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The "Rainbow Theater" dance performance of Beijing Xicheng Cultural Museum kicked off

2024-05-21 22:13 qianlong

Qianlong News On the evening of May 21, the dance performance of "Rainbow Theater" in Xicheng District Cultural Museum and the grassroots project of "Rainbow Theater" in 2024, "Dancing Xicheng Arts and Nourishing People", was officially launched. This activity closely follows the theme of "People's Lifelong Aesthetic Education School" in 2024 Cultural Center Service and Publicity Week, and comprehensively demonstrates the development achievements of mass dance in Beijing West City.


The performance is divided into three chapters, with rich and diverse contents. There are not only original folk dances with local characteristics, but also national and municipal award winning mass dance programs, with the wonderful support of the country's top young dancers. In the chapter of "Grass roots flower aesthetic education blooms", excellent award-winning programs such as "Struggle in the City", "Remembering the Autumn of Beijing" and "Fragrance of Time", which were created by dance business cadres of Beijing Xicheng Cultural Center, vividly demonstrated the fruitful results of high-quality development of public cultural services in Xicheng District. In the chapter of "inter museum exchange and integration of aesthetic education", artists from Tongzhou District Cultural Center, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province were invited to perform. "Blue", "Lotus Plate Dance" and other works show the unique dance characteristics of Nantong, and also bring cultural experience across regions to the audience. The exchanges and cooperation between libraries not only broaden the vision and connotation of aesthetic education, but also promote the development of cultural undertakings in both places. In the chapter of "Exemplary Works Aesthetic Education Pilot", excellent young dancers such as Li Meijing and Qiao Yueyu were invited to perform, as well as excellent works such as "Two Rooms and One Hall", which won the national "Star Award", to bring a wonderful visual feast to the audience.



This activity not only improved the awareness and participation of public cultural services in Xicheng District, but also stimulated the creative enthusiasm and participation enthusiasm of dance lovers.





Editor in charge: Ji Jing (QC0003)

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