. But she has been exploring the possibility of narrative form and time. The structure of her story is a bit like a microscope. The more focused the readers are, the easier the form will be dissolved and reassembled. Reading stories from different perspectives is like pulling out curtain cloth pieces, which overlap and conflict with each other, and what you see at the end seems to be a whole piece of cloth.

Most of Monroe's novels are set in a small town in southwestern Ontario, Canada, but the exotic "Albanian Virgin" has built a maze on the Balkan Peninsula for the readers. The title character of the novel is neither Albanian nor virgin. She is a character in the story told by another woman to the narrator Claire: "I heard this story from Charlotte at St. Joseph's Hospital in Victoria, and she was a friend I met there in the early years." Just this sentence means that the narrative flashes back between the present, the past and the farther past, and flows between fiction and reality. This kind of writing is not an intellectual game, but shows the connection and influence of each other by breaking down the barriers at the narrative level.

Monroe is good at seeing the light in women's life, and also good at revealing the darkness in their life. In Albania's Virgin, she juxtaposes Lota's wild story with Claire's relatively ordinary story. The former's crazy stories about kidnapping, murder, violence, injury, trafficking and isolation are like a dream mirror of the latter. They all want to completely change their lives. It may be necessary to avoid the gifted gender or get rid of the acquired role, but it is not as easy as it seems. It shows that controlling your life is a "violent" thing. What Monroe wants to defend is not the privilege of women, but the dignity of human nature. And "she has been doing housework all her life", why is she not "escaping" from the narrow world and plain life through a series of works?

Editor in charge: Ji Jing (QC0003) Author: Feng Xinping

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